EXPIRED - Sanctuary Cities and The Death of Kate Steinle

Click here to view possible topics for future meetings. Participants of each monthly meeting vote for the topic of the next monthly meeting.

If you would like to suggest a topic, it is requested as a courtesy that your suggestion be posted here at least 24 hours in advance so that others will have time to give it proper consideration.

EXPIRATION. We have always had a rule that a Possible Topic remains active so long as it receives at least one vote every six meetings. However, if a possible-topic proposal contains a wealth of information that is worth preserving but has not received a vote for six consecutive meetings, it is retained but listed as “Expired."



Occasionally, a Proposed Topic for Future Meetings has a SHORT-TIME FUSE because a governmental unit is soliciting PUBLIC COMMENTS for a limited time period with a SPECIFIED DEADLINE.

Exhibit A would be the 8/5/2016 Proposed Topic entitled “Clone Rights -- Involuntary Soldiers, Sex Slaves, Human Lab Rats, Etc.”

We had already focused on this topic for our 4/9/2008 meeting more than 8 years ago when the PBS Newshour interviewed a Yale U. Biology Professor who had already created a “Chimaera” with 25% Human DNA and 75% Chimp DNA (Chimps are the animals that share the most DNA with humans).

The Yale U. Biology Professor stated that he was then (2008) in the process of creating a “Chimaera” with 50% Human DNA and 50% Chimp DNA, and that he planned to create in the near future (2008 et seq.) a “Chimaera” with 75% Human DNA and 25% Chimp DNA.

As our 4/9/2008 meeting materials posted on http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org disclose, Gwen Ifill who conducted the interview, was oblivious to the issue of the Nazi’s definition of a Jew based on the percentage of Jewish heritage and the Ante-Bellum American South’s definition of African-American based on the percentage of Sub-Saharan-African heritage.

But, even more appallingly, Gwen Ifill failed to ask the obvious question = What happens if the 50%-50% “Chimaera” then already being created happens to exhibit as DOMINANT TRAITS 100% Human DNA and as RECESSIVE TRAITS 100% Chimp DNA!!! Which, of course, would mean that Yale U. was treating as a lab rat a “Chimaera” that is 100% Human!!!

Unfortunately, the 8/5/2016 Proposed Topic was prompted by a Proposal from the National Institute of Health (NIH) which appeared in The Federal Register of 8/5/2016 and which had a 9/6/2016 deadline for public comments!!!

So our 9/14/2016 meeting, which was the first for which our focus had not already been determined as of 8/5/2016 under our normal rules, was too late.

So the reason for inaugurating this Short-Fuse Notice Section is to provide a Special Heads Up that a Proposed Topic has a Public-Comment Deadline that will occur before the first regular meeting date at which the topic can be discussed -- so that any of our readers who want to comply with the Public-Comment Deadline can contact the Proposer of the Topic in order to confer with anyone else who may be considering comments by the deadline.


1. Re “Clone Rights -- Involuntary Soldiers, Sex Slaves, Human Lab Rats, Etc.” (proposed 8/5/2016), although the 9/6/2016 public-comment deadline of the National Institute of Health (NIH) has passed, this Topic Proposal is still active. PLEASE NOTE ATTACHED TO THIS PROPOSAL THE 1/29/2017 UPDATE ENTITLED0 “HUMAN-PIG CHIMERAS -- DECENT BEHAVIOR DESPITE OPEN BARN DOOR.”

2. Re “Destroying Great Salt Lake To Grow Low-Profit Hay For China” (proposed 9/27/2016), there is a 10/24/2016 public-comment deadline that will occur before our first possible regular meeting (11/16/2016) at which this Proposed Topic could be considered.
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EXPIRED - Sanctuary Cities and The Death of Kate Steinle

Post by johnkarls »

I propose that we study Sanctuary Cities and The Death of Kate Steinle.


On 7/1/2015, Kathryn (“Kate”) Steinle, 32, was shot dead by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a Mexican citizen who was in the U.S. illegally. She had been walking with her father on San Fancisco’s Pier 14, a popular venue. She died there moments later in her father's arms.

