A Solution To The Plight Of America’s Permanent Under-Caste


In addition to our normal Participant Comments including our Short Quizzes and Suggested Answers Thereto, click here for John Karls’ 5/10/2015 posting entitled AMERICA’S APARTHEID “JUSTICE” SYSTEM -- BALTIMORE, AMERICAN INNER-CITIES AND TOM BRADY which occupied the first three sections of the face of this bulletin board until 5/14/2015.
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A Solution To The Plight Of America’s Permanent Under-Caste

Post by solutions »

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Is There A Solution?
From: Solutions
Date: Sun, Jun 07, 2015 5:54 am - MDT
To: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com

Dear John,

Whenever we focus on what truly ails our Inner Cities, you do a wonderful job of describing the challenge and of proposing a Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign, all of which to date have comprised Tilting With Windmills.

A few minutes ago, I posted on http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org your essay entitled “Taking ‘I Have A Dream’® To The Scale Required” which was actually the third of our four Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaigns, this one following our 1/13/2010 meeting.

We have petitioned our politicians to adopt the only solution that “moves the needle” significantly from the typically SINGLE-DIGIT INNER-CITY HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATION RATES -- typically to 60%-65% and, if the tutors/mentors who have become SURROGATE PARENTS express how broken-hearted they would be if their female Dreamers became pregnant and failed to take advantage of the IHAD programs, to more than 90%!!!

In addition, you dedicated 14 years of your life trying to earn enough money to take IHAD or IHAD-style programs to the scale required. And when you filed lawsuits against the world’s 15 largest financial institutions to collect the $84 billion that they owed you and that had long since been pledged in legally-binding fashion to provide IHAD or IHAD-style programs for 10 million inner-city children, the top 21 politicians in America and California and America’s 43 news-media super-stars ALL refused to lift a single finger to help despite each of them receiving 6 pleas over 3 years to help. AND EVERY ONE OF THEM REFUSED TO LIFT A SINGLE FINGER EVEN THOUGH EACH OF THEM KNEW THAT ANY ONE OF THEM LIFTING A SINGLE FINGER MIGHT HAVE BEEN SUFFICIENT TO SAVE 10 MILLION INNER-CITY CHILDREN FROM A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH.

You have now, with the help of information in Prof. Ravitch’s books, documented that America is the ONLY INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY that has created a Permanent Under-Caste.

And documented that its Permanent Under-Caste causes America to rank AT THE BOTTOM in terms of virtually EVERY MEASURE OF CIVILIZATION (E.G., INFANT MORTALITY, LITERACY, LIFE EXPECTANCY, UPWARD MOBILITY, ETC., ETC.).

And you have now posited that now that our top politicians and news-media superstars have prevented $84 billion of PRIVATE funding to save 10 million inner-city children from a fate worse than death, the situation is probably hopeless because America does NOT have a parliamentary form of government.

By noting that all of the world’s other industrialized countries have parliamentary forms of government which means that lower classes can form their own party, elect a sizable bloc of Members of Parliament, and then see their problems addressed because sooner or later one of the major parties will need their votes to form a governing coalition.

So do you truly think the plight of America’s Permanent Under-Caste is hopeless???

Or do you see yet another rabbit lurking in your hat ready to be pulled out???

Your friend,


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: Is There A Solution?
From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
Date: Mon, Jun 08, 2015 7:43 pm - MDT
To: Solutions

Dear Solutions,

Thank you very much for your e-mail.

Especially because I did not believe it was possible to “pull another rabbit out of the hat” and you forced me to focus on whether there was yet one more rabbit lurking there.

Yes, it is true that I have been trying to maintain a brave front despite the despair I have felt!!!

Especially when, as documented by Prof. Ravitch, there are so many major foundations that are pushing what has been demonstrated to be the SNAKE OIL of privatization programs (e.g., vouchers and charter schools) which do NOT “move the needle” for what is truly a SOCIOLOGY problem, rather than an EDUCATION problem!!!

And there is no excuse for the existence of America’s Inner-City Ghettos into which America has long since herded its Permanent Under-Caste, since all of the Identical Twin Studies demonstrate that our inner-city children have, on average, THE SAME INTELLIGENCE as average suburban children!!!

The last rabbit???

Which had not occurred until your e-mail forced me to rack my brain for 2 days???

The Roman Catholic Church!!!

The RCC has always focused on the poor!!!

And Pope Francis has always had a particular concern for the poor!!!

And his first visit to America will occur this coming September!!!

The Catholic Church in America has 78.2 million baptized members who comprise 24% of the population of the U.S.

So although the RCC is incredibly stretched by all of its already-existing hospitals, schools and universities, ministries to the poor, etc., etc., if Pope Francis’ Address to America during his trip next September documents in detail the tragedy of America’s Ghettos and the unspeakable suffering endured there by America’s Permanent Under-Caste, and how it appears that America’s other institutions have proved incapable over the last 50 years of addressing the problem, I believe a miracle is possible!!!

