Short Quiz

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Short Quiz

Post by johnkarls »


Background Questions From Our Previous Studies

1. Like the ancient Mayans and Aztecs, does the Mainstream American Media regularly advocate Human Sacrifice? Are these Human Sacrifices of American citizens?

2. Since public opinion polls in Arab and other Islamic countries, both before and after 9/11, have regularly shown that the United States is virtually-universally despised (and that following 9/11, Osama bin Laden has been lionized), is the Mainstream American Media’s regular advocacy of Human Sacrifice of American citizens based on the eternal and omnipresent human philosophy that “my shit doesn’t stink” (please pardon my French!!!)???

3. Was water-boarding whenever considered necessary to save American lives, the official policy of the Clinton Administration per Tim Russert when he moderated the first 2008-cycle Presidential Debate at Dartmouth College on 9/28/2007?

4. Did the Obama Administration water-board the terrorist Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame when he was held for two months on an American naval vessel in international waters according to the NY Times Lead Editorial on 6/16/2011?

5. Did the Obama Administration risk the acquittal of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani on all 285 charges because of its refusal to let an American court consider for the first time whether water-boarding constitutes “torture”?

6. When on 10/6/2010, U.S. District Court (SDNY) Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, in Ghailani’s trial excluded all evidence obtained by water-boarding A DIFFERENT TERRORIST because the Obama Administration refused to let the Court consider whether water-boarding constituted “torture” as a threshold question in deciding whether Ghailani had the right to exclude evidence from water-boarding SOMEONE ELSE, was there really no risk that Ghailani would be acquitted of all 285 charges (he was in fact acquitted of 284 of the 285 charges) because the U.S. Department of Justice had already had to admit to Judge Kaplan that the Obama Administration would not have released Ghailani even if he were acquitted of all 285 charges?

7. Did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s confirmation on Meet The Press on 11/21/2010 that the trial of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was meaningless because he would have continued to be imprisoned for life as an “enemy combatant” even if acquitted of all 285 criminal charges, signify that it was a “Show Trial” in the tradition of the old Soviet Union?

8. Does the Obama Administration’s assassination-by-drone program constitute “torture” when it only succeeds in maiming the target for life?

9. Has the Obama Administration’s assassination-by-drone program constituted an Unconstitutional Deprivation of Life “Without Due Process of Law” when American citizens were the targets? When non-citizens were the targets?

10. Since the Obama Administration’s assassination-by-drone program constitutes Capital Punishment, does it constitute Unconstitutional “Cruel and Unusual Punishment”?

11. Has the Obama Administration’s assassination-by-drone program been severely criticized for its failure to obtain intelligence from the targets by interrogating them and capturing their computers and other files, rather than summarily killing them?

12. Was water-boarding declared NOT to be “torture” in the 1/18/1978 Decision of the European Court of Human Rights (which has jurisdiction over 45 signatory European nations) in litigation between the Irish Republican Army and the United Kingdom?

13. Did Sen. Ted Kennedy, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, “try to have it both ways” with respect to water-boarding by (A) not taking responsibility for banning water-boarding by defining it as “torture” in the legislation that emanated from his committee, but then (B) asking during Senate confirmation hearings of every Bush appointee in whose prospective bailiwick the issue could conceivably be germane whether water-boarding was “torture”?

14. Was Sen. Kennedy’s reluctance to take responsibility for banning water-boarding obviously motivated by not want to take responsibility if one of Osama bin Laden’s followers implemented his famous fatwa to nuke 10 million Americans (about which the Founding Dean of Harvard U’s Kennedy School of Government, Graham Allison, wrote a famous book)?

15. Did Sen. Ted Kennedy’s attempt to “have it both ways” fail because all Bush appointees refused to say that water-boarding constituted “torture” and when Sen. Kennedy threatened a filibuster against the last of these appointees, Judge Michael Mukasy for Attorney General, President Bush simply said that if Sen. Kennedy did filibuster, the position would be left vacant for the remainder of the Bush Administration?

16. Since water-boarding has never been declared to be “torture” by any court in the U.S. or abroad or in any U.S. statute or treaty, doesn’t the constant claim of the Mainstream American Media that water-boarding is torture comprise old-fashioned Soviet-style “brain washing”?

17. Do we know from the 1998 negotiations between the U.K. and Iran over re-establishing diplomatic relations that had been broken by the British when Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had issued his famous fatwa in 1989 calling for the assassination of Salmon Rushdie, that it is impossible to revoke such a fatwa after the death of the Islamic Cleric who issued it?