The gun had been stolen from the car of a U.S. Bureau of Land Management Ranger who had been in San Francisco on business when it was stolen.

Lopez-Sanchez had been convicted of 7 felonies and had been deported 5 times.

He admitted being in San Francisco because of its status as a “Sanctuary City” which is loosely defined as a city that does NOT cooperate with U.S. immigration law or U.S. immigration agents.

Depending on who is doing the counting and the criteria used (such as whether the policy takes the form of a city ordinance such as San Francisco's or only takes the form of an unwritten policy such as Salt Lake City's), there are hundreds of such cities in the U.S.

In short, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) had begun processing Lopez-Sanchez for his sixth deportation when, on 3/26/2015, the San Francisco Sheriff obtained custody from the U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility at Victorville CA pursuant to an old drug warrant. ICE was only informed after the transfer and immediately issued an official Detainer Request for the prisoner to be returned when the Sheriff was through with him. On 3/27/2015, a San Francisco court dismissed the drug charge. On 4/15/2015, the San Francisco Sheriff decided to ignore the ICE Detainer Request and released Lopez-Sanchez onto the streets.

In the wake of the 7/1/2015 killing becoming a national scandal, San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee has blamed San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi who in turn claims that he was forced to do what he did by San Francisco’s Sanctuary City Ordinance.

Meanwhile, Gavin Newsome who has been California Lieutenant Governor since 2011 and is reported to have set his sights on succeeding Jerry Brown as Governor, immediately had removed from the official website of the City and County of San Francisco (http://sfgsa.org/index.aspx?page=1067) his February 2007 Executive Order 07-01 that he issued while serving as San Francisco Mayor (2004-2011) which “reaffirmed San Francisco's commitment to immigrant communities by issuing an Executive Order that called on City departments to develop protocol and training on the Sanctuary Ordinance” [the quotation comes from the official website].

Gavin Newsome’s removal of the text of his Executive Order from the official website was so clumsy that (1) he failed to remove the description quoted above, and (2) he failed to remove the cross-link to the text of his Executive Order (Mayor Gavin Newsom's Executive Order 07-01: Sanctuary City Policy (PDF)) which now, embarrassingly, produces the message: “Unfortunately the page you are looking for cannot be found or no longer exists”!!!

Full Disclosure

My daughter, Hilary Karls, lives in San Francisco and is the same age (32) that Kate Steinle was.

Discussion Issues

Obviously a zillion potential discussion issues spring readily to mind.

For example, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly started an on-line petition drive on 7/7/2015 to request Congress to enact what he dubbed “Kate’s Law” in the form of a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner whose text reads in total: “We, the undersigned, respectfully ask Congress to pass Kate's Law whereby undocumented aliens who are deported and return to the United States would receive a mandatory five year sentence in a federal penitentiary upon conviction.”

For me, a more important issue concerns all of the publicity before the 7/1/2015 death of Kate Steinle about how ICE has been concentrating on deporting Illegal Aliens who are criminals.

Because I don’t know (and don’t have time at the moment to chase this “rabbit”) whether an Illegal Alien who is arrested for a crime is immediately deported.

Or, alternatively, is prosecuted for the crime and, if convicted, serves her/his sentence before being deported.

If the former, it strikes me that the policy is insane because how is the foreign country to which the Illegal Alien is deported supposed to prosecute her/him for the crime allegedly committed in the U.S. since all the witnesses and evidence are here!!!

Obviously, such a policy would seem to guarantee, as a practical matter, that unlike a U.S. citizen who has committed a crime, the Illegal Alien is NOT prosecuted and is back on our streets in no time flat!!!

Reference Materials

There are and will be zillions of reference materials in the form of news articles.

However, here are some of the more significant documents that are offered for the reader’s immediate perusal --

(1) As a general introduction, here is a Wikipedia article entitled “Sanctuary City”
(71 KiB) Downloaded 147 times
(2) Here is the text of the Sanctuary Ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco
(3) In 2010, the State of Arizona enacted a state law dealing with Illegal Aliens.

The Obama Administration challenged the constitutionality of a state’s ability to deal with Illegal Aliens in a lawsuit over the 2010 Arizona law on the grounds that the U.S. Constitution grants the U.S. Government the sole power to enact and enforce (or not) immigration laws.

