Suggested Answers to the First Short Quiz

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Suggested Answers to the First Short Quiz

Post by johnkarls »

Question 1

What are “identical-twin” studies?

Answer 1

Please see Q&A-2.

Question 2

Since “identical-twin” studies focus on randomly-selected “identical twins” where each set of twins was orphaned before their first birthday and where each twin was raised in a radically-different environment, are Identical-Twin Studies viewed by scientists as THE GOLD STANDARD for determining what is genetic and what is environmental?

Answer 2


Question 3

Over the decades, have Identical-Twin Studies consistently demonstrated that when inner-city identical twins are orphaned before their first birthday and one twin in each set of twins is adopted by a suburban family while the identical twin is adopted by another inner-city family -- (A) the identical twins adopted by suburban families develop by adulthood measured IQ’s equal to average suburban measured IQ’s, and (B) the identical twins adopted by inner-city families develop by adulthood measured IQ’s equal to average inner-city measured IQ’s?

Answer 3


Showing that inner-city children have the same IQ potential as suburban children, and it is only their inner-city environment that prevents them from achieving their potential.

Question 4

So why is there any great mystery that so much depends on TWO factors = (A) loving and nurturing adoptive parents, and (B) an environment (BOTH home AND school) in which learning is revered rather than ridiculed?

Answer 4

God only knows!!!

Question 5

The many times that we have focused on America’s 30% Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste occupying our inner-cities, have we recognized that the typical conditions facing the 178 “I Have A Dream”® Programs in 51 American cities during the 1990’s when Yours Truly was the volunteer Treasurer of IHAD-National were –

• SINGLE-DIGIT high-school graduation rates for the class immediately preceding, and the class immediately following, the Dreamer class.
• 99% of all Dreamers living in single-adult households.
• 95% of all Dreamers living in single-adult households headed by a druggie.
• 75%-80% of all Dreamers living in a single-adult household headed by a druggie who hands over all receipts to the pusher so that the kids have to steal just in order to eat.
• Virtually-universal recognition by inner-city 5-year-olds that their only realistic career objectives are pusher or pimp, or girl friend of a pusher or pimp graduating to whore.

Answer 5


Question 6

So why do academics and policy makers LIKE TO PRETEND that the typical SINGLE-DIGIT high-school graduation rates in our inner-city ghettos are an EDUCATION problem rather than a SOCIOLOGY problem?

Answer 6

God only knows!!!

Question 7

After all, does any among us who has raised children believe for a moment that an inner-city teacher can (quoting from Q-4) -- (A) be a “loving and nurturing adoptive parent” AND (b) “provide an environment (BOTH home AND school) in which learning is revered rather than ridiculed” -- when faced with a huge number of students, 75%-80% of whom (quoting from Q-5) “have to steal just in order to eat”?

Answer 7

Well, does anyone believe that for a moment???

Question 8

Is our focus book “HELPING Children Succeed: What Works And Why” (2016) by Paul Tough which follows his book (which is NOT our focus) “HOW Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character” (2013)?

Answer 8


Question 9

Did we study Prof. Diane Ravitch’s “Reign of Error: The Hoax of the School Privatization Movement” for our 6/17/2015 meeting, and Prof. Ravitch’s “The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education” for our 9/12/2012 meeting?

Answer 9

Yes. And yes.

Question 10

Is Diane Ravitch N.Y.U.’s Research Professor of Education and a historian of education, and is she a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education?

Answer 10


Question 11

Commenting in her 7/20/2016 blog (which is posted on in the Reference Materials Section for our Oct 19 meeting), does Prof. Ravitch say vis-à-vis “HOW Children Succeed” that “It introduced the concept of grit, and suddenly reformers thought they had the key to success”?

Answer 11


Question 12

Does Prof. Ravitch’s 7/20/2016 blog continue: “Fortunately Paul Tough did not cling to his discredited dogma. He realizes now that grit can’t be taught, and it doesn’t matter nearly as much as attachment and decent nurturing”?

Answer 12


Question 13

Does our focus book “HELPING Children Succeed” comprise solely a couple dozen 5-page essays on a couple dozen different factors that contribute to success?

Answer 13


Question 14

Accordingly, does “HELPING Children Succeed” constitute solely an Ann Landers-style set of suggestions for anyone who has contact with inner-city children? Rather than a workable program for mainstreaming America’s 30% Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste?

Answer 14

Unfortunately. Unfortunately.

