Legality/Morality of Analyzing/Advocating Self Immolation

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Legality/Morality of Analyzing/Advocating Self Immolation

Post by solutions »

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: The Legality/Morality of Analyzing/Advocating Self Immolation
From: Solutions
Date: Tue, May 3, 2016 4:52 pm - MST

Dear John,

I have read your Suggested Answers to the Short Quiz.

In analyzing the effectiveness of the Self Immolation of the Buddhist Monks of South Vietnam that was pictured on front pages of American newspapers for months in turning American public opinion against the Vietnam War, and analyzing (and impliedly advocating) the self-immolation of inner-city mothers who have otherwise been driven by despair to suicide by over-dosing, haven’t you “stepped over the line”???

Your friend,


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: The Legality/Morality of Analyzing/Advocating Self Immolation
Date: Tue, May 3, 2016 10:27 pm - MST
To: Solutions

Dear Solutions,

Thank you very much for your e-mail. It is always important to think through yet another time such important questions!!!


Yes, when we focused on Assisted Suicide for our 1/9/2013 meeting 3 years ago, we ascertained that assisting a human being in committing suicide is a homicide in virtually all of the United States. With the Michigan criminal conviction of Jack Kevorkian (“Doctor Death”) being the most publicized example.

And we ascertained that in the mere handful of 5 states that permit Assisted Suicide, there are strict restrictions regarding a terminal illness, insufferable pain that cannot be alleviated, psychiatric counseling against suicide, and finally the injection of a painless but lethal drug by a doctor.

So you are correct that “aiding and abetting” suicide would constitute being an Accessory Before The Fact to a Felony!!!

“Analyzing/Advocating” in your e-mail subject recognizes that there is a difference between the two.

Mixing legal metaphors to facilitate an understanding of the difference -- since “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater” is a free-speech issue -- there is all the difference in the world between analyzing what happens when someone shouts “fire” in a crowded theater, and advocating that someone in fact do so.

Nevertheless, extreme care should be taken to insure that an analysis of the benefits of a particular act (and, of course, there may even be a benefit to “shouting fire in a crowded theater” at least once to alert everyone to the danger so they start moving to the exits), does not “cross over the line”!!!


There are two separate problems here in addition to the ethical question of whether it is ever possible to justify providing advice vis-à-vis suicide.

First, there is the question of whether the precarious mental state of an inner-city Mom who is driven by despair to commit suicide would ever justify pointing out that suffering exquisite physical pain for a few minutes (and perhaps for an extended period if the attempt is botched) instead of a painless drug over-dose, might pave the way for a solution that would eliminate an untold number of future inner-city Moms from being driven by despair to commit suicide.

Second, there is the very-serious question of whether the American news media would even cover the self-immolations of inner-city Moms who have been driven by despair to commit suicide.

Indeed, you may recall that when we focused on “Losing Our Way: An Intimate Portrait of a Troubled America” by Bob Herbert for our 2/11/2015 meeting last year, I mentioned that I had served during the Summer of 1966 in the first U.S. Government task force assembled to dismantle the de jure dual-school system of the 11 Confederate States and an additional 6 Slave States that had been intimidated by President Abraham Lincoln into sitting out the Civil War.

And how, according to the North Carolina State Police, I was within 60 seconds of being assassinated.

This was two years BEFORE the 1968 assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

And although I was well aware that I might be assassinated that summer, I was also well aware that my assassination might be for naught because the American news media might, in general, NOT support the elimination of the de jure dual-school systems, and the American news media, in particular, might NOT use my assassination to promote the effort.

It turned out that the Amn news media did have enough moral fiber in the 1960’s to support the Civil Rights Movement.

But has the Amn news media been dependable since the 1960’s???

The third and fourth sections of contain voluminous materials documenting how 43 news-media superstars refused to “shine a light” on how the American “Justice” System was preventing $84 billion of private funds from being used to benefit the education of 10 million inner-city children.

Indeed, the Question for Review in the final UNSUCCESSFUL Petition For Certiorari (request to even hear an appeal) to the U.S. Supreme Court was --

“Can state court judges order their decisions which they know are diametrically-opposed to well-settled law, not to be published or cited (a strategy labeled ‘the segregated toilet’ in correspondence with 51 inner-city clergy who represent the 10 million inner-city children who have been disclosed from the outset as the ‘real parties at interest’ in this law suit) in order to flush away the rights of the 10 million inner-city children without disturbing the rights of first-class American citizens -- without violating the ‘Equal Protection of the Law’ requirement of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?”


JUDGES cynically FLUSHING the rights of 10 million American inner-city children down THE SEGREGATED TOILET???

And the JUDGES then cynically ordering A COVER-UP of their UNCONSTITUTIONAL actions???

The U.S. Supreme Court TURNING A BLIND EYE to all this???

Yes, I was disappointed enough to write “Inner-City Holocaust and America's Apartheid ‘Justice’ System (In Honor of Jonathan Kozol and In Memory of John Howard Griffin)” about the experience.

And I was disappointed that I had wasted 14 years of my life earning the $84 billion to benefit the inner-city children -- after committing in legally-binding fashion that I would not receive a nickel for any of my work for those 14 years.

Only to see those 10 million inner-city children condemned to “a fate worse than death” by America’s “Justice” System.

