Suggested Discussion Outline

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Suggested Discussion Outline

Post by johnkarls »

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Meeting THIS WEDNESDAY Evening – “The Price We Pay: What Broke American Health Care And How To Fix It” by Johns Hopkins Surgeon & Prof. of Health Policy Marty Markary
Date: Sat, December 7, 2019
To: Each of Our 169 Members One-By-One – for reasons explained in the 4 postings in Sec. 2 of

Dear Friends,

Our next meeting is THIS WEDNESDAY -- 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm.

IAW long-standing policy, the RSVP’s unanimously voted to change the venue to better suit their convenience.

More info about the focus book and author are available at ... 565&t=1845.

The Suggested Discussion Outline --

1. Reminder that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports that the percentage of American Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on healthcare is more than twice the average of developed countries.

2. Reminder that the UN’s World Health Organization ranks “the health system performance” of the U.S. as only 37th in the world -- which means that since there are only 35 members of the OECD, American healthcare is outranked by at least two third-world countries.

3. Review of our 7/12/2017 e-mail campaign to Sen. John McCain that began with the 2 foregoing points and then calculated that “Medicare For All” would save the U.S. Government at least $300 Billion/YEAR -- which e-mail campaign began 16 days before Sen. McCain’s iconic “thumb down” vote against “repealing and replacing” Obamacare, causing “repeal and replace” to fail by one vote.

4. The various factors identified in our focus book as contributing to excessive American healthcare costs.

5. A brief report by RSVP’s who also attended the 7/12/2017 meeting on additional factors contributing to excessive American healthcare costs.

6. Whether a new e-mail campaign should be undertaken and, if so, to whom it should be addressed.

7. Whether a new e-mail campaign should specifically address Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s erroneous estimate that “Medicare For All” will cost $52 billion over 10 years rather than save the U.S. government money.

8. Whether a new e-mail campaign should specifically address the oft-heard statement (including from several Presidential candidates) that Medicare should be made available to additional categories of people “if they buy in” without specifying whether the “buy-in price” is the current under-funded amount per participant in the Medicare Trust Fund (charging the actual projected cost for “buying in” would be unfair to newcomers, but charging only the pittance per participant currently in the Medicare Trust Fund would produce a horrendous cost to the U.S. Government since, by implication, nothing would then be done to bring American healthcare costs into line with the other 34 members of the OECD, all of which have “single payer” systems).

We hope to see/hear all of you this coming Wed evening – please RSVP if you haven’t already.

Your friend,
John K.

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