Suggested Answers to the First Short Quiz

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Suggested Answers to the First Short Quiz

Post by johnkarls »

Suggested Answers to the First Short Quiz

Question 1

What is “The Continental Divide”?

Answer 1

Please read on -- Q&A-2.

Question 2

In addition to being, vis-à-vis North America, the great line running north and south, west of which water will flow into the Pacific and east of which water will flow into the Atlantic, is The Continental Divide that infamous pass on Inerstate-70 between the Colorado ski resorts and the Denver airport where a mere two snowflakes on the Western side will stack up so many 18-wheelers that you miss so many non-refundable non-exchangeable frequent-flyer airline tickets back to NYC for your whole family so many times that you begin having nightmares long before your Colorado ski vacation arrives?

Answer 2


NB: This problem was NOT solved by the limited Amtrak weekend service established 1/7/2017 – 3/26/2017 between Denver’s Union Station and Winter Park Ski Resort -- (1) Union Station is NOT the Denver airport, and (2) the isolated Winter Park Ski Resort is NOT itself a world-class ski resort and it is NOT located anywhere near Colorado’s world-class ski resorts, virtually all of which are clustered together on Interstate-70. [Aspen is even further away, but continues to be reachable by air.]

Question 3

Is the title of our focus book “Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning by the American Right: Journey to the Heart of Our Political Divide”?

Answer 3


Question 4

Does the third element of that title conjure images of The Continental Divide and how it shifted during the 2016 Presidential Election?

Answer 4


Question 5

Accordingly, doesn’t “Journey to the Heart of Our Political Divide” require a focus on how/why Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin shifted to the Republican side of The Continental Divide???

Answer 5

What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!!

Question 6

And haven’t we studied on numerous occasions that the “Great Shift” in The Continental Divide was caused by The Establishment’s “War on American Workers” which, since 1992, has taken the form of (A) so-called “Free Trade” Agreements pursuant to which so many American jobs have been exported to low-wage countries, and (B) the reversal of The American Civil War by flooding the country with illegal aliens who are de facto slave laborers who cannot complain about any treatment meted out to them for fear of being reported to Immigration???

[NB: We have always defined The Establishment as the billionaires who, since 1992, have “owned” virtually all of the pols of both political parties as a result of campaign contributions*, who “own” many (if not most) members of the Mainstream Media, and who “own” many members of academia.]

* Per the twin foci of our 2/14/2008 meeting 9.5 years ago (Dana Milbank’s “Homo Politicus” and Robert Kuttner’s “The Squandering of America”), NOTHING is done (or not done) in the CESSPOOL known as Washington DC except as the result of “campaign contributions” which are either BRIBERY of the pols, or EXTORTION by the pols!!!

Answer 6

What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!!

Question 7

Isn’t the best examination of the Great Shift in The Continental Divide vis-à-vis Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin as caused by The Establishment’s War on American Workers, contained in the material posted in the Participants-Comments Section of for our 9/14/2016 meeting which focused on “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of Family and Culture in Crisis”? And in the “indictments” of Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama contained in The Suggested Discussion Outline posted on for our 9/16/2017 meeting which focused on “War on Cops” by Heather MacDonald?

Answer 7

What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!!

Question 8

Is Carlos Lozada an Associate Editor and Non-Fiction Book Critic for the Washington Post?

Answer 8


Question 9

Did Carlos Lozada title his Washington Post book review of our focus book (Strangers in Their Own Land) “A Berkeley Sociologist Made Some Tea Party Friends -- And Wrote A Condescending Book About Them”???

Answer 9


Question 10

Does Carlos Lozada’s book-review title “say it all”??? That the Berkeley Sociologist’s pretentious “Journey to the Heart of Our Political Divide” (the third element of her book title) is fraudulent???

Answer 10

What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!!

Question 11

Is the Berkeley Sociologist’s claim regarding her interviews of a few dozen residents of Southwest Louisiana similar to the fraudulent claims by The Establishment that the stories of a dozen or so Hillbillies from Kentucky in “Hillbilly Elegy" (the focus of our 9/14/2016 meeting as described in Q-7 above) provide insight into “The Heart of Our Political Divide”???

Answer 11

What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!!

Question 12

Is a PhD in Psychology required to understand why The Establishment refuses to understand “The Heart of Our Political Divide” as the “tectonic fault line” caused by its own “War on American Workers”???

Answer 12

What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!!

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