Without even a tear shed by the likes of Gwen Ifill and Chris Matthews!!!

Perhaps you can understand the feeling behind Q&A-24 of the Short Quiz --

Question 24 - If the Chris Matthews’ and Gwen Ifill’s of the world were willing to constantly cover the self-immolation of the Buddhist Monks of South Vietnam and they refuse to cover the self-immolation of America’s Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste who are driven to suicide by despair, would it be fair to say that the Chris Matthews’ and Gwen Ifill’s of the world are racists?

Answer 24 - What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!! This should be an interesting topic because most accusations in the U.S. regarding racism are aimed at so-called Caucasians. And because the additional question is involved vis-à-vis Gwen Ifill whether an African-American can be a racist with regard to other African-Americans.


So no, if you think I was impliedly suggesting that inner-city Moms who are driven to suicide by despair, engage in self-immolation to prevent an untold future number of inner-city Moms from suffering the same fate, I do NOT intend to do so.

Primarily because I do NOT believe the Amn news media would do “the right thing”!!!

But secondarily, because it is one thing to risk assassination as a second-year law student dismantling the de jure dual-school of the Old Confederacy in 1966 and to waste 14 years of one’s life 1997-2011 devoting every nickel that is earned to benefit the education of 10 million inner-city children!!!

And quite another matter entirely to suggest a sacrifice by another human being!!!

Thank you again for your inquiry.

Your friend,

John K.

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Indictment of Amn News Media - Tom Brady = Exhibit A

Post by solutions »

This is the material referenced above by John Karls which contains an 835-word description of how, according to the North Carolina State Police, he was within 60 seconds of being assassinated during the Summer of 1966 as a member of the first U.S. Government team sent to dismantle the de jure dual-school system of the Old Confederacy.

It was posted on our website in connection with our 2/11/2015 meeting on “Losing Our Way: An Intimate Portrait of a Troubled America” by Bob Herbert (Doubleday 10/7/2014).

John used the Tom Brady imbroglio to illustrate the moral bankruptcy of the Amn news media while placing the issue in a sports context (rather than a public-policy context) so that the reader could focus on the issue without being distracted by the feeling that her/his “ox is being gored.”

Tony Reali (GoodMorningAmerica-ESPN) and Lynching Tom Brady
Posted by johnkarls » Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:28 pm

This might seem as frivolous an item as Q&A-6 of the First Short Quiz, which was intended to get readers to lighten up.

However, this is intended as deadly serious.

Because a huge problem faced by “A Troubled America” that has “Lost [Its] Way” is that we have a media that is dominated, if not completely saturated, by “talking heads” who are “regurgitators” rather than “thinkers”!!!

The problem, of course, is that American education (whether K-12, university or grad school) rewards with good grades students who do nothing more than “regurgitate” whatever their teachers and professors say!!!

That’s fine if the subjects happen to be science or mathematics.

But any other subjects, and we have nothing more than trained “regurgitaters” who are almost invariably incapable of thinking!!!

Which is the “bed rock” reason why America is where it is!!!

Reason No. 1 For Citing the Lynching of Tom Brady as Exhibit A

All of my life, I have been very sensitive to lynchings.

Not only because of the racial aspects that are often involved.

But also because of my love for the law and how, even if the law occasionally gets something wrong, at least there is an orderly process for considering the facts.

With respect to the latter, the mainstream media has become a howling lynch mob screaming for the head of New England Patriot’s Quarterback Tom Brady IN THE WORST AMERICAN TRADITION OF LYNCH MOBS REFUSING TO STOP AND THINK!!!

With respect to the former (racial aspects) -- full disclosure here (though not disclosed on the resume that is posted as Ref M in the third section of this bulletin board because it only involved a summer job), I was according to the North Carolina State Police within 60 seconds of being assassinated in Bertie County NC while working for the U.S. government to desegregate schools during the Summer of 1966 before my last year of law school. This was only 2 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 2 years BEFORE the assassinations of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy.

The details of the near assassination???

I was a member of the first U.S. Governmental Task Force formed to dismantle the dual-school systems of the 11 states of the Old Confederacy plus six more Southern States that had also established De Jure Dual School Systems

[It still breaks my heart to remember how bleak and squalid were the physical conditions of the segregated schools that African Americans were forced to attend, though we did not witness the schools in operation since this was during the summer.]

Our Task Force was divided into 17 teams, each focusing on a different state. Mine was North Carolina.

Even though we were based in Washington DC with offices in old CCC barracks on the Washington Mall (the only office space available on short notice), we spent half of each week on location in the state to which we were assigned.

Toward the end of the summer, I was in Bertie County, NC.

Our teams were always integrated. So I had a partner (I regret no longer remembering his name) and both of us were always amused at how everyone never failed to evacuate the motel swimming pool in a panic as soon as he jumped in for his laps at the end of each work day.

Our last evening in NC that week, he suggested after his laps that we should go across the highway to the Tastee Freez to get something to eat.

This Tastee Freez also functioned as a “drive in” and there immediately piled in the door after us about 15-20 mean-looking angry men who apparently had been waiting in their cars to be served.

Nonetheless, my partner suggested playing a pin-ball machine in the back corner as soon as we got our food, and the proprietor countered by giving us our change in pennies that, of course, would not fit the coin slot for the pin-ball machine.

