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Post by johnkarls »


Dear Friends,

We take great pride in our Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail campaigns to decision makers which, with only a few computer keyboard key strokes, can be sent by each of our members (1) to the decision maker(s), and (2) to all of the member's friends and acquaintances requesting them to do the same in an unending chain.

[Indeed, these 47 e-mail campaigns over our 14.5 years of existence (many of which have been surprisingly effective) are what make us more than an unimportant self-edification group of patriotic policy wonks.]

Accordingly, we also take great pride that each of our recommendations has been approved unanimously at one of our meetings or, at most, received only one dissent.

Because of the importance of the issue of America’s 30% Permanent Under-Caste, our weekly e-mail of 5/23/2020 was sent to our 181 members –

1. With an e-mail subject: “Your Opinion Requested Whether ‘Magnet Schools’ Are The Best Way To Address America’s Permanent 30% Under-Caste”; and

2. Containing the following text –

“There follow immediately below my two e-mails requested by the New York Times Editorial-Page Editor on how to address America’s Permanent 30% Under-Caste that the U.S. Government has continually described for the last half century as illiterate as defined by the ability to read the warning label on a can of rat poison.

“My e-mails posit that ‘Magnet Schools’ are the best way to address America’s Permanent 30% Under-Caste.

“Please hit your Reply Button and indicate --

1. Whether you think there is a better way to address the problem.

2. Or, of course, whether you believe the problem should NOT be addressed.”

The “two e-mails requested by the New York Times Editorial-Page Editor” which were then included with our 5/23/2020 weekly e-mail are available at viewtopic.php?f=587&t=1919&sid=43212f94 ... 97b94fb2ff.

None of our 181 members could think of a better way to address the problem of America’s 30% Permanent Under-Caste.

And none of our 181 members thought the problem should NOT be addressed.

Accordingly, the task at our June 3 meeting was to agree on the text of an e-mail campaign and to agree on America’s decision-maker(s) to whom it should be addressed.

The following e-mail texts were approved unanimously by the participants at our June 3 meeting -- after the addition of a parenthetical phrase in the first paragraph and a new additional paragraph which became the penultimate paragraph.

They also approved sending the e-mail texts to both of the Presidential Candidates.

[And approved, when the time comes, to send them with appropriate cover letters to the Presidential Debate Moderators requesting them to raise the issue during the debates (with copies to the two candidates to remind them what they were already requested HEREWITH to support) -- following the same procedure that was employed by our Global-Warming Thorium-Fission Working Group during the first five Democratic Party Primary Debates June 26 - Nov 20 of last year – please see viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1781&sid=36b83f5e2 ... cf5cd4db38.]

The reasons for this campaign are explained in the identical e-mail texts that appear below.

If you would like additional information, it is available on http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org by scrolling past the first 7 paragraphs that are numbered to the cluster of sections for our 6/3/2020 meeting (the unnumbered sections deal with each of our meetings over the last 14.5 years and are in reverse-chronological order).

If you agree with the recommended e-mail campaigns --

(1) please send the FIRST already-prepared two-part e-mail appearing below to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact (which will require inputting your contact info before copying/pasting the text of the first part – followed by doing so again for the text of the second part);

(2) please send the SECOND already-prepared e-mail appearing below to Former VP Joe Biden using your regular e-mail program; and

(3) send to all your friends and acquaintances the already-prepared e-mail package that comprises everything below the immediately-following string of asterisks – so that, through no more than six degrees of separation to 100% of the American population, we reach everyone in a cascading chain.

Thank you very much for your participation!!!

Your friend,
John K.

PS – To unsubscribe, please press “reply” and type “deletion requested.”


To: All of your friends and acquaintances


Dear Friends,

I have been requested to participate in the referenced "call to action" and request that you participate as well.

It is the 48th such E-mail Campaign on various topics recommended by a monthly patriotic non-partisan public-policy study group over the last 14.5 years comprising already-prepared e-mails that can be sent to decision makers on important policy issues. [The group has 181 members including numerous attorneys and professors from around the country who participate by Skype/Zoom and many of the e-mail campaigns have been surprisingly effective.]

Such e-mail campaigns require unanimity or, at most, one dissent at one of our meetings.

The following e-mail campaigns were not only approved unanimously by the participants of our 6/3/2020 meeting but had already been approved unanimously in concept by our 181 members.

The meeting participants also approved sending the e-mail texts to both of the Presidential Candidates.

[And approved, when the time comes, to send them with appropriate cover letters to the Presidential Debate Moderators requesting them to raise the issue during the debates (with copies to the two candidates to remind them what they were already requested HEREWITH to support) -- following the same procedure that was employed by our Global-Warming Thorium-Fission Working Group during the first five Democratic Party Primary Debates June 26 - Nov 20 of last year – please see viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1781&sid=36b83f5e2 ... cf5cd4db38.]