Question 15

BTW, does “HELPING Children Succeed” begin with -- as the intended “attention grabber” -- the statement (p. 1) that in 2013 “a majority of the country’s public school students -- 51% of them, to be precise -- fell below the federal government’s threshold for being ‘low income,’ meaning they were eligible for a free or subsidized school lunch”?

Answer 15


Though 51% of public school children living in poverty has interesting implications for the size of America’s 30% Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste occupying our inner-cities.

For example, the extent to which the difference between 30% and 51% is produced by better-off children attending private school. And the extent to which inner-city households contain on average more children than better-off households.

Question 16

Does UNICEF report that no other industrialized country tolerates EVEN HALF the rate of U.S. children who live in poverty -- and, indeed, the U.S. child-poverty rate is TRIPLE the rate in Germany, Austria and France and QUADRUPLE the rate in such nations as Denmark, Slovenia, Norway, The Netherlands and Finland?

Answer 16


Question 17

Does the size of America’s 30% Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste cause America to rank DEAD LAST among industrialized countries in terms of virtually every measure of civilization (e.g., infant mortality, literacy, life expectancy, upward mobility, etc., etc.)?

Answer 17


Question 18

Even though our author, Paul Tough, seems oblivious to the possibility of (quoting from Q-14) “a program for mainstreaming America’s 30% Permanent ‘Untouchable’ Under-Caste,” was such a program demonstrated to be effective back in the 1990’s?

Answer 18


Question 19

HOWEVER, AS A PRELIMINARY MATTER, should the “I Have A Dream”® Program of the 1990’s which had 178 projects in 51 American inner-cities be confused with the post-1990’s IHAD Program which appears to have concentrated on suburbs and appears to have lost all of the institutional knowledge about inner-cities that was accumulated by the 178 inner-cities projects of the 1990’s?

Answer 19

No, the 1990’s IHAD Program should NOT be confused with the post-2000 IHAD Program.

Although they shared sequentially the same legal entity and the same name, the post-2000 IHAD Program focused on suburbs rather than inner-cities and appears to have lost all the institutional knowledge about inner-cities accumulated by the 178 inner-cities projects of the 1990’s.

Question 20

Did each of the original 178 IHAD projects, virtually all of which were sponsored by a CEO of a major corporation, adopt ALL CHILDREN in the third grade of an inner-city school (no exceptions!!!) or ALL CHILDREN in the third-grade cohort of an inner-city public-housing project (no exceptions!!!) -- and provide each of them with a tutor AND mentor through high school graduation with a GUARANTEE of college tuition?

Answer 20


Question 21

Did many, if not most, of the IHAD tutors and mentors become LOVING/NURTURING SURROGATE PARENTS?

Answer 21


Question 22

Did adopting ALL CHILDREN (no exceptions!!!) in an inner-city school class or in an inner-city public-housing project create AN ENVIRONMENT in which learning was revered rather than ridiculed?

Answer 22


Question 23

Did the first few IHAD projects have typically 60%-65% of their ORIGINAL NUMBER of Dreamers graduate from high school and proceed to college?

Answer 23


Question 24

When Yours Truly, as the volunteer IHAD-National treasurer, ascertained that approximately 50% of the female Dreamers in those projects had become pregnant as a result of which they did not continue their education, did he ask the sponsors of those projects to find out why they had become pregnant?

Answer 24


Question 25

Was the almost-invariable answer that the female Dreamer felt that there had NEVER been anyone in her life who cared about her and, by God, she was going to CREATE someone who would have no choice but to love her?

Answer 25


Question 26

Did that information prompt Yours Truly to request those sponsors to go back and ask the 50% of the female Dreamers who had NOT become pregnant, why they hadn’t?

Answer 26


Question 27

Was the almost-invariable answer that the female Dreamers who had NOT become pregnant had a person in their lives, typically one of our mentors or tutors, who had become a SURROGATE PARENT and who, more importantly, had told the Dreamer that she could make something out of herself with the IHAD program and it would “break the heart” of the Surrogate Parent if she didn’t?

Answer 27


Question 28

When Yours Truly shared that information with the sponsors of all of the remainder of the 178 projects with the recommendation that they stress with EVERY tutor and mentor that EACH OF THEM should tell her/his Dreamer that it would “break the heart” of the tutor/mentor if the Dreamer did not take advantage of the IHAD program, did the rate of Dreamers graduating from high school and continuing on to college shoot up to over 90%?

