Short Quiz on SCt Reversal & The Jena Six

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Short Quiz on SCt Reversal & The Jena Six

Post by johnkarls »


(1) Why was the nation shocked by pictures coming from New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina??? Why should the nation have been surprised if, after all, similar pictures (except for the flooding) can be taken “any day of the week” in any major U.S. city???

(2) How did the NAACP Legal Defense Fund President link the 9/20/2007 March on Jena LA to the Supreme Court’s reversal of “Brown v. Board”???

(3) How did the Jena LA District Attorney originally charge “The Jena Six” despite their being minors??? Of what were they convicted??? Were the white students who started the imbroglio prosecuted for anything??? Why or why not???

(4) What was the factual setting addressed by the Supreme Court earlier this year when it reversed “Brown v. Board” school integration???

(5) What historically is the largest de facto affirmative-action program for African Americans??? And why won’t the Supreme Court dare touch it???

(6) How did housing patterns in the “Old South” (the 17 Confederate states) lead to the Supreme Court’s pre-1954 “separate but equal” line of cases???

(7) How are present-day housing patterns different, and how does that difference produce segregated K-12 education???

(8) How is K-12 education funded in America and what implications does that have for the perpetuation of a permanent American underclass???

(9) According to “identical twin studies” as reported in “The Bell Curve” (“identical twin studies” are the “Gold Standard” for ascertaining vis-à-vis any trait what is inherited and what is environmental, since such studies focus on sets of identical twins that are orphaned before age 12 months and raised in different environments), what happens to the measured IQ of the inner-city twin that is raised in a suburb (vs. the measured IQ of the identical twin adopted by another inner-city family)???

(10) What is the typical inner-city profile in terms of percentage of households headed by a single adult, percentage of single-adult households headed by a drug addict, and percentage of single-adult households headed by an addict who turns any receipts over to the dealer so the kids have to steal just in order to eat???

(11) What is the typical success for early-intervention programs, such as Head Start???

(12) What is the typical success for a long-term (say 3rd grade through high school graduation) program of tutoring and mentoring???


(1) If you were your African country’s Ambassador to the United Nations before 1964 and wanted to visit your country’s Ambassador to Washington, what had you better be prepared to do during your travel between NYC & Washington???

(2) How did The Hon. Thurgood Marshall (who, as General Counsel of the NAACP, successfully argued “Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka” in which the Supreme Court in 1954 overturned its old “separate but equal” line of cases and decided that “separate is inherently unequal” – and who later served on the Supreme Court 1967-1991) ANSWER CRITICS WHEN THEY ASKED WHY HE SENT HIS OWN CHILDREN (he had two = Thurgood Jr. and John W.) TO EXETER, ONE OF THE TOP 2-3 PRIVATE BOARDING SCHOOLS IN AMERICA, AND A NOTED IVY LEAGUE GATEWAY???

(2(a)) How is Thurgood Marshall’s “good parent” attitude reflected in the decision of most American families when they shop for a home in which to raise a family – producing what Kozol would call “Apartheid” housing and schooling across America???

(3) Since both the Union and Confederate Armies during the Civil War were integrated (albeit many African-Americans in the Confederate Army were slaves fighting side-by-side with their masters), and the U.S. Armed forces were segregated during World War II, how did they become segregated??? How did this turn the Democratic Party into the party of segregation until Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” realigned the parties once more???

Most answers are available on this bulletin board and/or from Reading Liberally’s recommended reading this month = Jonathan Kozol’s NY Times Bestseller “The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America.”

Suggested answers will be contained in next weekend’s regular weekly READing Liberally e-mail and, contemporaneously, on this bulletin board.

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