Accordingly, we quickly came to the realization that it would be best to retreat forthwith.

I fell in behind my partner to ensure he had the best chance of escaping.

All of the mean-looking angry men began sticking out their feet trying to trip us.

When we finally reached the door, I noticed that the last person looked a bit smaller than I was, so I purposely tripped over his foot, spilling my milk shake all over his clothes and then, giving him an apologetic smile, said “I’m sorry, I tripped” and was out the door.

We ran across the highway.

Within 20 seconds of our departure, there were 3-4 state-trooper squad cars with red lights flashing.

The troopers told us that in their judgment, we were within 60 seconds of being killed (literally) at the moment we exited the Tastee Freez.

They also admitted that they weren’t particularly interested in protecting us -- that they had been summoned by the proprietor of the Tastee Freez who was afraid that his property would be destroyed.

There was no further incident during the night, presumably because the state troopers kept a close eye on the motel at the behest of its proprietor who also feared property damage.

Two footnotes.

First, my partner and I were never impolite to anyone or provoked anyone in any way except by our presence.

Second, the policy of our Task Force was always to stay in a motel at least 20 miles away from the community with whose school officials we were meeting. Accordingly, it is most likely that we were threatened by men who happened to be in their cars waiting to be served at the Tastee Freez Drive-In when we happened to enter. However, it is possible that we had been tracked the 20-or-so miles from the community on which we were focusing.

Reason No. 2 For Citing the Lynching of Tom Brady as Exhibit A

Yes, it is true that if I had been assassinated in North Carolina in 1966, both the lynch mob and I did know the reason why they wanted to assassinate me = I had entered an unlabelled “white only” establishment with a U.S. government partner who was African American. ["White only" labels had been outlawed 24 months earlier for "public accommodations" such as the Tastee Freez and such as the motel across the highway by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.]

But, on the other hand, Tom Brady was interviewed by a howling lynch mob of reporters who, only if one were in the most charitable mood possibly imaginable, could be thought to be human.

This, of course, reminded me of all of the African-American children I have seen over the years who cannot understand why white America hates them so much.

And, as can be seen in the following e-mails to Good Morning America and ESPN’s Around The Horn, Tom Brady impressed me as someone who is just as innocent and cannot understand why everyone hates him so much. Which should have been a warning signal to the howling lynch mob of reporters that they should review their assumptions -- with my e-mails that follow outlining the scientific reasons why Tom Brady (and everyone else connected with the Patriots) is/are probably innocent.

The reason why this breaks my heart???

When I prepared to adopt my first “I Have A Dream” group of 65 housing-project children for K-12 tutoring and mentoring with a guarantee of college tuition, I asked the Baptist Church across the street from the housing project to ask the members of their Kindergarten Sunday School Class to each draw what they would like to be when each grew up so that the “kid art” could make more eye catching our brochures for recruiting tutors and mentors.

As soon as the brochures had been printed, we were severely criticized by residents of the housing project for having selected only art that depicted WHITE PEOPLE as teachers, pilots, nurses, etc.

We were very apologetic, especially because we did not realize that we had only selected art that depicted WHITE PEOPLE.

But then we thought to look back at THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE of 30-40 drawings of what those Kindergartners wanted to be, AND EVERY ONE OF THEM HAD DRAWN A WHITE PERSON!!!

At the age of 5, they already knew that they were INELIGIBLE for their dreams!!!

And that their only realistic career objectives were pimp or pusher, or girl friend of a pimp or pusher!!!

Tom Brady may be a great actor!!! But looking into his eyes during the course of his interview by the Howling Lynch Mob, I couldn’t help but recognize (at least in my mind) the frightened and uncomprehending look of an innocent person who cannot understand why the Howling Lynch Mob hates him so much.

And I believe that the science described in my following e-mails will prove that he is as innocent as those precious African-American Kindergartners.

Reason No. 3 For Citing the Lynching of Tom Brady as Exhibit A

Just like the conventional wisdom is that it is safer to discuss sports than religion or politics, it strikes me that the discussion of the shortcomings of our news media and how those shortcomings are ruining the country can best be discussed in a sports context which, hopefully, eliminates most of the emotional responses of participants who might otherwise think their oxen are being gored.

[Though I recognize that some of our participants are sports fans and, accordingly, they might have trouble discussing the issue dispassionately -- but I think that’s the best we can do without making the discussion too sterile and academic.]

Editorial Note =

Tony Riali joined ESPN in 2000 and, since 2004, has been the Host of its most popular show, Around the Horn, that features each weekday afternoon a panel of 4 prominent sports writers from around the nation (from a rotating pool of perhaps a dozen such sport-writer participants) discussing the most important and/or entertaining sports issues of that news cycle.

On 10/8/2014, he also began serving as a participant for CBS’ Good Morning America.

I would have maintained confidentiality vis-à-vis the following e-mails if Tony Reali had chosen to act upon them so that he could take the credit.

Since he didn’t, they are fair game.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Message for Tony Reali – Around The Horn
Date: Fri, January 23, 2015 5:32 am - EST

Re: Tom Brady - The Ignorance and Idiocy Of Your Around-The-Horn Panelists

Mr. Tony Riali

Dear Mr. Riali,

I have watched every one of your Around-The-Horn Programs since March 2012
when, as a then-70-year-old who skis more than 100 days/year, I broke a
leg when my right ski didn’t pop off at the top of a favorite slope so
steep you can’t stop if you catch an edge (sliding more than half a mile
head first with my right leg and ski flailing along behind, shearing the
tib and fib through at the boot line with spiral fractures in both upper
fragments into the knee).