In Arizona vs. U.S., 567 U.S. ___, 132 S. Ct. 2492 (2012), the U.S. Supreme Court
rejected the Obama Administration in part and sustained the Obama Administration in part.

The Supreme Court refused to strike down Sec. 2(B) of the law which required Arizona officers to make a “reasonable attempt” to determine the immigration status of any person stopped, detained or arrested on a legitimate basis if there was “reasonable suspicion” that the detainee was an illegal alien -- the immigration status having to be determined before release using ICE data bases.

However, the Supreme Court did strike down three provisions of the Arizona law:

· Sec. 3 which made it a state crime to be unlawfully present in the U.S. and failing to register with the U.S. government.

· Sec. 5(C) which made it a state crime to seek work or to work without proper authorization.

· Sec. 6 which authorized warrantless arrests of persons on “probable cause” that they are illegal aliens.

Here is a copy of the Wikipedia article on Arizona vs. U.S.
(123 KiB) Downloaded 136 times
(4) Here is a copy of the text of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Arizona vs. U.S.
(326.95 KiB) Downloaded 135 times
(5) Here is a copy of the text of the Arizona law whose constitutionality was being litigated in Arizona vs. U.S.
(81.15 KiB) Downloaded 129 times

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Salt Lake City’s Unwritten Sanctuary City Policy

Post by Pat »

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Salt Lake City’s Unwritten Sanctuary City Policy
From: Pat
Date: Mon, July 13, 2015 12:07 am - MDT
To: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com

Dear John,

In your proposed topic entitled “Sanctuary Cities and The Death of Kate Steinle” you mention that the Sanctuary-City Policy of some cities such as San Francisco take the form of a city ordinance, and in other cities such as Salt Lake City the policy is unwritten.

What is your evidence that Salt Lake City has an unwritten Sanctuary-City Policy?

Your friend,


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: Salt Lake City’s Unwritten Sanctuary City Policy
From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
Date: Mon, July 13, 2015 1:54 am - MDT
To: Pat

Dear Pat,

As an initial matter, our group has always focused on national policy issues (and international issues insofar as they relate to U.S. national policy).

In our 9.5 years of existence, this is the first time that we will have focused (if this topic is selected) on a local issue. But we would be doing so because the local issue is pervasive and impacts U.S. national policy.

Accordingly, without wanting to be patronizing, it should be understood that the status of a particular city, such as Salt Lake City, should be viewed as irrelevant to our consideration.

That said, the following articles on KSL.com follow immediately below.

As you know, KSL owns the NBC television and radio stations in Salt Lake City. KSL is, in turn, owned by Bonneville International, the for-profit broadcasting arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka the LDS or Mormon Church).

Current SLC Mayor Ralph Becker and recently-resigned SLC Police Chief Chris Burbank are quoted extensively in the KSL.com articles in describing and supporting the unwritten SLC Sanctuary-City policy.

In the wake of the 7/1/2015 killing of Kate Steinle in San Francisco, Mayor Becker was asked at a campaign event (he is currently running for re-election) whether he still supports Salt Lake City’s unwritten Sanctuary-City policy and, since that policy is unwritten, what would have been the result if the facts surrounding Kate Steinle’s killing had happened in Salt Lake City -- except, of course, that the illegal alien was in the custody of the Salt Lake City police who report to Mayor Becker, rather than the Salt Lake County sheriff, who does not.

Mayor Becker responded that he still supports Salt Lake City’s Sanctuary-City policy, which he confirmed is unwritten, because it would be impossible for a local police force to protect the local population if witnesses to a crime refuse to report it for fear that their own immigration status will then be checked.

However, he did not get around to answering what the result would have been if the facts surrounding Kate Steinle’s killing had happened in Salt Lake City because another attendee of the campaign event interrupted Mayor Becker by asking him to define what a Sanctuary City is which, of course, does not have a definition because it is such a loose concept covering the practices of several hundred American cities.

Your friend,

John K.


