Original Proposal

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Original Proposal

Post by johnkarls »

From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
To: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com
Bcc: The Approximately 150 Recipients of Our Weekly E-mail
Subject: Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning by the American Right: A Journey to the Heart of Our Political Divide - Nov 8
Date: Sat, Oct 7, 2017

Dear Friends,

Our next meeting is Wednesday evening, November 8th, at the Salt Lake Public Library (210 East 400 South).


Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning by the American Right: A Journey to the Heart of Our Political Divide by Arlie Russell Hochschild [The New Press – 9/6/2016 – 261 pages sans index & footnotes] was proposed by Ted Gurney, a retired U/U biology professor.

Amazon.com -- $20.66 HARD COVER + shipping or $15.39 Kindle.
NB: Please do NOT pre-order the paperback which will NOT be released until 2/13/2018.
Other bookstores listed on Amazon -- from $12.07 used + shipping.
Salt Lake Public Library – 3 of 8 copies currently available.
Salt Lake County Library -- 12 of 17 copies currently available.


She is professor emerita of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. Hochschild has long focused on the human emotions which underlie moral beliefs, practices, and social life generally.

Hochschild’s Strangers in Their Own Land addresses the increasingly bitter political divide in America. A finalist for the National Book Award, and New York Times Best Seller, the book is based on five years of immersion reporting among Tea Party loyalists -- now mostly supporters of Donald Trump. Hochschild tries to bridge an “empathy wall” between the two political sides, to explore the “deep story” underlying the right that remains unrecognized by the left.

Her 2012 The Outsourced Self: Intimate Life in Market Times, explores the many ways in which the market enters our modern lives and was named one of the best books of the year by Publishers Weekly. Her other books include: So How’s the Family?, The Managed Heart, The Second Shift, The Time Bind, The Commercialization of Intimate Life, The Unexpected Community and the co-edited Global Woman: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy.

Hochschild lives with her husband, the writer Adam Hochschild, in Berkeley CA.


"Hochschild comes to know people―and her own nation―better than they know themselves"
―Heather Mallick, The Toronto Star

"Up close there is a depth to the concerns of Hochschild's subjects...They are concerned about pollution, and about the social decay that we see most vividly in the opioid epidemic. They are aware...of facts on the ground."
―Benjamin Wallace-Wells, The New Yorker

"Strangers in Their Own Land is extraordinary for its consistent empathy and the attention it pays to the emotional terrain of politics. It is billed as a book for this moment, but it will endure."
―Gabriel Thompson, Newsday

[Hochschild's] connection and kindness to the people she meets is what makes this book so powerful.
―Marion Winik, Minneapolis Star Tribune

"Hochschild is fascinated by how people make sense of their lives...[She] conveys that she genuinely likes the people she meets, communicating their dignity and values...These attentive, detailed portraits...reveal a gulf between Hochschild's Strangers in Their Own Land and a new elite."
―Jedediah Purdy, The New Republic

"The anger and hurt of the author's interviewees is intelligible to all. In today's political climate, this may be invaluable."
―The Economist

"Strangers In Their Own Land is by far the best book by an outsider to the Tea Party I have ever encountered.

"An important contribution to the understanding of our times... Strangers in Their Own Land describes in vivid detail a world that is often ignored or caricatured by the media and by many liberals."
―The Nation

"[Hochschild's] deeply humble approach is refreshing and strengthens her research.... She skillfully invites liberal readers into the lives of Americans whose views they may have never seriously considered. After evaluating her conclusions and meeting her informants in these pages, it's hard to disagree that empathy is the best solution to stymied political and social discourse."
―Publishers Weekly

"The celebrated sociologist Arlie Hochschild left Berkeley and went far outside her comfort zone to live among and report on Tea Party members in Louisiana over five years. With the clear-headed empathy she is famous for, she explored the central paradox of these political activists in the heart of 'cancer alley': they understand that the chemical and oil companies have destroyed their environment and sometimes their lives, but they remain ardent defenders of free market capitalism. Hochschild spent many hours―at church services, picnics and kitchen tables―probing the ways they struggle to reconcile their conflicting interests and loyalties. There could not be a more important topic in current American politics, nor a better person to dissect it. Every page―every story and individual―is fascinating, and the emerging analysis is revelatory."
―Barbara Ehrenreich


In accordance with our quorum-revision policy of 6/12/2013, instead of waiting until the last week before each monthly meeting to request RSVP’s and canceling if we do not have our minimum quorum of six, RSVP’s are requested in our first-of-the-monthly-cycle weekly e-mail.

Those who have RSVP’d will be informed immediately when we reach six so that they can proceed to read the materials with assurance that a discussion will take place.

If there are not six RSVP’s by 11:59 pm next Friday, then next week’s weekly e-mail will announce that the 11/8/2017 meeting is cancelled.


Non-SLCounty residents (and residents who are out of town) are invited to participate in our meeting via Skype.

If you would like to do so, please press your reply button and type “request participation via Skype” and we will contact you to make appropriate arrangements.

We hope to see all of you on November 8th.

Your friend,

John K.

PS -- To un-subscribe, please press "reply" and type "deletion requested."

NB: Please do NOT block our e-mail because you are too embarrassed to request a deletion -- 10 of our approximately 150 regular e-mail recipients use Comcast.net which has an algorithm blocking all e-mails from a website for which a certain percentage of recipients have requested blockage AND 3 of our regular meeting attendees who use Comcast.net now can NOT receive our weekly e-mails.

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