[I have continued to ski more than 100 days/year since the accident,
still trying to impress Young Ladies which is what caused the accident.]

The ignorance and idiocy of your ESPN Around-The-Horn panelists yesterday
(22 January 2015) should have been shocking and appalling for any
attorney, and certainly was for this one (JD, Harvard Law School, 1967;
Who’s Who in American Law 1988-2003; Who’s Who in America 1988-2003; Who’s
Who in the World 1994-2003).

First, anyone who has ever watched any of a zillion Hollywood movies such
as Humphrey Bogart’s classic Key Largo with Edward G. Robinson, Lauren
Bacall and Lionel Barrymore, knows that the function of a barometer is to
measure THE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP which accompanies a storm!!!

Second, anyone who has ever put a partially-empty 2-liter bottle of soda
back into the fridge after it has been sitting around at room temperature,
knows that THE DROP IN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE accompanying cooling can
easily collapse that plastic 2-liter bottle inward!!!

Normal atmospheric pressure (aka One Atmosphere of Pressure per
scientists) is 14.696 pounds per square inch. So a football that is
inflated to a measured pressure of 12.5 pounds per square inch, actually
has an internal pressure of the 12.5 pounds per square inch MORE THAN the
14.696 pounds per square inch that the atmosphere is already exerting on
the football to collapse it, FOR A TOTAL INTERNAL PRESSURE of 27.196
pounds per square inch.

Your show reported that at half time of the Patriots-Colts game, the
measured pressure in all 11 balls being used by the Patriot’s quarterback
was 2.0 pounds per square inch below the 12.5 pounds per square inch that
had been measured by the NFL officials TWO HOURS BEFORE GAME TIME
(which should have been approximately 3.5 hours before half time)!!!

Which means that all 11 balls had lost 2.0/27.196 pounds per square inch =
7.35% of their original pressure!!!

All of your panelists presumably knew that the game was played in the
middle of a severe rain storm which, presumably, was accompanied by the
normal ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP accompanying a storm.

All of your panelists presumably knew that the game was played at night
with the temperature dropping WHICH ITSELF PRODUCES AN ATMOSPHERIC

So did I hear any of the panelists say that if all eleven balls being used
by the Patriot’s quarterback had the same drop in pressure of precisely 2
pounds per square inch, then it looks like the pressure drop WAS DUE TO

And if the NFL Game Officials, who had been handling BOTH SETS OF
think to ask whether the NFL officials had ALSO TESTED THE BALLS BEING
USED BY THE COLT’S QUARTERBACK to see whether they had also experienced a

And that the failure of the NFL Game Officials to notice that any of BOTH
SETS OF FOOTBALLS were under-inflated during the first half must have been
the result of a GRADUAL PRESSURE DROP caused by normal atmospheric cooling
that occurs after sundown and caused by the severe rain storm???

And before joining the Proverbial Band Wagon, did any of your panelists
consult any METEOROLOGIST to ascertain whether the combination of THE
ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP accompanying the after-sundown temperature drop
during the 3.5 hours in question AND THE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP that
accompanied the severe rain storm that was occurring during the 3.5 hours

It’s not often that sports writers are asked to think!!!

But their refusal to think that they are exhibiting in this imbroglio
would place them in CONTEMPT OF COURT!!!

I know that you are incredibly busy because you have so many potential
topics and zillions of things of which you must be aware in order to make
your show so entertaining and informative!!!

But now’s your chance to Take A Mulligan and discipline your panelists for
their ignorance and idiocy.

Your Loyal and Adoring Fan,

John S. Karls
Harvard Club – Box 126
27 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036

PS – I have NOT investigated the amount of atmospheric pressure drop
accompanying the storm during the 3.5 hours in question or the atmospheric
pressure drop during the 3.5 hours in question that accompanies the normal
temperature drop that occurs after sundown, because that should be the job
of the sports writers on your panel who will then present the facts to
The Court.

PPS – The reason why I am so incensed by the ignorance and idiocy of your
panelists is that during Tom Brady’s grilling by the media yesterday (22
January 2015), he impressed me as someone who is telling the truth and
can’t understand why the mob that is about to lynch him, believes that the
only possible explanation for the imbroglio is that he is lying!!! [Thank
God that ordinary citizens are entitled to a trial!!! And, hopefully, to
a Defense Attorney who is capable of thinking!!!]

Editorial Note =

In trying to send the foregoing e-mail to Tony Reali, the first vehicle encountered was the website for Good Morning America =

However, it had an e-mail message limit of 500 characters, so the foregoing e-mail was sent in 10 segments as follows (the first two paragraphs were eliminated because they were only intended to explain why I was an Around The Horn fan, and several of the later paragraphs had to be shortened to comply with the 500-character limit).

The first of 10 acknowledgements from Good Morning America appears after the following 10 e-mails. The 10 acknowledgements were identical except that they were received over a span of 15 minutes = 5:00 am – 5:15 am EST.


