Actual Announcement To Our 162 Members

This section contains two postings.

The second is the actual Original Proposal which was reviewed in detail before being unanimously adopted at our 11/13/2019 meeting by the attendees of our 10/16/2019 meeting.

It comprises 3,625 words and runs to more than 9 Microsoft Word pages (standard margins and Times New Roman - 12).

Accordingly, the first posting was the actual announcement that was sent to our 162 members in our weekly Saturday/pre-dawn e-mail on Saturday October 19.

It serves, in effect, as an Executive Summary for the actual Original Proposal.

BTW, it contains a cross-link to the Original Proposal which is the second posting in this section.

For the curious, the cross-link to the Original Proposal in our Oct 19 e-mail to our members was “ ... 0c6776ca27.” Such cross-links in an external document or e-mail to items posted on this bulletin board, when the external document or e-mail is itself posted on this bulletin board, are automatically converted by this bulletin board (in this case to "viewtopic.php?f=561&t=1834").
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Actual Announcement To Our 162 Members

Post by johnkarls »

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: All Hands On Deck Emergency – Possible Global Warming Solution (Hydrogen Extraction) In Danger Of Being Killed!!! – Proposed E-mail Campaign For Our Nov 13 Meeting
Date: Sat, October 19, 2019 1:24 am MST - 3:37 am MST
To: To Our 162 Members One-By-One

To Each of Our 162 Members One-By-One – for reasons explained in the 4 postings in Sec. 2 of

Dear Friends,

Next meeting – WED evening Nov 13 – 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm.

Venue – Salt Lake Public Library (210 E. 400 South) – Conference Room C

Salt Lake nonresidents are invited to participate by Skype

Please RSVP to

The Emergency

Hydrogen is a carbon-free fuel – burning (oxidizing) hydrogen produces only water (2H2 + O2 > 2H2O).

The problem heretofore has been obtaining hydrogen economically and in enough quantity to make an impact.

On 8/10/2019, Proton Technologies (an Alberta Canada corporation) claimed to have discovered how to do both for which it has obtained patents.

The problem is that in this world “everything has its price” and there is nothing to prevent Proton Technologies and/or its shareholders from “selling out” to a malefactor (such as Saudi Arabia) that would like to kill the technology.

Details of the “Original Topic Proposal” are available at ... 561&t=1834.

Including at the end, one of our proposed Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaigns to prevent the technology from being sold to a malefactor that would like to kill the technology.

Please join us on Wed evening Nov 13 to address the problem.

Focus Book – Reference Materials

This will be one of our atypical meetings for which there will NOT be a focus book but instead, we will be focusing on whatever articles, etc., that our participants post in the “Reference Materials” section of (currently the website’s tenth section) and on whatever comments our participants post in the “Participant Comments” section of (currently the website’s ninth section).

We hope to see/hear all of Wed evening Nov 13.

Your friend,

John K.

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