Think Piece Re Why America Loves Animals More Than Humans

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Think Piece Re Why America Loves Animals More Than Humans

Post by johnkarls »

The first two discussion questions in the Suggested Discussion Outline are: (C-1) No disrespect to the wonderful work done and being done by the ASPCA, why does America love animals more than human beings??? and (C-2) Why does America shun its Permanent "Untouchable" Under-Caste comprising 30% of its population occupying its inner-city Ghettos???

It is respectfully suggested that Americans love animals because, whether consciously or subconsciously, Americans view animals as blameless.

And respectfully suggested that Americans shun the members of the Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste, whether consciously or subconsciously, as blameworthy -- responsible for their own predicament!!!

While refusing to consider who is to blame!!!

About which Mainstream America should at least be curious since UNICEF reports that the 23% of American children living in poverty is at least double (and typically 3-4 times) the rate of any other industrial country.

Whether the blame lies with the children in the Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste who know by the age of 5 that they are NOT eligible for their dreams. And that their only realistic career objectives are pusher or pimp, or girl friend of a pusher or pimp graduating to whore.

So that, no surprise, they grow up to perpetuate the Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste.

Or whether the blame lies with Mainstream America which refuses to give these children an effective education and refuses in any other way to lift a finger to mainstream the Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste that Mainstream America has created and perpetuated.

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Case In Point -- NBC’s Thought Leader Chris Matthews

Post by solutions »

Most of the world’s major religions have a version of The Golden Rule (love your neighbors as yourself) and most of the world’s major religions have a concept of a Final Judgment after death.

And, of course, Mainstream America fails miserably at loving its inner-city “neighbors” as themselves!!!

An interesting question is whether, at the Final Judgment (for those who believe in such a thing), an individual who has failed to love her/his inner-city neighbors as her/him-self can blame someone else.

Such as, in general, the 43 news-media superstars who refused to support the 10 million inner-city children in the litigation described in “Inner-City Holocaust and America’s Apartheid ‘Justice’ System (In Honor of Jonathan Kozol and In Memory of John Howard Griffin)” for which voluminous materials are posted in the third and fourth sections of

And such as, in particular, NBC’s thought-leader Chris Matthews.

Whom John Karls designated as the “Biggest Disappointment Among the 43 News-Media Superstars” who turned their backs on the 10 million inner-city children.

Here is what John posted 5 years ago on 5/23/2011 under “New FAQs and FAQ Index” which is the second posting in the third section of

FAQ 11. Biggest Disappointment Among 43 News-Media Superstars
Posted by johnkarls » Mon May 23, 2011 1:03 pm
Chris Matthews!!!

This despite the copy of the letter sent to 43 news-media superstars included in the package sent to recipients of the other 4 letters being addressed to Gwen Ifill (1) because she has her own PBS program “Washington Week” which airs on Friday evenings, and (2) because she had long been the “right-hand person” of Jim Lehrer on the PBS News Hour when, in the Fall of 2009, the PBS News Hour and the Editors of the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, San Francisco Chronicle and Wall Street Journal had been requested to shine a spot light on this litigation, and the only response had been from the PBS News Hour which promised only an obituary afterwards (please see the second quotation at the beginning of the letter to the 43 news-media superstars).

So why, on reflection over this new FAQ, did Chris Matthews edge out Gwen Ifill???

On his Sunday-Morning “Chris Matthews Show” on NBC yesterday (May 22nd), he “took a page” from Tim Russert who ended a “Meet the Press” show shortly before his death with a brief announcement with obvious and justifiable paternal pride that his son, an only child, had just graduated from, if memory serves, Boston College.

Chris Matthew’s daughter (he didn’t mention whether she has siblings) has just graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania. [Incidentally, as another proud father, I admire and salute Chris Matthews!!!]

However, my admiration for Chris Matthews in general, and for his obviously-outstanding qualities as, inter alia, a good father, do not obscure a very troubling aspect of his “world view”!!!

Beginning with the run-up to the recent Royal Wedding, he began chiding his British guests with the barb that America is the “land of opportunity” and ANY AMERICAN need only exert her/him-self a bit to become successful (my paraphrasing which, for purposes of this point, does not require going back and obtaining the exact quotation which has become a mantra for Chris Matthews and with which he has even ended at least one of his recent Sunday-morning programs).

As we have discussed on many occasions, the typical conditions faced by the participants in the first 178 “I Have A Dream”® Programs in 51 American cities featured –

(A) 99% of the “Dreamers” coming from single-adult households,
(B) 95% of total Dreamer households headed by a single adult who was a drug addict, and
(C) 75%-80% of total Dreamer households headed by a single-adult drug addict who turned any receipts over to the pusher so that the kids had to steal just in order to eat.

And we have discussed on many occasions how the prevailing High School graduation rates for the classes just before and just after those 178 IHAD classes had typically been SINGLE DIGITS if –

(A) There is added back to the base everyone who had dropped out BEFORE the beginning of high school,
(B) There is added back to the base everyone who is IN JAIL ON THE DATE of high school graduation,
(C) There is added back to the base everyone who had been KILLED BEFORE THE DATE of high school graduation, and
(D) The resulting statistic is not masked by grouping it with the results of one or more other high schools.

So my question for Chris Matthews =

If in a parallel universe, your daughter had been kidnapped at birth and placed in one of these single-adult households headed by a druggie who turned over any receipts to the pusher so that your daughter had to steal just in order to eat, and your daughter had attended inner-city schools where the learning environment included an overwhelming majority of inner-city children from similar circumstances, do you really think your daughter would ever have graduated from High School, much less have graduated Magna Cum Laude from an Ivy League school???

It really “turns my stomach” every time you repeat your “land of opportunity” mantra and your panellists smile to you their confirmation that they are “drinking your Kool Aid”!!!

Because it implies that the 43 new-media superstars and their colleagues truly believe that electing an African American as U.S. President demonstrates that there is no permanent American “untouchable” under-caste!!!

And you, Chris Matthews, are probably the most influential person among your colleagues, since you control the selection of your panellists each week and therefore exercise quite a bit of “thought control” over them – so you are probably the most culpable in perpetrating and perpetuating the myth that America is the “land of opportunity.”

In this regard, it is a tragedy that Tim Russert passed away prematurely!!! Anyone who has read his biography knows that he worshipped “Big Russ” as he called his father. “Big Russ” spent his career on a garbage truck and Tim was proud of also working on garbage trucks during his summers while working his way through college and law school. And at all times during any of the zillions of his Meet the Press programs, Tim was never far from his roots in his outlook!!! (Though he was renowned for being a thoroughly-nice person despite being tougher in his questioning than any other news-media star.)

The reason for mentioning all this about Tim Russert???

Chris Matthews provoked the comparison by congratulating his daughter in Russert-like fashion!!!

But more importantly, can any reader of Tim Russert’s biography doubt that despite his humble background, he would be much more cautious about claiming that America is a “land of opportunity” FOR EVERYONE???

He would have been enough of “a Mensch” to have admitted that even though he had had a very rough road to the opportunity he was able to make his destiny, inner-city conditions do indeed, as described in the 5/18/2011 letter to Messrs. Axelrod and Plouffe, convince inner-city children by the age of 5 that they are ineligible for their dreams because they are not white – and also convince them that they have no realistic career hopes other than runner graduating to pusher or runner’s girl friend graduating to whore.

Shame on you, Chris Matthews!!!

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