Suggested Answers to Short Quiz on Infidel

“Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali is available from your local public library or from IN PAPERBACK for $10.20 + shipping
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Suggested Answers to Short Quiz on Infidel

Post by johnkarls »

Question 1

In 2004, after shooting dead on an Amsterdam street the filmmaker Theo van Gogh, a Muslim fanatic pinned a letter to van Gogh’s chest with a knife. To whom was the letter addressed and what did it say???

Answer 1

The letter was addressed to Ayaan Hirsi Ali and said, in effect: “You’re Next!!!”

Question 2

Who/what provoked the threat in the letter???

Answer 2

Theo van Gogh had made a documentary film featuring Ayaan Hirsi Ali and her views that the supposed “liberal” policy of The Netherlands in permitting the free practice of religion in general, and Islam in particular, was in fact as NON-liberal as Islam itself, particularly with regard to Islam’s treatment of women.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali had been elected to the Dutch Parliament based solely on these views. About the time she stood for Parliament, her book “Infidel” mentions that Pim Fortuyn, another newcomer to Dutch politics, stood for Parliament even though he and a group of non-political friends had just formed an ad hoc new party based solely on these views. And that Pim Fortuyn was assassinated two weeks before the election in which his new “party” emerged to form the new Dutch government.

Pim Fortuyn was attacked verbally before his assassination for being “racist” – a difficult charge to level against Ayaan Hirsi Ali since she was a Muslim born and raised in Somalia.

So how would this all have played out in the United States??? What has the U.S. Supreme Court said about “freedom of religion” and, for example, snake handling??? Or “freedom of religion” and polygamy???

What do you think the U.S. Supreme Court would say about “freedom of religion” for a religion that features torture, slavery and human sacrifice??? Does female genital mutilation, for example, constitute torture??? Does the treatment of women described by Ayaan Hirsi Ali constitute slavery??? Do "honor killings" constitute human sacrifice???

Question 3

Where was Ayaan Hirsi Ali born???

Answer 3


Question 4

Does Somali culture bear any resemblance to India’s old caste system???

Answer 4

Everything in Somali culture, as described by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is based on clan and there is a well-defined “pecking order” with respect to the clans which bears an eerie resemblance to India’s old caste system.

Question 5

Putting aside Somalia’s clan culture, do women and children have any rights under Islamic law as evidenced in countries in which Ayaan Hirsi Ali found herself (Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya)???

Answer 5

No. Women, in particular, are treated as property (or cattle, though who knows whether cattle have “animal rights” that are not enjoyed by women).

Question 6

Did Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s mother have any right to even be informed by her husband when he took other wives???

Answer 6


Question 7

Is Somalia one of the Islamic countries that practices mutilation of female genitalia??? Did Ayaan Hirsi Ali suffer genital mutilation???

Answer 7

Yes. Yes.

Question 8

In describing the living conditions when she, her mother and her sister lived in Saudi Arabia, was their status worse than in Somalia because they were female??? Or because they were Black Africans???

Answer 8

As females, their status was worse in Saudi Arabia than in Somalia. For example, they were not permitted to go outside without being accompanied by a male.

As Black Africans, their status did not seem to be any different in Saudi Arabia than any Arab Muslim.

Question 9

In describing the flight of her clan (and perhaps other clans as well) from Somalia in the early 1990’s, Ayaan Hirsi Ali does NOT mention that she is describing the Civil War in which America was involved and from which President William Clinton withdrew American troops following the famous “Blackhawk Down” incident in Mogadishu!!! (A) Why had America been involved in this Civil War??? (B) Who else was also involved in this Civil War???

Answer 9

(A) Who knows??? Per the description in both Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book and the Wikipedia article posted on our Bulletin Board, this was essentially a revolt by the lower clans against the upper clans. Since, in effect, it was class warfare, somebody may have thought that it resembled a communist uprising.

(B) Osama bin Laden.

Question 10

How did Ayaan Hirsi Ali escape the arranged marriage to which her father had agreed???

Answer 10

Her father had arranged a marriage to a Somali Muslim living in Canada. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was sent to Germany to await there a Canadian visa. While waiting, she traveled to Holland where she requested asylum.

Question 11

What dangers did Ayaan Hirsi Ali publicize concerning the Dutch policy of non-assimilation of its Islamic population???

Answer 11

By the time Ayaan Hirsi Ali stood for Parliament, the majority of every major Dutch city had become Muslim. By following a supposed “liberal” policy of not interfering with the the religion and culture of the new immigrants, Holland was turning itself into a Muslim nation that was every bit as repressive as any other Muslim nation.

It is interesting, in this regard, that “Infidel” mentions at several points Article 23 of the Dutch Constitution which, because of the Dutch history of conflict between Protestants and Catholics, REQUIRES PUBLIC FUNDING FOR ALL PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS!!! Ayaan Hirsi Ali trumpeted to the Dutch public that this policy meant that the only significant opportunity for contact between Holland and its Muslim population was lost.

Question 12

Do the warnings sounded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali vis-à-vis Dutch non-assimilation of its Islamic population appear to have implications for other European countries as well??? Such as the now seemingly-annual riots in Paris’ northern suburbs which are Islamic ghettoes??? Or such as the 2006 London Underground bombings which were perpetrated by Muslims who were life-long British citizens???

Answer 12


And for extra credit –

Extra-Credit Question 1

Will Barack Obama be able to mend as President, American relations with Muslim nations???

Answer 1

As described in both the NY Times Article posted on our Bulletin Board and by Ayaan Hirsi Ali in “Infidel” as she struggles with whether to turn her back on Islam, apostasy requires all other Muslims to kill the Apostate, preferably by beheading.

Since women are treated as property or cattle, the question of whether you are born a Muslim is determined by who your father is. The father of Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a Kenyan Muslim. Barack Hussein Obama Jr. has trumpeted both on the campaign trail and in his autobiographies his conversion to Christianity 20 years ago.

Accordingly, it is well known by Muslims around the world that Barack Obama is an Apostate.

Extra-Credit Question 2

Will Barack Obama even be able to visit Muslim nations???

Answer 2

Not according to the NY Times article posted on our Bulletin Board.

In addition to US Secret Service protection in the immediate vicinity of the US President, Barack Obama’s safety would also depend on the overall protection of the local police and army in order for the US Secret Service not to be overwhelmed.

Every member of the local police and army who is Muslim would have an obligation to behead Barack Obama.

And every member of the local police and Army who is shirking her/his obligation to behead Barack Obama WOULD HAVE A DUTY TO STAND ASIDE FOR ANY OTHER MUSLIM WHO WANTS TO OBEY THE ISLAMIC LAW TO BEHEAD BARACK OBAMA.

Extra-Credit Question 3

How does this all relate to the massive “blow back” by the Democratic Party with respect to Hillary Clinton’s response to a question about why she won’t get out of the race for the nomination which mentioned that Bill Clinton hadn’t secured the nomination until June 1992 and then seemed to mention as an after-thought that everyone remembers the assassination of Bobby Kennedy in June 1968 during a hotly contested California primary???

Answer 3

As part of the “blow back” it became public knowledge that Barack Obama has received an extraordinarily high number of death threats, as a result of which he received secret service protection much earlier than the other candidates and his secret service protection is much more extensive.

However, it would appear that in permitting this much to become public knowledge, an effort has been made to permit the American public to assume that the extraordinarily high number of death threats for Barack Obama have come from American racists rather than American and foreign Muslims.

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