Pope's New Book Makes The Case AGAINST Blood Guilt

Normally we post under “Reference Materials,” among other things, any book reviews from the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post. “Freedom From Religion” does not appear to have been reviewed in any of these three publications – though we have posted for “Original Proposal” (before one even clicks on it for the postings in that category) the very-intriguing quotation of the former ACLU President (1991-2008) and current NYU Law Professor regarding “Freedom From Religion.”


By way of background, Q&A No 8 posted as part of the monthly Short Quiz under “Participant Comments” stated –

(1) The Roman Catholic Doctrine of "Blood Guilt" held that every Jew alive at any point in time including the present, is responsible for the death of Christ.

(2) It is politically incorrect to notice that The Holocaust was proper under the Roman Catholic Doctrine of "Blood Guilt"!!!

(3) However, one of Germany's most famous trial lawyers, Weddig Fricke, wrote a famous book on the subject = "The Court Martial of Jesus: A Christian Defends The Jews Against The Charge Of Deicide." Fricke wrote the book in the wake of defending a person who had killed 9 Jews in a concentration camp as a "wonderful Grandfather" whose only fault was being misled by his Roman Catholic religion. [Only the northern half of Germany is Lutheran, while the southern half has always remained Roman Catholic.]

(4) According to Fricke, the Roman Catholic Church did not abandon its Doctrine of "Blood Guilt" until 1961 - 16 years after the end of World War II.


The first posting in this “Reference Materials” section is from a 3/2/2011 Transcript of MacNeil-Lehrer (aka The PBS News Hour With Jim Lehrer) in which the last item in the News Wrap mentions that Pope Benedict XVI’s new book “Jesus of Nazareth: Part II, Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection” will be released on March 11, 2011 – AND MAKES THE CASE AGAINST BLOOD GUILT!!!

According to The PBS News Hour (which apparently received an advance copy), the Pope states that the Doctrine of Blood Guild was renounced by the Catholic Church in 1965 – apparently Weddig Fricke’s 1961 renunciation date must have been an earlier unofficial renunciation.

The PBS News Hour does not indicate whether the Pope acknowledges that the Roman Catholic Church’s Doctrine of Blood Guilt caused (or at least contributed to) the World War II Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were killed.

However, it is interesting to note that virtually all of the Roman Catholic countries [e.g., France, Poland, Austria and Germany (though only the southern half of Germany was and is Roman Catholic, Hitler was born and raised in Austria which is 100% Roman Catholic)] eagerly volunteered their Jews to Hitler’s death camps, and only in the Protestant countries of Northern Europe (e.g., Denmark and Holland) was their substantial resistance to doing so.
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Pope's New Book Makes The Case AGAINST Blood Guilt

Post by johnkarls »

MacNeil-Lehrer (aka The PBS Newshour With Jime Lehrer)
Transcript – Wednesday, March 2, 2011
News Wrap With Hari Sreenivasan – Last Item


“Pope Benedict XVI has now proclaimed in a new book that the Jewish people were not to blame for the death of Jesus. The Vatican officially adopted that position in 1965. In his book ‘Jesus of Nazareth Part II,’ Benedict makes his own case by asking, ‘How could the whole people have been present at this moment of the crucifixion to clamor for Jesus' death?’

“A Holocaust survivors group said today the pope's statement helps by confirming that view for a new generation of Catholics.”

Per www.VaticanRadio.org, (1) the book will be released on March 10, 2011 and (2) its official title = Jesus of Nazareth: Part II, Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection.

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Re: Pope's New Book Makes Jay Leno's Monologue

Post by Pat »

The Pope's new book and the apparent fact that it makes the case AGAINST holding all Jews, including those currently living, responsible for the death of Christ made The Tonight Show last night (Thursday, March 3rd) 7 minutes into Jay Leno's monologue.

The "set up" in Jay Leno's monologue =

"In his new book, Pope Benedict exonerates the Jews for the killing of Jesus."

Jay Leno's "punch line" =

“Well not a moment to soon, huh??? A good thing they nipped that in the bud!!! You know those things can fester over years!!! Whew, a good thing that’s settled!!!”

Obviously, Jay Leno's staff who survey the current news for supposedly-humorous material from which they prepare his jokes are NOT history buffs!!!

Otherwise they would have realized that the joke is in very poor taste!!!

"About 75 years too late!!!" would have been more accurate!!! But even Jay Leno's young staff would then have realized that The Holocaust was one of history's greatest tragedies!!! And certainly no laughing matter!!!

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