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"Infidel" - Sam Ghosh's Original Proposal

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 6:16 am
by johnkarls
68 views before adopted May 14th for June 11th

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: Clone Rights - Soldiers and Sex Slaves
From: Sam Ghosh
Date: Mon, March 24, 2008 1:38 pm

Dear John:

As I mentioned on Thursday, I highly recommend the book INFIDEL by Ms. Ayaan
Hirshi Ali who fled from Somalia to the Netherlands and then to the United
States because of threats to her life. She is now hiding near Washington, D. C.
under guard paid for by the Dutch Government. Ms. Ali was educated in the
Netherlands where she became a member of the parliament. Ali is targeted because
she exposed her personal experience and observation of routine torture to women
happening even today. Until I read this book I could never imagine what is
done to maim and kill women. It seems unreal but is real.

Your friend
Sam Ghosh