Simultaneity Re San Francisco & LA vs WTC & DC NOT A Problem

After 8.5 years, John Karls is taking a sabbatical through year end from serving as the facilitator for our group, as described in greater detail in the fourth and fifth sections below.

In the meantime, we are having occasional discussions of political topics without elaborate preparations and following ad hoc arrangements.
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Simultaneity Re San Francisco & LA vs WTC & DC NOT A Problem

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John Karls’ recalling for us the Founding Dean of Harvard U’s Kennedy School of Government’s book “Nuclear Terrorism” and the efforts of former Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Sam Nunn (D-Ga) and his “posse” evoked the memory of Osama bin Laden’s vision for 9/11 and how his exhortation to include San Francisco & Los Angeles on the list for the 9/11 attacks was thwarted by practicalities.

On p. 20 of “Nuclear Terrorism” a chapter begins with a subtitle comprising a quotation of Osama bin Laden from his 1998 position paper entitled “The Nuclear Bomb of Islam” – “It is the duty of Muslims to prepare as much force as possible to terrorize the enemies of God.”

[Presumably Osama used the Arabic word for God, which is Allah, since Allah is the God of Abraham, Moses, Christ, et al., because Islam is built on Judaism and Christianity.]

The body of that chapter then opens with a question put by Osama bin Laden in 1996 to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (hereinafter “KSM”) the architect of 9/11 as he was beginning his planning of 9/11 – "Why do you use an axe when you can use a bulldozer?”

The Founding Dean of Harvard U’s Kennedy School of Government then reports that after his capture, KSM explained that the “axe” to which Osama referred was KSM’s proposal to charter a small plane, fill it with explosives, and crash it into CIA headquarters in Langley VA.

And that in the months that followed, KSM proposed a number of “bulldozer” options for Osama’s review.

Although “Nuclear Terrorism” does not “get into the weeds” of the “bulldozer” that was actually selected by Osama, there is well documented elsewhere Osama’s pushing vigorously for simultaneous airliner attacks ON SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES AS WELL AS NYC’S WORLD TRADE CENTER, THE PENTAGON AND EITHER THE WHITE HOUSE OR THE CAPITOL (it is still uncertain which was the target of the airliner that crashed in rural Pennsylvania).

Also well documented elsewhere is why San Francisco and Los Angeles were spared.

KSM’s plan was to hijack airliners shortly after takeoff that had a tremendous load of aviation fuel because they were about to make a long trip (Trans-Continental or Trans-Atlantic or Trans-Pacific) since that much fuel means that the airliner would constitute a huge bomb.

However KSM was “strong as horse radish” that the hijackings would NOT be successful without the element of surprise.

And that surprise required that all of the hijackings would have to occur virtually simultaneously.

The four airliners that were hijacked all took off virtually simultaneously early on 9/11 -- two from NYC’s JFK Airport and two from Boston’s Logan Airport -- all destined for the West Coast.

At that time (which is the middle of the night in California), there are no airliners taking off for the East Coast or Japan.

Accordingly, KSM succeeded in convincing Osama that Osama’s insistence on including attacks on San Francisco and Los Angeles would jeopardize the success of all of the attacks.

Simultaneity and Nuclear Attacks

Whether an airliner can be successfully hijacked may depend upon the element of surprise.

But, as pointed out by the Founding Dean of Harvard U’s Kennedy School of Government, there is no way to DETECT whether a nuclear weapon has been positioned in an American city -- it is only possible to PREVENT such an occurrence, if at all, with human intelligence.

So, of course, there is no need to nuke American cities at the same time!!!

Indeed, for movie buffs, there is strongly recommended the 2010 movie “Unthinkable” in which Samuel L. Jackson plays a U.S. government Black Ops torturer whose job it is to obtain from a terrorist information about nuclear bombs set to go off AT DIFFERENT TIMES IN DIFFERENT AMERICAN CITIES, and how everyone from the President on down including military and civilian officials (both federal and local) are all “Holier Than Thou” regarding the torture except during frequent periods when it appear that millions of Americans are about to be nuked by yet another bomb.

But let’s not digress on this “ticking time bomb” question.

And how it was put to Hillary Clinton by Tim Russert at the first Democratic-Candidate-Presidential Debate of the 2008 election cycle, which took place at Dartmouth College on 9/26/2007.

[For the curious, Hillary said that she was opposed to water-boarding in order to obtain essential information quickly, whereupon Tim Russert disdainfully informed her that Bill’s official policy throughout his presidency was exactly the opposite, to which Hillary had the presence of mind to reply “I’ll speak to him later”!!!]

[Also for the torture naysayers who claim information obtained through torture cannot be trusted, the fact is that intelligence officials check such information against information obtained from other sources -- and in “Unthinkable” Samuel L. Jackson is repeatedly vindicated because each time he obtains through torture information about the location of yet another nuclear bomb, officials rush to the new location where there is in fact a nuclear bomb about to go off.]

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