Reference Materials - “American Tianxia: Chinese Money, American Power and the End of History” by Prof. Salvatore Babones - March 14

Ordinarily, we include in this section of the bulletin-board book reviews from The New York Times, The Washington Post (and the Wall Street Journal if our focus book is economically oriented, and from one or two British newspapers if it is internationally oriented).

American Tianxia by Prof. Babones was NOT reviewed by any of these publications, nor in precious few other publications as implied by the paucity of review comments in the “Original Proposal” section of this bulletin board.

However, there are posted in this section one book review and, in chronological order, three articles on the topic by Prof. Babones himself --

(1) Book Review for Aspen Review by a Polish author of “The Bear Overshadowed by Dragon: Russia-China 1991-2014” (soon to be published in English), three books on Burma/Myanmar, and Russia and China: A Political Marriage of Convenience – Stable and Successful (Budrich 2017).

(2) A 6/22/2017 article in Foreign Affairs Magazine by Prof. Babones – “American Tianxia: When Chinese Philosophy Meets American Power” – NB: This was three months before publication of our focus book.

(3) A 12/31/2017 article in Forbes by Prof Babones – “Has China Hit Its Peak? How Demography, Economics & Geography Will Limit China's Growing Power In 2018.”

(4) A 1/25/2018 article in The Washington Post by Prof. Babones – “America has little to fear from a China-centered world.”

First Dept of Defense “National Defense Strategy” In More Than A Decade (released 1/19/2018)

The foregoing materials and our focus book should comprise interesting reference materials to read in connection with the first Defense Dept “National Defense Strategy” to be released in more than a decade.

It posits that China and Russia “are the main U.S. adversaries” with North Korea, Iran and terrorism taking a back seat.

Accordingly, there is also posted in this section --

(5) The Dept of Defense 1/19/2018 press release about the National Defense Strategy, following which is available for download an Adobe.pdf file containing the 11-page unclassified Official Summary of the National Defense Strategy.
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