Congressman wants to penalize Salt Lake for being illegal immigration 'sanctuary'
By Andrew Adams - May 11th, 2011 @ 6:58pm

SALT LAKE CITY — A Pennsylvania congressman has proposed legislation to cut the federal purse strings to more than 100 cities, including Salt Lake City, which he contends are refusing to enforce federal immigration laws.

But Salt Lake leaders aren't flinching.

Rep. Lou Barletta, a Republican, says the so-called “sanctuary cities” are adding to the nation’s immigration problems, and wants to withhold all federal funding until they fall in line.

“Now we have mayors who are providing safe havens for (illegal immigrants) so they cannot get caught,” Barletta said Wednesday. “That’s aiding and abetting and that’s a crime in itself.”

Salt Lake Police Chief Chris Burbank disagrees with the “sanctuary label” as well as the legislation.

“Are you qualifying a city as a sanctuary city as a city that cares for the civil rights of all individuals and protects those rights?” Burbank asked.

Burbank said Salt Lake City deports more criminal illegal immigrants than any other agency in Utah, but it’s not the role of police to actively look into the immigration status of law-abiding residents.

“As long as we narrowly focus, as we always have in the past and should continue to in the future, on criminal activity, then I’m fine,” Burbank said, “Everyone else in the state falls far below the standard that Salt Lake City P.D. has set as far as deporting criminals.”

Burbank also raised the concern of placing civil law above criminal law as an enforcement priority.

“There’s no congressional act to make us enforce rape or homicide or robbery charges against anybody, but in fact we’re going to go to all this effort and say the most important thing for a police agency in this country to do is enforce civil law,” Burbank said. “We’re running far astray from what the mission of local police officers is.”

Barletta and his office came up with the number of “more than 100 sanctuary cities” by referencing several online compilations. Staffers said the Ohio Jobs and Justice PAC had the most complete list. That list names Salt Lake City and Provo, though Provo has the footnote that city leaders contacted the PAC to say “it has no desire to be a sanctuary for illegal aliens.” As of last August, the proprietors of the site noted they were trying to verify that claim.

Barletta has asked the Congressional Research Service to compile its own list for the purposes of his bill. He also formed a new immigration reform caucus last week, featuring only congressional freshmen.

“Illegal immigration is one of the many problems that we came to Washington — at least I did — to fix,” Barletta said. “Just enforce the laws we have and I think we’ll see this problem diminish.”

Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker was unavailable Wednesday, and a staffer said the office had no comment.

On Tuesday, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order halting enforcement of a new immigration law that Utah legislators passed this year. The law would require law enforcement to ask the legal status of people arrested for felonies and class A misdemeanors and those booked into jail on class B and class C misdemeanors.

Burbank expressed concerns about that measure.

“There’s no support system or no resources in order to enable local law enforcement to conduct that mission,” Burbank said. “Plus, I think there’s been a tremendous lack of evaluation into whether or not we should conduct this type of effort.”

Barletta raised his own issues with Utah’s and Arizona’s immigration laws.

“There needs to be a uniform approach to how we’re dealing with this,” Barletta said. “The fact that states like Utah and Arizona and so many others are taking action is because of the federal government not doing its job. Once the federal government does that and enforces the laws we want — I believe the American people want enforcement, not reform — and just enforce the laws that we have, I think we’ll see this problem diminish. We’ll see attrition through enforcement of the laws we already have.”

http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=1474098 ... -related-1

Utah governor signs immigration bills into law
By KSL.com – March 15, 2015 @ 5:16 pm
Story written by Marjorie Cortez and John Daley.

SALT LAKE CITY — Surrounded by supporters urging the federal government to tackle illegal immigration, Gov. Gary Herbert signed into law Tuesday a series of bills passed by the Utah Legislature that have been described as a "Utah solution" to the issue.

"Utah is doing the right thing, is doing the hard thing. Doing nothing is not an option," Herbert said in a brief signing ceremony in the Capitol's Gold Room attended by business, legislative and religious leaders, including Presiding Bishop H. David Burton of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Asked by a reporter for the LDS Church's public position on the immigration bills, Bishop Burton said the Church had endorsed the Utah Compact. "We feel that the Legislature has done an incredible job on a very complex issue," Burton said. "Our presence here testifies to the fact that we're appreciative of what has happened in the Legislature."