Answer 28


Question 29

Did the FIRST President Bush raise prodigious amounts of contributions for IHAD-Houston (where he lived) and for IHAD-Boston (which was headed by his nephew, Jamie Bush)?

Answer 29


Question 30

Was the FIRST President Bush fond of saying that the “1,000 points of light” portion of his 1989 Inaugural Address was inspired by IHAD?

Answer 30


Question 31

Was Hillary Clinton on the Advisory Board of IHAD until the 1992 Iowa caucuses?

Answer 31


Question 32

Did President Bill Clinton’s chief domestic adviser study and report on IHAD as part of his graduate program while still at university?

Answer 32

Gene B. Sperling was President Clinton’s chief domestic adviser 1993-2001.

BTW, Gene Sperling has served President Obama as Director of the National Economic Council and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy since 1/7/2011.

According to his bio on --

“During his eight years at the White House in the Clinton Administration, Sperling helped negotiate the 1993 Deficit Reduction Act, the 1997 Bipartisan Balanced Budget agreement, the increase in the earned-income tax credit and was a key architect of Saving Social Security First, and played key roles in the passage of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the Hope Scholarship Tax Credit, GEAR UP MENTORING, New Markets Tax Credit and the Direct Student Loan program.” [Emphasis added.]

Re the Gear Up Program, please see Q&A-36.

And yes, it was “common wisdom” among the IHAD-National Staff and the IHAD-National Board of Directors that Gene Sperling studied and reported on IHAD as part of his graduate program while still at university.

Question 33

Was Americorps first enacted in 1994 as virtually the sole result of lobbying by Chris Coons who is currently the U.S. Senator for Delaware and who, for the first 5-6 years after graduating simultaneously from Yale Law School and Yale Divinity School in 1992, was a FULL-TIME member of the staff of IHAD-National?

Answer 33


Question 34

Was Chris Coons’ presence on the full-time IHAD staff underwritten by his mother, Mary Gore (who was the sponsor of IHAD-Delaware), until Chris joined the in-house legal department of his step-father, Robert Gore (the inventor of Gore-Tex)?

Answer 34

Yes, it was “common wisdom” among the IHAD-National Staff and the IHAD-National Board of Directors that Chris Coon’s serving on the IHAD-National staff for the first 5-6 years of his career following his graduating simultaneously from Yale Law School and Yale Divinity School in 1992 was underwritten by his mother.

Question 35

Through at least 2000, were virtually 100% of all Americorps participants tutors/mentors of the 178 IHAD projects in 51 American cities? [NB: this is NOT the same as the converse of virtually all IHAD tutors/mentors being Americorps participants.]

Answer 35

Yes, virtually 100% of all Americorps participants were tutors/mentors in the 178 IHAD projects in 51 American cities.

Though I do NOT know the percentage of IHAD tutors/mentors who were Americorps participants.

Question 36

Did President Bill Clinton, during his second term, propose and sign legislation providing matching grants for IHAD-style projects for which the legislative history specified that the Congressional intent was to foster IHAD projects?

Answer 36

Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs ("GEAR UP") is a federal grant program administered by the United States Department of Education. It was established in Chapter 2 of the 1998 amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965 which awarded financial assistance to students and colleges from the federal government.

The legislative history specified that the Congressional intent was to foster IHAD projects.

In addition, the specifications of the characteristics of programs applying for Gear Up matching grants matches IHAD criteria in every respect EXCEPT that the program participants need only be adopted into the program by sixth grade, rather than third grade.

It was signed into law by President Clinton in October 1998.

However, the Gear Up grants have been a “drop in the bucket” compared to the need -- the most recent announcement by the Department of Education concerning Gear Up grants ( was dated 9/22/2014, two years ago, and discloses that the programs covered by the 2014 grants will serve only 116 thousand students.

Question 37

Although the U.S. Governmental matching grants were NOT restricted to projects that officially affiliated with IHAD-National, did the U.S. Department of Education (which administered the program) enter into an agreement with IHAD-National that IHAD-National would provide gratis IHAD-National’s 2-volume Handbook of Best Practices (© 1998) to all of the U.S. Department of Education’s projects whether or not they affiliated with IHAD?

Answer 37


Question 38

So with all this demonstrated success with inner-city children and with such political support, why did America turn its back on THE PROMISED LAND and WANDER IN THE WILDERNESS for 30 years WHERE IT CONTINUES TO WANDER???

Answer 38

As stated following Q-38 when The First Short Quiz was posted, the answer to Q-38 will be addressed by The Second Short Quiz.

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