Hopefully, Pope Francis would recognize that the school-privatization movement’s proposals heretofore have been Snake Oil!!!

And that the last 34 years have demonstrated that only IHAD or IHAD-style programs featuring a PROTECTIVE COCOON for a group of inner-city children who receive 12 years of tutoring and mentoring from what become SURROGATE PARENTS with a promise of college tuition -- comprise The Promised Land.

Where the PROTECTIVE COCOON covers an entire grade of children of an inner-city school (or an entire grade cohort of children living in a public-housing project) so that their atmosphere is transformed to encourage rather than disparage learning.

IF POPE FRANCIS is able to inspire a significant portion of America’s 78.2 million baptized Catholics to become tutors and mentors IN PROTECTIVE COCOONS of inner-city children WHETHER OR NOT each particular group of inner-city children is attending public or parochial schools, THEN THE MIRACLE of mainstreaming America’s Permanent Under-Caste should be a mere matter of time!!!

ESPECIALLY if non-Catholics are also inspired by the vision of Pope Francis to do the same!!!

Indeed, my original IHAD program serving 200 housing-project children, which was one of the original 178 IHAD programs, featured an Advisory Board with a majority of clergy as members and their congregants became a sizable portion, if not a majority, of our tutors and mentors!!!

Which was why, when I was suing the world’s 15 largest financial institutions for the $84 billion they owed me, I sought the support of 51 inner-city clergy in Los Angeles, Oakland and San Francisco so that if the lawsuits were successful, we could provide IHAD or IHAD-style programs quickly for the inner-city children in those three areas.

So yes, I propose that on June 17, we approve a Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign to Pope Francis.

[NB: Hopefully other religious organizations including other Christian denominations and non-Christian groups, will also be inspired by Pope Francis to pitch in as well.]

One last thought = Such a proposal from Pope Francis should be a win-win for the Catholic Church in America, because after all of the attacks it has sustained from politicians and the mainstream news media, how can those politicians and mainstream news media attack a program to finally address the needs of America’s poorest children whom they, the politicians and the media, have been studiously ignoring if not shunning???

Thank you for your provocative e-mail!!!

Your friend,

John K.

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Abandoning The Magnet-School Model

Post by solutions »

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Why Didn’t You Build On The Magnet-School Model?
From: Solutions
Date: Wed, Jun 10, 2015 3:54 pm - MDT
To: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com

Dear John,

Last Sunday, I posted on our bulletin board your essay entitled “Taking I Have A Dream To The Next Level” which had constituted our 1/13/2010 Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign and which was referenced in your offer to IHAD-National to assign gratis all 15 of your lawsuits if IHAD-National had been able to find legal counsel who could handle the lawsuits pro bono -- the offer to IHAD-National is Ref J in the third section of our bulletin board.

The fourth paragraph from the end of your essay had said --

“The only way to obtain ‘surrogate parents’ and ‘surrogate siblings’ on the scale needed is to bring to reality ‘magnet schools’ that are so outstanding (and for whose graduates the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities will compete to admit) that suburban students will be attracted, but whose admittance to, and retention by, the ‘magnet school’ will be conditioned on the suburban student and her/his family acting as a surrogate sibling and family for an inner-city student at the school.”

If it is true that the Magnet-School Model is “the only way to obtain ‘surrogate parents’ and ‘surrogate siblings’ on the scale needed,” why didn’t you build on that model in your Proposed Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign to Pope Francis of last Tuesday?

Your friend,


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: Why Didn’t You Build On The Magnet-School Model?
From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2015 6:17 pm - MDT
To: Solutions

Dear Solutions,

Thank you very much for your e-mail.

The short answer to your question is that it hadn’t yet occurred to me when that essay was written 5.5 years ago that it might be possible to obtain tutors/mentors on the scale needed by appealing to The Pope to, in turn, appeal to America’s 78.2 million baptized Roman-Catholic members who comprise 24% of the population of the U.S.

A longer answer would entail additional considerations.

First, that essay written 5.5 years ago had gone on to say --

“It should be noted that the U.S. Supreme Court’s 6/28/2007 reversal of ‘Brown v. Board of Education’ in ‘Parents v. Seattle School District No. 1’ which held that race cannot be used as a criterion for achieving diversity, will probably block state/local funding for such ‘magnet schools' even if they otherwise qualify as ‘charter schools.’ Nevertheless, creating as many such ‘magnet schools’ as possible to demonstrate that Gene Lang’s ‘surrogate parent’ idea can be taken to the scale required, is essential to the future of our country and its finally achieving the ideal of opportunity for all. Hopefully, the success of such ‘magnet schools’ will inspire the federal government (which is not subject to ‘Parents v. Seattle’) to undertake such ‘magnet schools’ for all inner-city children.”