The bills Herbert signed include new measures for enforcement, a guest worker program, a migrant worker partnership with Mexico, employee verification and employer sanctions.

Citizens, leaders continue to voice opposition

Opponents who argue the bills are unconstitutional and would grant amnesty to illegal immigrants were not at the Capitol, although they had been pressuring the governor in past week to veto the bills.

GOP delegates gathered 4,500 signatures urging the governor to veto the bill, calling the move "the worst insult" to legal residents "ever received by their sitting governor."

"We cannot support any of our elected leaders who have either supported this bill, drafted this bill or signed it," said GOP delegate Brandon Beckham.

Meanwhile, Legal Immigrants for Illegal Immigration Enforcement decried Herbert's decision to sign the bills, particularly HB116, the guest worker bill.

Arturo Morales-Llan, a GOP delegate and coalition founder, said in a statement that the Herbert's signature of HB116 "is the worst insult the legal residents of Utah have ever received by their sitting governor! HB116 is typical Washington-style politics and we condemn its practice by our elected officials. This new law puts a stamp of approval on illegal immigration and those who come into this country illegally. This fatally flawed law confirms that Utah is a sanctuary state."

Morales-Llan said Herbert chose to ignore the will of the people. An online petition to veto HB116, which was signed by 4,500 people, "made it clear that they do not approve of HB116 and would rather see enforcement of laws against illegal immigration."

The Legislature's own attorneys have deemed the guest worker and immigrants sponsorship programs unconstitutional, meaning the state would need a waiver from the federal government to put them into practice.

Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff said he has been in discussions with the Obama administration regarding the state's desire to work cooperatively with the federal government to obtain the necessary waivers, exemptions or authorizations to implement the Utah laws, which will not go into effect until July 2013.

The eyes of the nation are on the "reddest of the red states" for its take on reforming immigration laws, Shurtleff said. "They are looking at Utah as a model to do that," he said.

Leaders criticize federal government

While the governor and legislative leaders commended the process and the goodwill of divergent voices in seeking compromise on the package of bills, all called out the federal government for shirking its responsibility in addressing the issue.

"It's time you (federal government) step up and do what you're constitutionally mandated to do," said Rep. Curtis Bramble, R-Provo.

Already, state lawmakers had reached out to Utah's congressional delegation to urge their assistance in seeking the needed waivers to put Utah law into effect. More so, they want Congress to provide federal solutions to the issues.

In a letter to Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, legislative leaders urged him, as a member of the congressional delegation, to "help the State of Utah in obtaining the necessary waivers, exemptions or authorizations required to establish the Guest Worker Program in accordance with this bill."

The letter goes on to say, "Naturally, we would prefer that the United States Congress craft a workable solution to the nation's immigration issues. Absent that, the next best option is to allow states the freedom to innovate and build policies that would work locally and my provide insight to the rest of the nation."

Bills result of much compromise

Herbert, who described the issue of immigration as "difficult, emotional and complex," acknowledged that not all the key players in the legislative debate and community were pleased with final package of bills. "I suspect all of us up here don't agree with everything that's in each and every bill," he said referring the lawmakers, community leaders, business representatives and religious leaders who attended the bill signing.

Senate President Mike Waddoups said legislation was a testament to the give-and-take process of making laws. "The end product you see on the table today that the governor is about to sign is not where we began," Waddoups said.

Waddoups said the new laws did not grant amnesty nor would they result in racial profiling. The bills were not carbon copies of bills passed in Arizona, Oklahoma or Missouri. "We're not following the path. We have a Utah solution."

House Speaker Rebecca Lockhart said she was proud of lawmakers who "rolled up their sleeves" and took on one of most vexing issues of the day amid intense criticism from people "who had no answers of their own."

"Utah has taken the lead and I'm proud of us for asking the tough questions," she said.

Police chief discusses immigration

Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank, responding to the bill signing, said he looks forward to the day that Congress provides a federal solution to the nation's immigration issues.

The immigration debate itself has been divisive and hurtful. "It's brought racial hatred to the surface and police are caught in the middle."

Burbank said an illegal immigrant injured in an industrial accident died because his friends were afraid to seek emergency treatment for fear they would be turned over to immigration authorities.