Information for each of the 10 messages =

First Name = John
Last Name = Karls
Email Address =
State = NY
Zip Code = 10036
Show = Good Morning America
Subject = News Story Submission
Message [500 character limit]

The 10 messages =

Message 1/10 Re Tom Brady

Mr. Tony Riali

Dear Mr. Riali,

Now is your chance to make some astute comments on Good Morning America!!!

The ignorance and idiocy of your ESPN Around-The-Horn panelists yesterday (22 January 2015) should have been shocking and appalling for any attorney, and certainly was for this one (JD, Harvard Law School, 1967; Who’s Who in American Law 1988-2003; Who’s Who in America 1988-2003; Who’s Who in the World 1994-2003).

2/10 Reali

First, anyone who has ever seen Hollywood movies such as Bogart’s Key Largo with Robinson, Bacall and Lionel Barrymore, knows that the function of a barometer is to measure THE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP which accompanies a storm.

Second, anyone who has ever put a partially-empty 2-liter bottle of soda back into the fridge after it has been sitting around at room temperature, knows that THE DROP IN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE accompanying cooling can collapse that plastic 2-liter bottle inward.

3/10 Reali

Normal atmospheric pressure (aka One Atmosphere of Pressure per scientists) is 14.696 pounds per square inch. So a football that is inflated to a measured pressure of 12.5 pounds per square inch, actually has an internal pressure of the 12.5 pounds per square inch MORE THAN the 14.696 pounds per square inch that the atmosphere is already exerting on the football to collapse it, FOR A TOTAL INTERNAL PRESSURE of 27.196 pounds per square inch.

4/10 Reali

Your show reported that at half time of the Patriots-Colts game, the measured pressure in all 11 balls being used by the Patriot’s quarterback was 2.0 pounds per square inch below the 12.5 pounds per square inch that had measured by the NFL officials TWO HOURS BEFORE GAME TIME (which should have been approximately 3.5 hours before half time)!!!

Which means that all 11 balls had lost 2.0/27.196 pounds per square inch = 7.35% of their original pressure!!!

5/10 Reali

All of your panelists knew that the game was played in the middle of a severe rain storm which would produce an ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP.

And all of your panelists knew that the game was played after sundown WHICH ALSO PRODUCES AN ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP.

So did any of the panelists say that if all eleven balls being used by the Patriot’s quarterback had the same drop in pressure of precisely 2 pounds per square inch, then it looks like the pressure drop WAS DUE TO THE SAME CAUSE???

6/10 Reali

And if the NFL Game Officials, who had been handling BOTH SETS OF FOOTBALLS USED BY BOTH QUARTERBACKS, HAD NOT NOTICED DURING THE FIRST HALF THAT ANY OF THE FOOTBALLS WERE UNDER-INFLATED, did any of your panelists think to ask whether the NFL officials had ALSO TESTED THE BALLS BEING USED BY THE COLT’S QUARTERBACK to see whether they had also experienced a UNIFORM 7.35% DROP IN PRESSURE???

7/10 Reali

And that the failure of the NFL Game Officials to notice that any of BOTH SETS OF FOOTBALLS were under-inflated during the first half must have been the result of a GRADUAL PRESSURE DROP that occurs after sundown and that is caused by severe rain storms???

And before joining the Proverbial Band Wagon, did any of your panelists consult any METEOROLOGIST to ascertain whether THE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE DROP during the 3.5 hours in question was 7.35%???

8/10 Reali

It’s not often that sports writers are asked to think!!!

But their refusal to think that they are exhibiting in this imbroglio would place them in CONTEMPT OF COURT!!!

I know that you are incredibly busy because you have so many potential topics and zillions of things of which you must be aware in order to make your shows so entertaining and informative!!!

But now’s your chance to Take A Mulligan and discipline your panelists for their ignorance and idiocy.

9/10 Reali

Your Loyal and Adoring Fan,

John S. Karls
Harvard Club – Box 126
27 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036

PS – I have NOT investigated the amount of atmospheric pressure drop accompanying the storm during the 3.5 hours in question or the atmospheric pressure drop during the 3.5 hours in question that accompanies the normal temperature drop that occurs after sundown, because that should be the job of the sports writers on your panel who will then present the facts to The Court.

10/10 Reali

PPS – The reason why I am so upset by the ignorance and idiocy of your panelists is that during the grilling by the media yesterday (22 January 2015), Tom Brady impressed me as someone who is telling the truth and can’t understand why the media who are about to lynch him, believe that the only possible explanation for the imbroglio is that he is lying!!! [Thank God that ordinary citizens are entitled to a trial!!! And, hopefully, to a Defense Attorney who is capable of thinking!!!]

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Indictment of Amn News Media - Krauthammer vs. Tom Brady

Post by solutions »

As noted above, John used the Tom Brady imbroglio to illustrate the moral bankruptcy of the Amn news media while placing the issue in a sports context (rather than a public-policy context) so that the reader could focus on the issue without being distracted by the feeling that her/his “ox is being gored.”

There was a sequel illustrating the moral bankruptcy of Charles Krauthammer.

Though nobody should jump to the false conclusion that moral bankruptcy does NOT permeate the entire Amn news media.

Krauthammer Drinks Tony Reali’s Tom-Brady-Lynching Kool Aid
Posted by johnkarls » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:46 am

The Suggested Discussion Outline for our 8/12/2015 meeting has a Reply entitled “The Democratic Party’s Essential Segregation Wing.”

