Second Short Quiz

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Second Short Quiz

Post by johnkarls »


1. Is Prof. Stiglitz (our author) an intentional racist or an inadvertent racist?

2. Are Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis (who star together in “Won’t Back Down” currently playing in first-run movie theaters) good examples of inadvertent racists?

3. Who is Jonathan Kozol?

4. Is Jonathan Kozol, American educator and award-winning author for his many books on inner-city education (or lack thereof) over the last 50 years, correct that America has an Apartheid Society equivalent to that of the old South Africa?

5. Are the facts that 1/6 of all Americans live below the poverty line and that the U.S. government has constantly reported for the last 50 years that 30% of Americans are illiterate in terms of being unable to even read the warning label on a can of rat poison, some of the tell-tale signs that America has created a Permanent Under-Caste?

6. Is another tell-tale sign of America’s Permanent Under-Caste the fact that America always ranks at the bottom of the list of developed countries in terms of health measurements (average life expectancy, infant mortality, etc.) and education measurements (test scores, high school graduation rates, percentage of college graduates, etc.)? That America would probably rank at the top of such lists if its Permanent Under-Caste were excluded from the statistics?

7. Are Prof. Sitglitz and his 1%-vs.-99% concept a fraud for purporting to represent the Permanent Under-Caste as part of the 99%?

8. In other words, isn’t Prof. Stiglitz “looking through the wrong end of the telescope” by focusing on the 1% when any decent human being would be focusing on America’s Permanent Under-Caste and what can be done about it?

9. Does Prof. Sitglitz not only fail to focus on a major part of the 99% he claims to represent, but he doesn’t even seem to be aware in his chapter on the American judiciary and the “rule of law” how badly it treats America’s Permanent Under-Caste?

10. Who was John Howard Griffin?

11. What was the Question Presented for Review in U.S. Supreme Court Petition for Writ of Certiorari (request to accept an appeal) in Karls vs. Bank of New York, et. al., which was denied by the Supreme Court on 10/4/2011? [Hint = the answer appears in the ninth paragraph of the fourth section of this Bulletin Board.]

12. Is the racism of Prof. Stiglitz, whether intentional or inadvertent, and the inadvertent racism of Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis in “Won’t Back Down,” the result of the efforts of Bill and Melinda Gates and their foundation to promote "school choice" and thereby give permission to mainstream America to blame its inner-city residents themselves for being members of the Permanent Under-Caste, RATHER THAN DOING THE HEAVY LIFTING THAT WOULD BE REQUIRED TO ACTUALLY SOLVE THE PROBLEM, THEREBY CONDEMNING ANOTHER GENERATION OF INNER-CITY CHILDREN TO A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH???

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