What caused this mess, and why am I in this handbasket??

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What caused this mess, and why am I in this handbasket??

Post by UtahOwl »

I had the opportunity to see the documentary "The Flaw" last week. I highly recommend this film to anyone interested in WHY the American economy appears to have changed in the past 25 years into one that "works over, rather than for" 98% of Americans. (It's going to be shown several more times at Sundance venues.)
Taking for its title Greenspan's description [testifying to Congress in 2008]that he'd found a flaw in his model of how the world worked, THE FLAW attempts to explain the underlying causes of the crisis in more depth than any documentary to date....The film shows how excessive income inequality in society leads to economic instability. At a time when economic theory and public policy is being re-examined this film reminds us that without addressing the root causes of the crisis the system may collapse again and next time it may not be possible for governments to rescue it.
What sets this film apart is its examination of the why, rather than the how, of our recent catastrophic market failure.
The director, David Sington, is an Englishman, a Tory, & an experienced director of documentaries; the thesis of the film comes mostly from the thesis work of the young economic historian, Lewis Hyman, who published them Jan 2011 in the book Debtor Nation.

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