It contains a reference to a posting entitled “Tony Reali (Good Morning America - ESPN) and Lynching Tom Brady” under Participants Comments for our 2/11/2015 meeting on “Losing Our Way: An Intimate Portrait of a Troubled America” with the Tom Brady Lynching illustrating everything that is wrong with the American news media.

The 2/11/2015 posting included the texts of E-mails sent to Tony Reali c/o Good Morning America and c/o ESPN pointing out that with respect to the allegations that Tom Brady and the New England Patriots had deflated their footballs in the penultimate play-off game last January, Tony Reali and his panelists were grossly negligent in failing to consider what happens to a partially-full 2-liter bottle of soda that is put back in the fridge after being out in room temperature for an extended period.

It collapses!!!


Because the temperature drop reduces the pressure inside the soda bottle!!!

And similarly, a football that is properly inflated INDOORS by the officials 2 hours before kickoff will become deflated by half-time 3.5 hours later of a game being played OUTDOORS AT NIGHT in a cold rainstorm.

But Reali and His Merry Band have continued to defame Tom Brady!!!

Except for Bomani Jones!!!

An African-American who often appears on Reali’s show, who co-hosts another sports show on ESPN, and who hosts his own show on ESPN radio, Bomani Jones never fails to point out that the NFL’s case against Tom Brady is a farce!!!

So what happened next???

The Suggested Discussion Outline for our 8/12/2015 meeting’s Reply entitled “The Democratic Party’s Essential Segregation Wing” records that the National Football League’s Wells Report on the Tom Brady Lynching was released 5/6/2015 as we began studying Prof. Diane Ravitch’s book on The Hoax of the School Privatization Movement for our 6/17/2015 meeting. Our stated reason for studying the Ravitch book was that our pols and the mainstream media are trying to distract us with incidents of alleged police brutality rather than doing anything to mainstream America’s Permanent Under-Caste living in our Inner-Cities.

Accordingly, the Tom Brady Lynching was once more relevant in a posting in the Participant Comments Section for the 6/17/2015 meeting entitled “America’s Apartheid ‘Justice’ System -- Baltimore, American Inner-Cities and Tom Brady.”




The penalty imposed by the son of former 1968-1971 U.S. Senator Charlie Goodell (R-NY) who serves as NFL Commissioner AND CONFIRMED BY HIM AS THE ARBITER OF HIS OWN DECISION is currently being litigated in U.S. Federal Court for the Southern District of New York.

But Tony Reali and His Merry Band???

They continue to ignore the scientific evidence that the footballs were NOT deflated and pretend that Tom Brady is guilty!!! [Except, of course, for Bomani Jones.]

The only reason why they can probably escape liability for defamation is the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1964 decision in NY Times v. Sullivan that decided that anyone can KNOWINGLY make a false statement about a “public figure” so long as there is no “actual malice.”

Though it would be interesting for Tom Brady to sue ESPN and Tony Reali for defamation because Reali’s studiously ignoring the scientific evidence in The Wells Report and Reali’s studiously ignoring the e-mails he received on 1/23/2015 (copies of which are contained in the 2/11/2015 posting described above) ONLY APPEAR TO HAVE ONE REASONABLE EXPLANATION AND THAT IS “ACTUAL MALICE”!!!

Now comes Charles Krauthammer!!!

By way of background, Yours Truly always reads a wide spectrum of opinion in the print media and watches a wide spectrum of opinion on television -- unlike many politically-oriented people of all stripes who feel it would be a betrayal of their own cause if they took their heads out of the sand to ascertain what others are saying.

In attempting to keep tabs on what everyone is saying, Yours Truly regularly watches Fox News’ Special Report w/Bret Baier.

One of the regular features of Special Report is its so-called “All-Star Panel” which regularly features Charles Krauthammer, a conservative syndicated columnist who is an idol of the political right.

Last evening (Wed Aug 19), Charles Krauthammer made a joke about Tom Brady being guilty in the imbroglio presently before the U.S. District Court in N.Y. to illustrate a political point he was making on another matter.

So is Charles Krauthammer guilty of defamation???

Probably not, because it would be difficult to prove “actual malice” IAW the Supreme Court’s decision in NY Times v. Sullivan.

However, Charles Krauthammer is an avid sports fan, especially when it comes to baseball and he is even reputed to have season tickets for the Washington National’s 81 home games!!!

So it would NOT be surprising to learn that Charles Krauthammer’s enthusiasm for sports extends to the National Football League and its Washington Redskins.

And that, yes, he has extensive knowledge of all things NFL and, as a Washington Redskins fan, does indeed have “actual malice” when it comes to Tom Brady and the New England Patriots.

But even if Charles Krauthammer is not guilty of defamation???

His repetition of the false information about Tom Brady is still evidence of everything that is wrong with the American news media!!!

Fox News - Unfair and Unbalanced
Posted by solutions » Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:45 am

So why is John Karls so surprised by the performance of Fox News and Charles Krauthammer???

Isn't Fox News' Self Image that it loves to trumpet -- Unfair and Unbalanced???

