Short Quiz - How To Change The World

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Short Quiz - How To Change The World

Post by johnkarls »

1. What famous historical figure constantly said: “Ideas create organizations and ideas blow them away”?

2. What is the Grameen Bank and who is Muhammad Yunus?

3. What is Ashoka and who is Bill Drayton?

4. What did Bill Clinton say about Bill Drayton in a speech at the Global Philanthropy Forum in 2007?

5. What is the difference between a commercial entrepreneur and a social entrepreneur?

6. What is the difference between an entrepreneur (commercial or social) and an inventor?

7. Given the vast amount of analysis of commercial entrepreneurs and the vast amount of study of them in business school curricula, why are social entrepreneurs ignored – their accomplishments being ascribed instead to “an idea whose time has come” or, if the social entrepreneur responsible for making the idea’s time come is identified, describing her/him as a “saint” with no analysis of what makes a saint “tick”?

8. What are the typical characteristics of such “saints” when they are finally analyzed by our author?

9. What are the typical characteristics of the organizations these “saints” create?

10. Do these “saints” have to scrounge around for financing or does their “sainthood” exempt them from having to deal with finances?

11. How many of the “saints” described in “How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas” had to fight a government to benefit its people?

12. How much better is it to have a social entrepreneur as President of the United States – both in terms of not having to fight the government and in terms of financial resources available?

13. With the election of President Obama, should social entrepreneurs retire and let him take care of everything?

14. Even if your answer to Question 12 is affirmative (and we hope it isn’t!!!), do you feel any responsibility for facilitating change in the rest of the world? After all, the vast majority of “saints” described in “How to Change the World” were engaged in “sainthood” outside the United States and many, if not most, were engaged in “sainthood” outside the country in which they were born and raised -- and even if you don’t feel well-enough established financially to take the plunge yet, what about donating to the “saints” who are scrounging for financing?

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