Suggested Discussion Outline

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Suggested Discussion Outline

Post by johnkarls »

A. Anything anyone would like to say about our focus book, Helping Children Succeed.

B. America “Wandering in the Wilderness” for 30 years AND CONTINUING TO WANDER

B-1. The “I Have A Dream”® Foundation Model

B-1-a. Publicized in the New York Times and on “60 Minutes” – 1986

B-1-b. 178 Programs in 51 American Inner-Cities in the 1990’s featuring –

• Adoption of an entire (no exceptions!!!) third-grade class of an inner-city school or an entire (no exceptions!!!) third-grade cohort of a public-housing project
• Typically SINGLE-DIGIT high-school graduation rates for the class just ahead of the Dreamer Class, and for the class just behind the Dreamer Class
• A tutor and a mentor for each Dreamer through high school graduation
• A guarantee of college tuition
• More than 90% high school graduation - college matriculation rates

B-1-c. Typical inner-city conditions facing the 178 Programs in 51 American Inner-Cities

• SINGLE-DIGIT high-school graduation rates for the class immediately preceding, and the class immediately following, the Dreamer class.
• 99% of all Dreamers living in single-adult households.
• 95% of all Dreamers living in single-adult households headed by a druggie.
• 75%-80% of all Dreamers living in a single-adult household headed by a druggie who hands over all receipts to the pusher so that the kids have to steal just in order to eat.
• Virtually-universal recognition by inner-city 5-year-olds that their only realistic career objectives are pusher or pimp, or girl friend of a pusher or pimp graduating to whore.

B-1-d. Essential Ingredients

• A protective cocoon (by adopting ALL children in the third grade of a school or public housing project) in which learning is revered rather than ridiculed.
• Tutors and mentors who become de facto SURROGATE PARENTS.

C. Political Support

C-1. The first President Bush

• Prodigious fund-raising for IHAD-Houston (where he lived) and for IHAD-Boston (headed by his nephew Jamie Bush)
• Fond of saying that the “1000 points of light” portion of his 1989 Inaugural Address was inspired by IHAD

C-2. Hillary Clinton served on the IHAD-National Advisory Board until the 1992 Iowa caucuses

C-3. President Bill Clinton’s chief domestic advisor, Gene Sperling, studied and reported on IHAD as part of his graduate program

C-4. Americorps (enacted 1994) – virtually 100% of its participants in the 1990’s were tutors and mentors in the 178 IHAD projects in 51 American inner-cities

C-5. The “Gear Up” Program (requested and signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1998) was designed, according to the Congressional legislative history, to provide matching funds for IHAD- and IHAD-style programs.

D. The Reasons For America’s REFUSAL to enter “The Promised Land”

D-1. Scandals involving IHAD-National in the 1990’s

• Multiple-billionaire founder Eugene Lang co-mingles IHAD-National funds with his personal funds and resigns from the Board in order to avoid turning over the co-mingled funds
• IHAD-National Executive Director (name redacted) repeatedly embezzles Americorps funds and is forced by the FBI to resign in order to avoid prosecution

D-2. Bill and Melinda Gates and Their Foundation

D-2-a. “Brainwash” America for 10 years to worship the “false idol” of breaking up inner-city schools into smaller units

D-2-b. After admitting that failure, they “brainwash” America to worship the “false idol” of school choice (aka charter schools)

• Stanford University in a 2009 study, examines 2,403 charter schools (about half of all charter schools and 70% of all charter-school students)
• Stanford U. finds that 37% had learning gains SIGNIFICANTLY BELOW those of local public schools, 46% had gains that were NO DIFFERENT, and ONLY 17% showed growth that was significantly better
• This despite charter schools typically selecting only students of parents functional enough to have their children apply -- and despite charter schools typically expelling under-performing students
• And this despite Stanford’s study being financed by PRO-CHARTER groups including the Walton Family Foundation, and the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation.

D-3. America refuses to permit $84 billion of PRIVATE funds to provide IHAD- and IHAD-style programs for 10 million inner-city children

• 21 U.S. and California officials, starting with President Obama, turn their backs on the effort.
• 43 media-superstars, starting with Gwen Ifill, turn their backs on the effort.
• 51 inner-city clergy who had been supporting the effort, are asked to pray for the souls of everyone who turned their backs on the effort.
• Voluminous details are contained on in its third and fourth sections entitled “Inner-City Holocaust and America’s Apartheid ‘Justice’ System (In Honor of Jonathan Kozol and In Memory of John Howard Griffin)"

D-4. Pope Francis

• Pope Francis is implored by our 6/17/2016 Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign to Carpe the Diem during his Fall 2016 U.S. visit to challenge U.S. clergy and, in particular, the Roman Catholic Church’s 78.2 baptized members in the U.S. (approximately 24% of the population) to provide IHAD- and IHAD-style programs for the 23% of American children that UNICEF confirms live in poverty.
• Our E-mail Campaign informs Pope Francis, inter alia, that UNICEF reports that America’s 23% child-poverty rate is DOUBLE THE RATE tolerated by any other industrialized country, TRIPLE THE RATE in Germany, Austria and France, and QUADRUPLE THE RATE in such nations as Denmark, Slovenia, Norway, The Netherlands and Finland.
• Not only did Pope Francis turn his back on America’s poor!!!
• Pope Francis (and the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who was being copied on the e-mails to Pope Francis) BEGAN BLOCKING OUR E-MAILS WITHIN A MATTER OF HOURS!!!


As we have studied on many occasions, America’s 30% Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste occupying our inner-cities means that America ranks DEAD LAST among the world’s industrialized countries in virtually every measure of civilization (infant mortality rates, literacy, upward mobility, life expectancy, etc., etc.).

1. Is there any hope for America, given the 30-year history of (A) Bill and Melinda Gates' ignorant interference, (B) America’s refusal to permit $84 billion of private funding to be used for IHAD- or IHAD-style programs for 10 million inner-city children, and now (C) Pope Francis turning his back on America’s poor?

2. Does America’s non-parliamentary form of government mean that, unlike virtually all other industrialized countries, there is NOT a party representing America’s 30% Permanent “Untouchable” Under-Caste occupying our inner-cities whose votes, sooner or later, are needed by a major party to form a parliamentary majority so that the needs of our inner-cities get addressed?

3. Were historically the needs of America’s poor addressed, like in so many other countries around the world, by religious organizations?

4. Do America’s anti-religious forces, who constantly litigate the “anti-establishment” clause of the U.S. Constitution and get the U.S. Judiciary to rule in ways that America’s Founding Fathers would NEVER recognize, prevent any governmental solution???

Re Q-4, it should be noted that the U.S. Government’s “Gear Up” program appears to have announced in the 18 years of its existence ONLY grants covering 116 thousand students!!!

Which is NOT surprising if religious organizations are barred from participating!!!

[Many of the original 178 IHAD programs of the 1990’s were backed by churches including the very first program by NYC’s Marble Collegiate (which had earlier featured the Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale for many decades as its Senior Minister) -- my own IHAD Program serving 200 children in public-housing projects was NOT backed by any particular church, but did obtain virtually all of its tutor and mentors by appealing to various religious congregations.]

The abysmal results of the U.S. Government’s Gear Up Program, of course, are a far cry from the 10 million inner-city children who could have been covered by the $84 billion of private funding that America turned its back on!!!

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