The reasons for this campaign are explained in the identical e-mail texts that appear below.

If you would like additional information, it is available on http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org by scrolling past the first 7 paragraphs that are numbered to the cluster of sections for our 6/3/2020 meeting (the unnumbered sections deal with each of our meetings over the last 14.5 years and are in reverse-chronological order).

If you agree with the recommended e-mail campaigns --

(1) please send the FIRST already-prepared two-part e-mail appearing below to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact (which will require inputting your contact info before copying/pasting the text of the first part – followed by doing so again for the text of the second part);

(2) please send the SECOND already-prepared e-mail appearing below to Former VP Joe Biden using your regular e-mail program; and

(3) forward this e-mail to all of your FRAN’s (friends, acquaintances and neighbors) -- so that, through no more than six degrees of separation to 100% of the American population, we reach everyone in a cascading chain.

Thank you very much for your participation!!!

*************************[Part 1 due to 2,000 character limit]************************

President Donald J. Trump

Dear Mr. President:

Re: Addressing America’s 30% Permanent Under-Caste

As you may be aware, Jonathan Kozol has, for more than half a century, written award-winning best-selling books about inner-city education and how it has long-since produced and perpetuated a Permanent 30% Under-Caste (in other words, 100 million Americans) that the U.S. government continually reports is illiterate as defined by the ability to read the warning label on a can of rat poison.

I am affiliated with a 14.5-year-old 181-member non-partisan public-policy study-action group that has just finished focusing on Kozol’s “The Shame of The Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America” (Crown Publishing 2005) which examined the conditions culminating in the U.S. Supreme Court’s “stamp of approval” on segregated K-12 education in Parents vs. Seattle School Dist. No 1 (2007).

The 181 members include many professors and attorneys from around the country who participate in our meetings on-line.

The Group has concluded that there is NO EXCUSE for a self-respecting nation to continue to tolerate ignoring a Permanent 30% Under-Caste when “Identical Twin Studies” (the Gold Standard for determining what is genetic and what is environmental) --

consistently show when inner-city children are orphaned before their first birthdays where one twin was adopted by a suburban family and the other twin was adopted by another inner-city family -- that by adulthood, the identical twins adopted by suburban families generate Measured IQ’s equal to average suburban Measured IQ’s, while their identical twins adopted by inner-city families generate Measured IQ’s equal to average inner-city Measured IQ’s.

However, the prevailing SINGLE-DIGIT inner-city high-school graduation rates are NOT surprising when our inner-city children KNOW BY AGE 5 that they are NOT eligible for their dreams.

[To Be Continued Momentarily]

*************************[Part 2 due to 2,000 character limit]************************

[This is the continuation of a message on America’s 30% Permanent Under-Caste sent a few moments ago.]

And that their only realistic career objectives are pimp or pusher, or girl friend of a pimp or pusher graduating to whore -- which, of course, do not require much education.

The Group has concluded that the nation faces a SOCIOLOGY problem, NOT an education problem -- one that requires de facto surrogate parents.

And that the best way to solve the challenge of our half-century-plus Permanent 30% Under-Caste is for the U.S. government --

1. To establish “magnet schools” that push the percentage of inner-city children to the maximum that will be tolerated by affluent parents, BUT ARE SO OUTSTANDING IN TERMS OF FACULTY, PROGRAMS, FACILITIES, ETC., ETC., that affluent parents will still want their children to attend.

2. To require that admission of an affluent student, AND THE AFFLUENT STUDENT’S CONTINUED ENROLLMENT, be conditioned on the affluent student and her/his family’s tutoring/mentoring a less-affluent student.

It is noted that the U.S. Supreme Court is unlikely to interfere because nobody is forced to attend Magnet Schools.

More information is contained in The Group’s E-mails that were requested by the New York Times Editorial-Page Editor and that are available at viewtopic.php?f=587&t=1919&sid=57a23c4c ... 36a3ef1ca0.

Racism in America (vs. band aids for symptoms such as police brutality) can NOT be solved until America addresses effectively its Permanent 30% Under-Caste by establishing Federal Magnet Schools in which every child in America’s Permanent 30% Under-Caste is enrolled so that, with the passing generations, the stain of segregation is finally erased.

Thank you for your consideration.


---------------------------- Your Email Message -----------------------------
Subject: Addressing America’s 30% Permanent Under-Caste
To: contact@joebiden.com

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

Dear Sir:

Re: Addressing America’s 30% Permanent Under-Caste

As you may be aware, Jonathan Kozol has, for more than half a century, written award-winning best-selling books about inner-city education and how it has long-since produced and perpetuated a Permanent 30% Under-Caste (in other words, 100 million Americans) that the U.S. government continually reports is illiterate as defined by the ability to read the warning label on a can of rat poison.

