Original Proposal - Tech Titans of China

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Original Proposal - Tech Titans of China

Post by johnkarls »

Originally proposed by johnkarls » Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:03 am – 51 views in Sec. 3 before being transplanted here

I propose that we read “Tech Titans Of China: How China’s Tech Sector Is Challenging The World By Innovating Faster, Working Harder and Going Global" by Rebecca A. Fannin (Nicholas Brealey Publishing – to be released 9/3/2019 – 256 pages - $22.49 + shipping or $13.99 Kindle from Amazon.com, or as low as $17.17 (new) + $3.99 shipping from independent vendors listed on Amazon.com).

The monthly bulletin for September of the Harvard Club of NYC arrived by e-mail yesterday (Aug 26) and, among the zillions of events, listed a presentation by Rebecca Fannin on her new book for 12:00 noon on Sep 18 (if you are not a member of the club, I can register you for this event).

The listing in the Harvard Club of NYC Bulletin --

When history is told, May 2019 will mark the beginning of the U.S.-China tech cold war, as the U.S. moved to block Huawei. Over the past two decades, China’s Silicon Valley has evolved from copiers, to originators, to a potentially dominant worldwide tech leader. China has scale, innovation, speed of execution, and determination to rejuvenate their great country with disruptive breakthroughs not seen since the Industrial Revolution. Rebecca Fannin will introduce us to the Tech Titans, and set out what are the most important things to understand about the tech environment in China today, in her very timely book.

Rebecca A. Fannin is a leading expert on global innovation and the founder of Silicon Dragon Ventures, a media and events platform serving tech innovation and investment forums in key global hubs. Fannin began her career in Silicon Valley and was one of the first American journalists to write about China’s entrepreneurial boom. Her articles have appeared in Harvard Business Review, Fast Company and many others. Today, Rebecca pens a weekly column for Forbes and is a special correspondent for CNBC.com.

Janet Mindes, Program Committee

Amazon.com description (usually from the book’s fly leaf)

The rise of China's tech companies and intense competition from the sector is just beginning. This will present an ongoing management and strategy challenge for companies for many years to come. Tech Titans of China is the go-to-guide for companies (and those interested in competition from China) seeking to understand China's grand tech ambitions, who the players are and what their strategy is. Fannin, an expert on China, is an internationally-recognized journalist, author and speaker. She hosts 12 live events annually for business leaders, venture capitalists, start-up founders, and others impacted by or interested in cashing in on the Chinese tech industry. In this illuminating book, she provides readers with the ammunition they need to prepare and compete.

Featuring detailed profiles of the Chinese tech companies making waves, the tech sectors that matter most in China's grab for super power status, and predictions for China's tech dominance in just 10 years.

Author Bio

Rebecca A. Fannin is a leading expert on global innovation and one of the first American journalists to write about China’s entrepreneurial boom, reporting from Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong King.

Her forward-looking books, Silicon Dragon (McGraw-Hill, 2008) and Startup Asia (Wiley, 2011), profiled Jack Ma of Alibaba, Robin Li of Baidu, and other tech tycoons, and explored how a new Silicon Valley is emerging in the East.

Her books were translated into Chinese, Vietnamese and Arabic. They received favorable reviews from The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, China Daily and The New York Times.

In addition, she is the founder of SiliconDragonVentures.com -- a 30,000-strong network of entrepreneurs, emerging company executives, deal makers, venture capitalists, angel investors, crowd financiers, investment bankers and service providers from legal, accounting and management consulting firms.

Rebecca leads news, events and research for her SiliconDragonVentures.com which publishes the weekly Silicon Dragon News, produces Silicon Dragon Talk, and hosts tech innovation and investment forums in Asia, the U.S. and Europe.

Rebecca is a columnist for Forbes and a correspondent for CNBC.

Her articles have appeared in Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, BBC Capital Inc., The Deal, The Huffington Post, and many others.

In 2010, she provided expert testimony to the U.S. Congress about China’s internet.

Book Review Excerpts

This landmark book explores and explains how China is rushing to define the future of commercial technology.
―James McGregor, author, One Billion Customers: Lessons From the Front Lines of Doing Business in China

Tech Titans of China is the most complete and updated chronicle of China's meteoric rise from imitator to innovator in the past decade.
―Kai-Fu Lee, chairman and CEO, Sinovation Ventures and author of bestseller AI Superpowers

Those who do not learn from their competitors are doomed. We need this book.
―Ken Wilcox, Chairman of the Board, Asia Society Northern California, and Chairman Emeritus, Silicon Valley Bank

Tech Titans of China is a fascinating read, and will quickly become the go-to resource to know who the key players are and how China's tech sector is giving the US a run for its money.
―Dorinda Elliott, SVP, China Institute; former Beijing bureau chief, Newsweek

Very few people know more about the rise of China as a competitor to the US than Rebecca Fannin. Tech Titans of China clearly lays out the battle for world supremacy.
―Harry Edelson, Chairman, China Investment Group

Rebecca Fannin has done us all a great service, to de-mystify the Chinese tech scene.
―Craig Allen, President, US-China Business Council

A great informative read on China's technological prowess without the cost of hiring your own consultant.
―Ronald M. Schramm, PhD; author, The Chinese Macroeconomy and Financial System; Visiting Assoc. Prof., Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs and CEIBS, Shanghai

This energetic and entertaining book guides us through the Chinese tech jungle. With the US and China facing off as tech rivals, this book is essential reading to understand what is at stake.
―John L. Holden, Senior Director, McLarty Associates; past president, National Committee on US-China Relations

The must-read book for anyone who cares about where tech is about to go over the next decade and introduces to us how the Chinese ecosystem works and the players in it.
―Robert Scoble, Futurist

Rebecca's Tech Titans of China gives us all an insiders' ring side seat into this dynamic and growing power.
―Brian Cohen, Chairman Emeritus, New York Angels

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