That makes Burbank wonder how many other people fear contacting police when they are victims of crime. "We (law enforcement) should be there for everybody. If we're not, we're not doing our job," Burbank said.

http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=1091700 ... -related-2

Salt Lake police chief to talk immigration with US attorney general
May 25th, 2010 @ 8:55pm
Story compiled with contributions from Marc Giauque and Nicole Gonzales.

SALT LAKE CITY -- Chiefs of Police from around the country, including Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank, will meet Wednesday with U.S. Attorney General Mark (sic) Holder to talk about their concerns surrounding Arizona's controversial immigration law.

The law requires that police officers question people about their immigration status if they have reason to believe those people are in the country illegally.

Burbank is among a number of police executives concerned that the law will drive a wedge between the community and police and damage relations many departments have been working to improve.

Burbank was not available for comment Tuesday, but his office confirmed he is traveling to Washington, D.C., for the Wednesday meeting.

On May 2, Burbank reacted to talk of a similar law in Utah.

"We're going to ask our police officers to do something that, in my mind, questions or falls close to being unconstitutional," Burbank said.

He continued, "Any time that we engage in policing based on race, based on ethnicity, language, gender -- there is a whole list of things -- but if we are taking enforcement action using those as criteria for taking different enforcement action with different people, well then that's wrong."

Burbank will be joined by three police chiefs from Arizona -- including the Phoenix and Tucson chiefs, as well as John Harris of Sahuarita, who is president of Arizona's Association of Police Chiefs.

Police chiefs from the Los Angeles and San Jose California police departments will attend, as well as police chiefs from Philadelphia, Houston, Minneapolis and Montgomery County, Md.

"It's an honor for our city to have him represent us in an important policy issue like this," Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker said Tuesday.

The mayor is on the same page as Burbank when it comes to this immigration law. Both Burbank and Becker feel the law would divide a city and make policing difficult.

"Our first job, first and foremost, is to protect our community and have people feel secure and safe in our community, and to do that without discriminating," Becker said.

Meanwhile, state Rep. Steve Sandstrom, R-Orem, has filed a bill in Utah similar to Arizona's. Lawmakers in about a dozen other states are doing the same.

Sandstrom says there are a lot of police agencies, including many in Arizona, who support the law. He said it gives them another tool to help them do their job to enforce the law.

Supporters of the effort say a law is needed to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.

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Bill O’Reilly and The Law Of Unintended Consequences

Post by solutions »

The “Discussion Issues” section of this topic proposal mentions the petition of Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that he dubbed “Kate’s Law” and that takes the form of a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner whose text reads in total: “We, the undersigned, respectfully ask Congress to pass Kate's Law whereby undocumented aliens who are deported and return to the United States would receive a mandatory five year sentence in a federal penitentiary upon conviction.”

Has there been a study whether three square meal a day, free medical care, exercise facilities, English language instruction and free job training might be an attractive enough magnet to the world’s down and out that a wave of illegal immigration would be created???

And has the Bi-Partisan Congressional Budget Office done its job of putting a price tag on such a legislative proposal before it is voted upon???

Hint to the CBO -- since we always seem to underestimate the effect on illegal immigration of policies coming out of Washington, perhaps you could take more seriously your responsibility this time as you calculate the cost of providing 5 years of free services to whatever number you pick out of the air as the size of the wave of illegal immigrants that will be caused by Bill O’Reilly’s proposal.

It would appear that Bill O'Reilly's problem is that he assumes everyone in the world is just like he is. And that if he wouldn't like to spend 5 years in a federal penitentiary, then nobody else would either.

Indeed, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, the Illegal Immigrant who killed Kate Steinle on 7/1/2015, has been quoted as saying that he wouldn't mind being convicted of the murder charge!!!

If the quotation is accurate, has anyone asked him the obvious follow-up question of whether the alleged statement is motivated by a sense of remorse, or whether the alleged statement is motivated by the prospect of how ATTRACTIVE an all-expenses paid lifestyle in Federal Prison MIGHT SEEM TO JUAN FRANCISCO LOPEZ-SANCHEZ???

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