Suggested Discussion Outline - Infidel

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Suggested Discussion Outline - Infidel

Post by johnkarls »

A. Assassinations and Assassination Threats - Including Motivations Thereof

A-1. Theo van Gogh
A-2. Pim Fortuyn
A-3. Ayaan Hirsi Ali

B. Freedom of Religion - Including Transformation of Holland into a Muslim Nation

B-1. The original Dutch model of letting Muslims practice their own traditions on Dutch soil
B-2. Article 23 of the Dutch Constitution which requires public funding of parochial schools (virtually all Dutch schools are Catholic, Muslim, Protestant, etc.)
B-3. The U.S. Supreme Court model of setting U.S. standards for what is protected (e.g., snake handling, polygamy, denying minors medicine, etc.)

C. Treatment of Muslim Women

C-1. Genital mutilation
C-2. Other constant and pervasive physical abuse
C-3. Arranged marriages
C-4. Multiple wives
C-5. Traditional dress (including head scarves, veils, etc.)
C-6. Lack of any rights in general (status as property, cattle, etc.)
C-7. Status as prey if there are no male relatives to protect the woman
C-8. Honor killings
C-9. Other

D. Apostasy

D-1. Ayaan Hirsi Ali's struggle with whether to turn her back on Islam

D-1-A. Her description on p. 288 of the Muslim requirement to kill Apostates
D-1-B. Why it is such a "big deal" in Islam (contrasted with apostasy vis-à-vis other religions)
D-1-C. Her claim that it is clearly required both by The Quran and The Hadith

D-2. The duty of every Muslim to behead Apostates (and also not stand in the way of other Muslims who are honoring their duty to behead Apostates)

D-2-A. Iran and two Malaysian Muslim nations enacting as part of their Civil Law the Muslim requirement to behead Apostates
D-2-B. NY Times Public Editor "muddying the waters" by citing inconsistent claims by a handful of "experts" that beheading Muslim Apostates is not required (or not required in all cases), and that the Muslim requirement to behead Apostates should be modified or abolished (which, of course, contradicts the "experts" who claim that it is not required)

D-3. Implications for Barack Obama Personally

D-3-A. Status as Muslim determined by status of father (since under Islam a woman is property rather than human)
D-3-B. Barack's father and step-father were both Muslim (he never was raised by a "single Mom" unless she was not married to Barack's Indonesian step-father, contrary to what Barack claims in his autobiographies)
D-3-C. Barack choosing Christianity as an adult

D-4. Implications for Barack Obama as President

D-4-A. Whether he can deal effectively with Muslim nations despite their perception of him as an Apostate
D-4-B. Whether he can even visit Muslim nations due to security problems

E. Other

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