This week's media links to the murderous Mexican drug wars

Please press here for the Discussion Outline.

Although our focus will be Murder City: Ciudad Juarez and the Global Economy's New Killing Fields by Charles Bowden, our policy has always been that everyone is welcome to attend and participate, even if s/he hasn't had time to read the suggested materials. This is especially true this time (please read on!!!) --

Utah Owl (aka June Taylor), who recommended Murder City, has written the Discussion Outline.

Her 2.5-page discussion outline is really a CALL TO ACTION on three policy questions = (1) whether to halt the war on drugs as having been a disaster, (2) whether to re-negotiate the North-American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as having been a disaster, and (3) whether to change U.S. immigration policy to ameliorate the effects on the Mexican population of Items 1 and 2.

There is a good chance that our discussion will result in one of our SIX-DEGREES-OF-SEPARATION e-mail campaigns. And although some of us may be skeptics, there is no question that the Democratic Party would not be in the sad shape it is in today if President Obama had decided to accept one of our dozen SIX-DEGREES-OF-SEPARATION e-mail campaigns since he took office = Eliminating Unemployment With A National-Security Work Force (12/12/2009).

That recommendation last year would have REDUCED UNEMPLOYMENT TO ZERO. The simple Roosevelt-style concept was to extend unemployment benefits so that there would be no time limits at all –- but recipients would work for those benefits by manufacturing solar panels. Recipients would also be granted unlimited time off for job interviews to rejoin the private economy.

Ask yourself whether you think President Obama, Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi would admit that the current election outlook would be much brighter IF THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE HAD BEEN REDUCED TO ZERO!!!

And then join us this coming Wednesday evening to discuss June’s just-as-vital issues facing our nation.

[If you would like to inspect our 12/12/2009 recommendation for Eliminating Unemployment With A National-Security Work Force or any of our other dozen or so SIX-DEGREES-OF-SEPARATION e-mail campaigns, please scroll below.]
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This week's media links to the murderous Mexican drug wars

Post by UtahOwl »

This topic seems to be timely: Here are 2 links to this week's media, covering the War Over Drugs south of our border:
(I) The News of The Week section of Sunday's NYT (Oct 17) devoted a page to "scenes from a drug war":
Incidences of drug-related violence in Mexico and on the border continue to make news. We tend to hear about the crimes that touch American lives — like the reported killing of a man riding a Jet Ski on the Rio Grande. What we don’t hear as much about is how drugs and violence shape the everyday lives of Mexicans. So here are dispatches from four writers on how drug trafficking has changed their parts of the country. They were translated by Kristina Cordero from the Spanish. ... ico&st=cse

(II) On Point radio, host Tom Ashbrook covered much of the same ground as Bowden's Cuidad Juarez, with additional fascinating question "Why is foreign capital investment in Mexico very high, at the same time the country is showing dangerous signs of breakdown in law and order?"
The headlines from Mexico are fierce, frightening, and – if you listen closely – a little confusing.
Here are a few of those stories: mass murder, drug war, kidnapping, an American jet-skier killed by gangs on the border, investigator beheaded, whispers of civil war – and foreigners pouring money into Mexico. Then there’s the story that a hundred tons of U.S.-bound marijuana was seized yesterday in Tijuana. A Pentagon study warns of a Mexican “collapse.” And yet, Mexico’s stock market is at an all-time high.
We go into the gruesome headlines and beyond – what is going on in Mexico?
You can hear yet another Drug Czar, Barry McCaffrey, retired four-star general in the U.S. Army and director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Clinton, opine on the state of Mexico and why we should keep on keeping on with the War on Drugs.
There is no transcript, but clicking on the Listen To This Show link will bring up the hour's audio on a media player. Or you can download the Podcast - a media file you can listen to on your Mac or iPhone(click the iTunes link) or your PC or NotTheiPhone by downloading the mp3 audio file.

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