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Original NFL Report Proved Scientifically Tom Brady Innocent

Post by solutions »

The two immediately-preceding postings are “book ends” -- (1) John Karls’ contemporaneous 1/23/2015 posting speculating that just like putting a half-empty 2-liter bottle of soda back in the fridge after it has been lying around the living room at room temperature, the temperature drop in the fridge will reduce the atmospheric pressure inside the soda bottle and collapse it -- the temperature drop from when the officials measured the pressure of the footballs INDOORS until half-time of a game being played OUTDOORS AT NIGHT IN A COLD RAINSTORM would collapse the footballs just as surely as a refrigerator collapses a soda bottle, and (2) John Karls’ 8/20/2016 posting indicting Charles Krauthammer for defaming Tom Brady WITH THE MALICE that blasts through the U.S. Supreme Court’s extra protection in its NY Times vs. Sullivan decision for commenting on “public figures.”

John’s 8/20/2016 indictment of Charles Krauthammer stated that the Original NFL Report Proved Scientifically That Tom Brady Was Innocent in the following paragraph from the indictment of Krauthammer --

“The Suggested Discussion Outline for our 8/12/2015 meeting’s Reply entitled ‘The Democratic Party’s Essential Segregation Wing’ records that the National Football League’s Wells Report on the Tom Brady Lynching was released 5/6/2015 as we began studying Prof. Diane Ravitch’s book on The Hoax of the School Privatization Movement for our 6/17/2015 meeting. Our stated reason for studying the Ravitch book was that our pols and the mainstream media are trying to distract us with incidents of alleged police brutality rather than doing anything to mainstream America’s Permanent Under-Caste living in our Inner-Cities.”

So between the “book ends” of John’s 1/23/2015 speculation about the effect of temperature drops and John’s 8/20/2016 indictment of Charles Krauthammer is John’s 5/14/2016 posting which analyzed the Original NFL Report (the so-called Wells Report) to demonstrate that, incredibly, the NFL’s Wells Report Proved Scientifically That Tom Brady Was Innocent.

Which shows that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is illiterate!!! [Unless he is simply uncontrollably malicious!!! Or he is simply too lazy to read the report!!!]

[Editorial Note: Please remember that John was continuing to use the Tom Brady imbroglio to illustrate the moral bankruptcy of the Amn news media while placing the issue in a sports context (rather than a public-policy context) so that the reader could focus on the issue without being distracted by the feeling that her/his “ox is being gored.”]

Posted by johnkarls » Thu May 14, 2015 5:55 am



The third and fourth sections from the top of this bulletin board (which appear well above this Participants Comments section) are entitled: “INNER-CITY HOLOCAUST AND AMERICA’S APARTHEID ‘JUSTICE’ SYSTEM (IN HONOR OF JONATHAN KOZOL AND IN MEMORY OF JOHN HOWARD GRIFFIN).”

The essence of the problem is captured succinctly in the Question Presented to the U.S. Supreme Court in our Petition for Certiorari (request to hear our appeal) which was rejected --

“Can state court judges order their decisions which they know are diametrically-opposed to well-settled law, not to be published or cited (a strategy labeled ‘the segregated toilet’ in correspondence with 51 inner-city clergy who represent the 10 million inner-city children who have been disclosed from the outset as the ‘real parties at interest’ in this law suit) in order to flush away the rights of the 10 million inner-city children without disturbing the rights of first-class American citizens -- without violating the ‘Equal Protection of the Law’ requirement of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?”

The materials in those sections document how the highest 21 Federal and California Governmental Officials and 43 news-media superstars were asked repeatedly over several years to help, AND EVERY ONE OF THEM REFUSED EVEN THOUGH EACH KNEW THAT ANY ONE OF THEM LIFTING A SINGLE FINGER MIGHT HAVE BEEN SUFFICIENT TO HAVE SAVED 10 MILLION INNER-CITY CHILDREN FROM A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH.

It would appear reasonable to conclude that the governmental officials and news media superstars who have permitted The Inner-City Holocaust to condemn an additional 10 million inner-city children to a fate worse than death are now trying to change the subject to alleged police brutality in order to hide their own responsibility for refusing to address the real problem which is our failure to mainstream our Permanent Under-Caste by saving our inner-city children.


So how do New England Quarterback Tom Brady and the allegedly under-inflated footballs in the penultimate play-off game last January relate to this imbroglio???

For our 2/11/2015 meeting focusing on Bob Herbert’s “Losing Our Way: An Intimate Portrait of a Troubled America” I made a posting under the “Participant Comments” section (once you scroll past the first half dozen sections below, there are 4-5 sections relating to each monthly meeting, most recent meetings first) entitled “Tony Reali (GoodMorningAmerica-ESPN) and Lynching Tom Brady.”

That posting began with the claim that it was deadly serious “because a huge problem faced by ‘A Troubled America’ that has ‘Lost [Its] Way’ is that we have a media that is dominated, if not completely saturated, by ‘talking heads’ who are ‘regurgitators’ rather than ‘thinkers’!!!”

And gave three reasons for “Citing The Lynching of Tom Brady as Exhibit A.”

By way of background, the first reason was that I have always been very sensitive to lynchings because, working for the U.S. Government to desegregate schools in North Carolina the summer of 1966 (before my last year at Harvard Law School), I was within 60 seconds of being lynched according to the N.C. State Police.

