6-22-2011 "Heads Up" to Jonathan Kozol

The previous section of this bulletin board includes copies of 4 letters over 2 years to President Obama and 20 other US & California governmental officials imploring each to cause Amicus Curiae briefs to be filed on behalf of 10 million inner-city children. Each of the 4 letters, using President Obama as an example, began with:

Dear Mr. President:

Re: $84 Billion Legally Pledged For Education of Californian Inner-City Children Rapidly Slipping Away Due To Judicial Improprieties – AMICUS BRIEFS UNDER US SUPREME COURT RULE 37(2) NEEDED URGENTLY!!!

The previous section also includes copies of 4 letters over 2 years to 43 news-media superstars. Each of the 4 letters, using Gwen Ifill as an example, began with:

Dear Ms. Ifill:

Re: $84 Billion Legally Pledged For Education of Californian Inner-City Children Rapidly Slipping Away Due To Judicial Improprieties – EQUAL PROTECTION BY THE MEDIA URGENTLY NEEDED!!!

“Equal Protection of the Media” recognizes that the only practical way to get the US Supreme Court to agree to hear an appeal is what David Boies always does vis-à-vis his litigation, such as his current gay-rights litigation = get the media to report on his cases. Indeed, the first letter to the 43 news-media superstars cited CNN broadcasts re the gay-rights litigation as trumpeting “the Supreme Court justices do not live in a vacuum -- they are influenced by media reporting in deciding whether an issue is so important that the Court should accept an appeal.”

The letters informed the 21 governmental officials and 43 news-media superstars of the “Question Presented For Review” by the U.S. Supreme Court =

“Can state court judges order their decisions which they know are diametrically-opposed to well-settled law, not to be published or cited (a strategy labeled ‘the segregated toilet’ in correspondence with 51 inner-city clergy who represent the 10 million inner-city children who have been disclosed from the outset as the ‘real parties at interest’ in this law suit) in order to flush away the rights of the 10 million inner-city children without disturbing the rights of first-class American citizens -- without violating the ‘Equal Protection of the Law’ requirement of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?”

None of the 21 governmental officials or 43 news-media superstars did anything to save the 10 million inner-city children EVEN THOUGH EACH OF THEM KNEW THAT A SINGLE AMICUS BRIEF OR A SINGLE NEWS-MEDIA ITEM MIGHT HAVE BEEN SUFFICIENT TO SAVE THE CHILDREN.

The previous section contains copies of reference materials through 6/15/2011 -- the date of the last set of letters to the 21 governmental officials and 43 news-media superstars to inform them that the Petition for Certiorari (request to agree to hear an appeal) had just been filed with the US Supreme Court.

This section of the bulletin board contains subsequent letters to --

Jonathan Kozol (6/22/11) to provide him a “heads up” that “Inner-City Holocaust and America’s Apartheid ‘Justice’ System” was being written in his honor.

Marcia Coyle (6/29/2011), the PBS News Hour’s regular Supreme Court reporter/analyst.

Marc Morial (7/28/2011), CEO of the National Urban League with a copy to his wife, Michelle Miller, CBS News super-star.

Also included is the final report to each of the 51 inner-city clergy from San Francisco, Los Angeles and Oakland who had been supporting the cause to (A) inform them that the US Supreme Court on 10/4/2011 refused to hear our appeal, (B) thank them for their efforts with the solace that each of us would be able to say at The Pearly Gates with St. Paul (II Timothy 4:7): “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” and (C) request them and their congregants to pray for the 43 news-media superstars, the 21 governmental officials, the California judges and the U.S. Supreme Court Justices, that MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON THEIR SOULS!!!
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6-22-2011 "Heads Up" to Jonathan Kozol

Post by johnkarls »

Here is a copy of the 6/22/2011 letter to Jonathan Kozol to provide him a "Heads Up" that "Inner-City Holocaust and America's 'Apartheid' Justice System" was being written in his honor.

(38.5 KiB) Downloaded 425 times
Saboteurs deleted the foregoing document on 2/18/2022 - Here is a restoration -
Mr. Kozol did not register any objection.

Mr. Kozol was later provided a copy of the 10/5/2011 final report the the 51 inner-city clergy who had supported the cause, together with a brief cover note thanking Mr. Kozol for all the work he had done over nearly half a century on behalf of America's inner-city children.

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