18. Does this mean that Osama bin Laden’s famous fatwa to nuke 10 million Americans can NOT be revoked?

19. Accordingly, why does the Mainstream American Media continue to advocate putting the lives of 10 million Americans at risk? Particularly when the Islamic World believes America’s “shit does stink” -- and is not impressed by meaningless Show Trials or by America’s willingness to risk the Human Sacrifice of 10 million of its citizens?

New Questions For Consideration In Conjunction With Our New Foci = “Hard Measures” by Jose Rodriquez Jr. and the movie “Zero Dark Thirty”

1. With respect to the movie “Zero Dark Thirty” wasn’t the announcement of the US Justice Department of an investigation of how the CIA permitted leaks that Osama bin Laden’s assassination would not have been possible in the absence of water boarding (and the letters by Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Diane Feinstein and Sen. John McCain to the acting CIA director demanding to know how this leak occurred) silly? After all, doesn’t “Hard Measures” make this claim at the beginning of the book? And doesn’t “Hard Measures” recite that, as required by law, it was reviewed and approved by the CIA?

2. Do we receive confirmation in “Hard Measures” for the first time that President Clinton’s disastrous Executive Order NOT to recruit spies who had committed crimes (which may be effective against the old Soviet Union, particularly after its demise, but is ineffective against terrorist organizations because they require recruits to commit crimes before they are trusted), was revoked following 9/11?

3. Which is more important -- criminal prosecutions of terrorists or obtaining information from them to prevent future attacks?

4. Do we believe in the potential Human Sacrifice of 10 million Americans in order to impress the Islamic World which has always despised us and will continue to do so anyway?

5. Did the interrogation of Abu Zubahdah (the first important terrorist interrogated after 9/11) elicit for the first time the knowledge that Muslims believe that Allah realizes that they are only human and each of them has a point beyond which s/he cannot resist divulging information, after which there is no shame in doing so?

6. Does the need for the recent French intervention in Mali and the terrorist hostage-taking in Algeria demonstrate once more what has been known since 9/11, that Al Qaeda is a loose-knit confederation rather than a command-and-control-from-the-top organization?

7. Were we correct in recognizing before the recent NATO performance as the close-support air force of the rebels opposing Muammar Qaddafi that the conflict was essentially tribal? And that deposing Qaddafi would result in at least 12 major tribes retaining their own arms (what the Mainstream American Media likes to call “militias”) for their own protection against the other tribes? And that the Libyan oil fields would mostly continue to reside on the territory of the Qaddafi tribe?

8. Is it any wonder, then, that many of the 12 major tribes within the area that NATO continues to think of in such colonial terms as “Libya” which has probably ceased to exist in reality and may never be re-constituted, have imported mercenaries (aka Al Qaeda fighters) to help protect themselves from the other tribes?

9. Since we have created a failed state in Libya and Al Qaeda has seized control of northern Mali (from which the French will not dislodge it since they have announced their intention to withdraw in a few weeks after stabilizing the front lines between Islamic northern Mali and non-Islamic southern Mali), was there much point in fighting the war in Afghanistan?

10. Didn’t we already recognize the futility of denying Al Qaeda a “safe haven” in Afghanistan and the Tribal Areas of Pakistan if Al Qaeda enjoys a “safe haven” in failed states such as Somalia?

11. How effective is an assassination-by-drone program against a command-and-control-from-the-top organization? Against a loose-knit confederation?

12. Does the Obama Administration, in reversing its first Afghanistan surge of 21,000 troops in President Obama’s first month in office (which was famously dubbed “Obama’s Vietnam” on the cover of Newsweek) and its second Afghanistan surge of another 33,000 troops announced in December 2009, now plan to leave behind an American military base from which to mount attacks against Al Qaeda in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan?

13. Isn’t this anti-terrorist bastion in Afghanistan what was proposed by Vice President Biden in 2009 when he opposed both of President Obama’s troop surges in Afghanistan?

14. Does Vice President Biden appear to have ever heard of Dien Bien Phu?

15. Isn’t it true that if our 10/10/2012 Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign to develop thorium nuclear reactors ASAP could render oil & gas irrelevant in a decade or so, America and the West could withdraw from the Islamic World and cease worrying about them nuking 10 million Americans?

16. Despite all our “arm-chair quarterbacking,” don’t we owe President Obama and his nominee to lead the CIA, John Brennan, a debt of gratitude for preventing Osama bin Laden’s fatwa to nuke 10 million Americans from being executed?

17. At least so far?

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