The second reason was that in all of my experiences as the Co-Founder of the first Homeless Shelter in Fairfield County CT beginning 1976 and as the founder and chief benefactor of the “I Have A Dream Program”® of Stamford CT which was providing tutoring and mentoring for 200 children in public housing projects as they progressed from third grade to HS graduation with a guarantee of college tuition (as well as serving as the volunteer treasurer of IHAD-National which oversaw 178 such programs in 51 cities), it was obvious that the news media was behaving as a howling lynch mob and that Tom Brady, for me, had the same look as all of those precious inner-city children who cannot comprehend why everyone hates them so much.

So is Tom Brady innocent???

YES according to the NFL-commissioned investigation (the so-called Wells Report released 5/6/2015).

Because its unsupported conclusion to the contrary is not only fatally flawed but even fails to recognize how its own experts have contradicted themselves!!!

My posting about The Lynching of Tom Brady for our 2/11/2015 meeting had gone on to point out that the 11 footballs that had allegedly lost 7.35% of their original pressure (news reports had claimed they had lost 2.0 psi and their original internal pressure was 12.5 psi + one atmosphere of pressure or another 14.696 psi), could probably be explained by the temperature drop during the 3.5 hours between when they were measured indoors and half-time of the game that was outdoors well after sundown in bitterly-cold weather.

It cited as a common example for the reader, putting a partially-filled 2-liter bottle of soda that has been sitting around at room temperature into the fridge, and coming back to discover that it has collapsed because of the drop in temperature/pressure.

So why is The Wells Report so laughable???

Because it relies on only two things!!!

First, on ambiguous e-mails between two New England Patriots Equipment Managers who MIGHT have deflated the balls to prove they helped Tom Brady. EVEN THOUGH THE E-MAILS EXHIBIT EXTREME HOSTILITY TOWARD TOM BRADY!!! [In addition to the possibility that the two equipment managers were merely joking, as claimed by the New England Patriots.]

Second, the science!!!

The Wells Report does rely on qualified scientific experts who did try to evaluate the effect of the scientific principles set forth above.

And they determined that the effect of the temperature drop described above would have produced a pressure reduction of 1.18 psi (p. 113 of the report which states that a temperature drop of 71 degrees to 48 degrees would produce a drop in pressure from 12.5 psi to 11.32 psi).

And 8 of the 11 New England Patriots footballs were indeed WITHIN the 1.18 psi reduction predicted by the science!!!

How so???

There are two different pressures measured for each ball on p. 8 of the Wells Report.

However, footnote 37 on p. 67 of The Wells Report states that two different gauges were used, that they differed by 0.3 psi to 0.45 psi, THAT ONE OF THE GUAGES HAD BEEN USED BY THE OFFICIALS BEFORE THE GAME FOR THEIR OFFICIAL MEASUREMENTS, AND THAT NOBODY KNEW WHICH GUAGE HAD BEEN USED FOR THOSE OFFICIAL MEASUREMENTS.

Accordingly, if Ted Wells (the author of The Wells Report) had been doing his job properly, he would have instructed the scientists that they could only consider the higher set of pressures!!!

And any grade-school child would be able to see that if the scientists are only permitted to consider the higher set of pressures, then only 3 of the 11 footballs were under-inflated!!!

What about the opponents’ footballs???

The officials only had sufficient time to measure 4 of them.

The most glaring blind spot of Ted Wells and his scientists???

They continually make comparisons to the opponents’ footballs as if they were The Holy Grail!!!



The only scientific point in The Wells Report that has not already been annihilated is the claim that the variation in measured pressures of the 11 New England Patriot footballs was 1.40 psi and that itself is suspicious.

However, the variation in measured pressures of the 4 opponents’ footballs was 0.80 psi and, if all 11 had been measured, their variation would probably have also been at least 1.40 psi (just running one’s eye over the variations in the two sets of numbers).


First, if Tom Brady had been African-American and Ted Wells had NOT been African-American, I think my 73 years of championing the cause of African-Americans and inner-city children permits me to observe without being called a racist that The Howling Lynch Mob that is the American news media would be trying to lynch Ted Wells and to protect Tom Brady.

But more importantly, when the American news media and an incompetent investigator try to substitute for an actual court (which, itself, as has been demonstrated in "Inner-City Holocaust and America’s Apartheid 'Justice' System" described in the third and fourth sections of this bulletin board above, could well produce an atrocity), it is no wonder that passions run high.

And the sooner that the American news media and our politicians begin to concentrate on how to mainstream the Permanent Under-Caste of our Inner Cities rather than continuing to try to distract us with cases of alleged police brutality, the sooner our country will begin to heal.


By way of PS, it is noted that the NFL rules provide a maximum fine for improper pressure in the footballs of a mere $25,000, which is a “wrist slap” for the NFL. (Please see p. 35 of The Wells Report.]

Though other unspecified discipline can also be imposed.

So why is the American news media treating this imbroglio as The Crime Of The Century???

Because, of course, they are trying to divert attention from THE REAL CRIME OF THE CENTURY -- their own failure to permit mainstreaming the Permanent Under-Caste of our inner cities!!!

Respectfully Submitted 5/10/2015,

John S. Karls
JD, Harvard Law School, 1967
Who’s Who in American Law, 1988-2003
Who’s Who in America, 1988-2003
Who’s Who in the World, 1994-2003

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