Accordingly, that essay was based on the belief that the U.S. Government could solve the problem if the Magnet-School Program could be implemented to prove that a solution was possible.

A lot of water has gone “over the dam” and “under the bridge” since then. Most notably the refusal of the 21 top national and California politicians, and the refusal of America’s 43 news-media superstars, despite 6 appeals to each of them over 3 years, to lift a single finger with regard to my lawsuits against the world’s 15 largest financial institutions for the $84 billion they owed me which had long since been pledged in legally-binding fashion to provide IHAD or IHAD-style programs for 10 million inner-city children.

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to accept our last appeal on 10/4/2011 -- 21 months after that essay was written.

You were correct in your e-mail of last Sunday entitled “Is There A Solution” that without saying so, I had “thrown in the towel” because of the behavior of America’s top politicians and America’s news-media superstars, and because America lacks the parliamentary system that virtually every civilized country has and that enables poor classes to form their own political party and elect a sizable bloc of Members of Parliament whose votes, sooner or later, will be needed by one of the major parties to form a governing coalition.

Thank you again for forcing me to re-consider whether there wasn’t another way to obtain enough tutors/mentors to mainstream America’s Permanent Under-Caste!!!

Which resulted in the realization that an appeal from Pope Francis to America’s 78.2 million baptized Roman-Catholic members who comprise 24% of the population of the U.S. could achieve that miracle!!!

An unintended bonus when formulating the proposal last Tuesday concerns the quality of the tutors/mentors that would be obtained for our inner-city children!!!

In terms of role models!!!

Digressing momentarily, there has been quite a bit written in the national media recently about how many African-American males are incarcerated in American prisons and how releasing a substantial number of them might provide male role models for our inner-city children.

I would posit that American Catholics who take so seriously the second of Christ’s TWO Commandments to “love your neighbor as yourself” that they answer the call of Pope Francis to volunteer to tutor and mentor inner-city children in IHAD or IHAD-style programs will be much better role models for our inner-city children than releasing prison inmates to become role models.

Which warps around to your original question about the Magnet-School Model.

The Magnet-School Model was designed as a governmental solution for mainstreaming America’s Permanent Under-Caste.

And, as a governmental solution, the provisions in the U.S. Constitution dealing with the Separation of Church and State, and Prohibiting The Establishment of Religion, would probably have prevented obtaining tutors and mentors through an appeal to a class of religious believers.

However, a traditional IHAD or IHAD-style program is NOT a governmental program and, accordingly, is NOT subject to the Separation and Establishment requirements of the U.S. Constitution.

Indeed, many of the first 178 IHAD programs were effectively sponsored by particular religious congregations.

[Eugene Lange required an individual he believed to be capable and responsible to serve as the official Sponsor but, in the case of a religious congregation, that individual was usually the Senior Clergy-Person.]

In fact, whenever Yours Truly is in NYC, he attends either Redeemer Presbyterian or Marble Collegiate.

Redeemer Presbyterian because of Rev. Tim Keller’s focus on, and appeal to, young people.

And Marble Collegiate because IT PROVIDED THE VERY FIRST IHAD PROGRAM following Eugene Lang’s example.

When in 1986 Gene Lang’s original IHAD Program was featured on CBS’ 60 Minutes and the front page of the NY Times, Marble Collegiate’s Senior Minister Dr. Arthur Caliandro had only 2 years earlier succeeded as Senior Minister Dr. Norman Vincent Peale during whose 52-year tenure Marble Collegiate’s average Sunday ATTENDANCE had grown from 300 to over 3,000 and whose Sunday services became broadcast across the nation.

However, Dr. Caliandro didn’t hesitate!!!

His first sermon after the 60 Minutes program and the article on the front page of the NY Times was about Eugene Lang’s remarkable program.

And in that sermon, Dr. Caliandro proposed that Marble Collegiate step forward with the financing and tutor/mentor volunteers to replicate what Eugene Lang had done.

My recollection is that in that sermon, Dr. Caliandro said a special offering would be taken that morning to finance such an IHAD program. And that more than enough was received in that offering to finance the IHAD program.

It would be interesting to know whether there would have been any follow-on IHAD programs replicating what Eugene Lang had done if Dr. Caliandro had not provided that instantaneous example of how powerful an idea can be!!!

And it will be interesting to watch the miracle that I am sure will take place if Pope Francis’ Address to America during his visit next September includes an appeal to America’s 78.2 million baptized Roman-Catholic members who comprise 24% of the population to become tutors/mentors in IHAD or IHAD-style programs!!!

Thank you again for your thought-provoking e-mail of last Sunday!!!

Your friend,

John K.

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