Answers to Short Quiz Re - Is War With Iran Inevitable?

The first posting is by "solutions" and comprises the book review by the Wall Street Journal (probably Israel's strongest supporter in the American media) of "Failure Is Not An Option" by John Bolton (U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control (2001-2005) and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-20006)). The fourth posting is the "Face the Nation" transcript for Nov. 25 re Condi Rice's Mideast Peace Conference involving 50 nations at Camp David and the inter-relationship between the conference and War on Iran/Iraq/Terror.
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Answers to Short Quiz Re - Is War With Iran Inevitable?

Post by johnkarls »

Question 1. About what major Democratic Presidential candidate did “Face the Nation”’s Bob Shieffer, in his introduction last Sunday (Nov 11), say that he or she “appears to be just as belligerent/militant toward Iran” as the Republican candidates who “seem to be competing to provide the most emphatic sound bite that they will stop at nothing to insure that Iran does not obtain nuclear weapons”?

Answer 1. Hillary Clinton.

Question 2. What will be the immediate reaction of at least 6 Arab nations in the Middle East (including Saudi Arabia and Egypt) if Persian Iran develops nuclear weapons?

Answer 2. They will immediately develop their own nuclear weapons. In this regard, they would not trust the U.S. “nuclear umbrella” just like Charles de Gaulle who had France withdraw from NATO and develop its own nuclear weapons because he did not believe the Soviet Union would be deterred by the dubious (at least in de Gaulle’s view) proposition that the U.S. would actually make good on its promise of a nuclear holocaust if the Soviet Union attacked Western Europe.

Question 3. What do Iran’s chief cleric, Ayatollah Khamenei, and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mean when they continually refer to Israel as “a one-bomb state”?

Answer 3. That Iran will be able to destroy Israel with one nuclear weapon.

Question 4. Do all good Muslims have a mortal fear of “The Judgment Day”?

Answer 4. Yes, all good Muslims have a mortal fear of The Judgment Day.

Question 5. Do good Muslims believe there is any way to by-pass “The Judgment Day”?

Answer 5. They believe martyrs by-pass The Judgment Day (as do 72 friends/relatives selected by the martyr).

Question 6. How many million Americans does Osama bin Laden’s fatwa require to be killed by nuclear weapons?

Answer 6: 10 million

Question 7. What is the crucial difference between the way the Founding Dean of Harvard U’s Kennedy School of Government proposes to deal with Osama’s fatwa, and the approach of former U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Chairmen Sam Nunn (D-GA) and Richard Lugar (R-IN) in which Kean/Hamilton (9/11 Commission Ch & Co-Ch) concur?

Answer 8. Dean Graham Allision believes that it is sufficient to keep track of all of the world’s fissile materials (similar to the way that the world’s nations safeguard gold), while Messrs. Nunn, Lugar, Kean and Hamilton believe that this approach is “locking the barn after the horse is out” and that it is only possible to delay temporarily terrorist nuclear attacks on the U.S. through maximizing our intelligence efforts.

Question 8. How has current Sen Fgn Rel Ch & Presidential Candidate Joe Biden proposed to react to any nation whose fissile materials are used by terrorists in a nuclear attack on the U.S.?

Answer 8. Chairman/Candidate Biden has proposed massive nuclear retaliation!!!

Question 9. Who do Stanford Prof. William Perry (Pres. Clinton’s Sec/Defense) and Harvard Prof. Ashton Carter (Clinton’s Ass’t Sec/Def for Intl Security Policy) believe should be in charge of coping with the aftermath of a terrorist nuclear attack on the U.S. – rather than traditional “first responders”? What do Perry/Ashton, in their proposal, take a swipe at?

Answer 9.

Professors Perry and Carter believe that only the U.S. military has sufficient knowledge of how to deal with nuclear attacks (from battlefield training) to be able to deal with all of the nuclear issues (e.g., radiation) in the aftermath of a terrorist nuclear attack on the U.S.

In their Op. Ed. piece proposing federal legislation to place the U.S. military in charge of dealing with a terrorist nuclear attack, Professors Perry and Carter also “take a swipe” at Chairman/Candidate Biden’s proposal for massive nuclear retaliation against any country whose fissile materials are used in a terrorist nuclear attack on the U.S.

Question 10. How many suitcase-size nuclear weapons are missing from the old Soviet Union and presumed to be already in the hands of terrorists?

Answer 10. 178 (NB: that if any of these 178 suitcase-size nuclear weapons is used in a terrorist attack on the U.S., Chairman/Candidate Biden’s proposal would require a massive nuclear attack on Russia even though the weapons have long since left Russian control – though this is not the sole, or even main, reason for which Professors Perry and Carter blast Biden!!!)

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