I am affiliated with a 14.5-year-old 181-member non-partisan public-policy study-action group that has just finished focusing on Kozol’s “The Shame of The Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America” (Crown Publishing 2005) which examined the conditions culminating in the U.S. Supreme Court’s “stamp of approval” on segregated K-12 education in Parents vs. Seattle School Dist. No 1 (2007).

The 181 members include many professors and attorneys from around the country who participate in our meetings on-line.

The Group has concluded that there is NO EXCUSE for a self-respecting nation to continue to tolerate ignoring a Permanent 30% Under-Caste when “Identical Twin Studies” (the Gold Standard for determining what is genetic and what is environmental) --

consistently show when inner-city children are orphaned before their first birthdays where one twin was adopted by a suburban family and the other twin was adopted by another inner-city family -- that by adulthood, the identical twins adopted by suburban families generate Measured IQ’s equal to average suburban Measured IQ’s, while their identical twins adopted by inner-city families generate Measured IQ’s equal to average inner-city Measured IQ’s.

However, the prevailing SINGLE-DIGIT inner-city high-school graduation rates are NOT surprising when our inner-city children KNOW BY AGE 5 that they are NOT eligible for their dreams.

And that their only realistic career objectives are pimp or pusher, or girl friend of a pimp or pusher graduating to whore -- which, of course, do not require much education.

The Group has concluded that the nation faces a SOCIOLOGY problem, NOT an education problem -- one that requires de facto surrogate parents.

And that the best way to solve the challenge of our half-century-plus Permanent 30% Under-Caste is for the U.S. government --

1. To establish “magnet schools” that push the percentage of inner-city children to the maximum that will be tolerated by affluent parents, BUT ARE SO OUTSTANDING IN TERMS OF FACULTY, PROGRAMS, FACILITIES, ETC., ETC., that affluent parents will still want their children to attend.

2. To require that admission of an affluent student, AND THE AFFLUENT STUDENT’S CONTINUED ENROLLMENT, be conditioned on the affluent student and her/his family’s tutoring/mentoring a less-affluent student.

It is noted that the U.S. Supreme Court is unlikely to interfere because nobody is forced to attend Magnet Schools.

More information is contained in The Group’s E-mails that were requested by the New York Times Editorial-Page Editor and that are available at viewtopic.php?f=587&t=1919&sid=57a23c4c ... 36a3ef1ca0.

Racism in America (vs. band aids for symptoms such as police brutality) can NOT be solved until America addresses effectively its Permanent 30% Under-Caste by establishing Federal Magnet Schools in which every child in America’s Permanent 30% Under-Caste is enrolled so that, with the passing generations, the stain of segregation is finally erased.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Posts: 218
Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:38 pm

Our E-mails Requested By The NY Times Editorial Page Editor

Post by solutions »

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Your E-mails Requested By The NY Times Editorial Page Editor
From: Solutions
Date: Sun, June 7, 2020 9:23 am MDT
To: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com

Dear John,

I just finished participating in our “Six Degrees of Separation” E-mail Campaign but have a question for you.

As you may recall, you had a lengthy exchange of e-mails the middle of May with The NY Times Editorial Page Editor which you posted on our bulletin board at viewtopic.php?f=587&t=1919&sid=0c9a9bb1 ... 8d0367917b.

Did you contact him to alert him that our project had culminated in the “Six Degrees of Separation” E-mail Campaign?

Your friend,


---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Re: Your E-mails Requested By The NY Times Editorial Page Editor
From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
Date: Mon, June 8, 2020 9:36 am MDT
To: Solutions
(153 KiB) Downloaded 128 times
Saboteurs deleted the foregoing document on 2/18/2022 - Here is a restoration - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Solutions,

Thank you for your e-mail.

The answer to your Q is yes and no.

At 7:17 am EDT yesterday (Sunday), I sent to Mr. James Bennet (the now-former but then-current NY Times Editorial Page Editor) the e-mail enclosed with the attachment to this e-mail.

It was immediately rejected by an e-mail from The New York Times which stated that nytdirect@nytimes.com is “no longer active” which apparently (since Mr. Bennet hadn’t been fired yet) indicated that his “The Key To Unlocking Human Potential” project had concluded.

It would appear that my Cc to letters@nytimes.com was delivered.

Nevertheless, I prepared a letter to Ms. Kathleen Kingsbury, the new NY Times Editorial Page Editor, and enclosed with it the e-mail to Mr. Bennet that had been rejected.

The cover letter and enclosure are attached to this e-mail. They were sent FedEx Overnight - the tracking number is 393630857473.

Thank you for participating in our e-mail campaign.

Your friend,

John K.

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