Coward Tony Blinken Green-Lighting Polish MIG’s Directly To Ukraine On “Face The Nation” Overruled By Super-Coward Biden

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Coward Tony Blinken Green-Lighting Polish MIG’s Directly To Ukraine On “Face The Nation” Overruled By Super-Coward Biden

Post by johnkarls »


Of our 199 weekly e-mail recipients, 9 are Harvard Law School Class of 1967 classmates.

One of the 9 registered recently to post comments on our website anonymously as “HLS Classmate.”

The following exchange of e-mails was from one of the remaining 8 classmates who have NOT registered to post comments.

Since I did NOT ask his permission to post this e-mail exchange, I have called him “HLS Classmate No. 2” and redacted any information that would identify him.

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Stirring the pot counterclockwise
From: [HLS Classmate No. 2]
Date: Thur, March 10, 2022 9:56 am CST


The link below on how well Biden has handled Ukraine comes from my daughter. She wondered what some of “my law school friends” might think.

An earlier mailing from you took the position (I think) that at least at first that wasn’t the case in that he did not seek bipartisan support. I’m wondering if you have a different view now, given the extent to which the Republicans seem to have pivoted as to their attitude, and the extent to which the Allies are supporting the sanctions. Perhaps Biden was right to go slow in reaching out to them initially? Or maybe a more forceful approach to them in the beginning might have forestalled the whole invasion?

[Pleasantry indicating, inter alia, geographical location redacted.] ... ic%20Daily

[No closing salutation. Name, title & contact info for HLS Classmate No. 2 redacted.]

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Coward Tony Blinken Green-Lighting Polish MIG’s Directly To Ukraine On “Face The Nation” Overruled By Super-Coward Biden
Date: Thur, March 10, 2022 5:11 pm MST
To: [HLS Classmate No. 2]

Dear [Name Redacted],

Thank you very much for your e-mail.

And thank you for your being a loyal “subscriber” to our weekly Reading Liberally e-mail vis-à-vis which you have sent e-mail comments & questions to me in the past.

Since you have also taught law school, I appreciate with amusement how you pose a question as coming from your daughter and then stand back with a classic “On the one hand…..but on the other hand” observation!!!

Unfortunately, I am unable to feel so dispassionate vis-à-vis Ukraine – as I’m sure you already realize from my past comments in our newsletter and on our website.

Though, of course, the participants in our Zoom meeting this coming Wed March 16 will not be shy in voicing views that contradict mine -- if that is what they believe.

But since you are asking for my current view on Biden, here goes --

Robert Gates (Obama’s first Secretary of Defense until 6/30/2011) famously said in his 2014 memoir (“Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War”) that Biden has “been WRONG on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”!!!

On 10/17/2021, Robert Gates was asked on CBS’ “60 Minutes” by Anderson Cooper in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle whether he (Gates) stood by his assessment. Gates did!!!

Indeed, it has often been reported that Super-Coward Biden was the only negative vote before Obama’s decision to assassinate Osama bin Laden.

So is there anything new under the sun???

Yes, Biden Apologists will claim that his refusing to “lift a finger” while using Ukrainians as “cannon fodder” (a term I have used on our website) -- has created a lot of sympathy for the Ukrainians.

But as I have posited on our website several times --

“The United States has A MORAL AND LEGAL OBLIGATION to defend Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity WHICH WE GUARANTEED IF UKRAINE WOULD SURRENDER ITS MEANS OF DEFENDING ITSELF. AND this is a MUCH HIGHER moral and legal obligation than our NATO obligation – after all, we did NOT dupe any of the NATO countries into surrendering the means to defend themselves AND many (if not most) of the NATO countries do NOT spend 2% of their GDP on defense which is the minimum requirement for receiving our protection.”

[This particular formulation, for example, concluded my 1/21/2022 Original Topic Proposal which was voted our March 16 topic – “America’s 12/5/1994 Written & Signed Agreement That If Ukraine Surrendered Its 1,900 Missiles Containing Multiple-Nuclear-Warheads, America Would Guarantee The Independence And Territorial Integrity Of Ukraine.”]

A Law School 101 Question since you have also taught law school – if Russia attacks a NATO country (NB: my contention just set forth that our NATO obligation is a MUCH LOWER moral and legal obligation than our 1994 guarantee to Ukraine), would Super-Coward Biden stand back and let Putin kill/rape/torture, say, French or German citizens in order to generate world sympathy, rather than coming to their defense as required by Article 5???

NB: that Law School 101 Question is NOT intended as rhetorical!!! Indeed, I would expect Super-Coward Biden to hide in his basement!!!


Super-Coward Biden’s latest travesty???

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has been desperately asking the world for a “No Fly Zone” for two weeks!!!

Super-Coward Biden ruled out a “No Fly Zone” for Ukraine!!!

Then Poland offered to send its 28 Soviet-era MIG-29’s to Ukraine for the Ukrainians to fly if the U.S. would “back fill” the Polish Air Force with an equivalent number of F-16’s!!!

Super-Coward Biden failed to give any assurances that the Polish Air Force would get more F-16’s!!!

So Poland offered to send its 28 MIG-29’s to the U.S. Air Base at Ramstein Germany for transfer by the U.S. to Ukraine – apparently hoping that Super-Coward Biden might then feel a “moral obligation” to “back fill” the Polish Air Force with F-16’s!!!

Super-Coward Biden ruled that out!!!

On CBS’ “Meet the Press” this past Sunday, Coward Tony Blinken was asked by Margaret Brennan whether, despite Biden’s nixing the Polish MIG-29’s to the U.S. Air Base at Ramstein Germany for the U.S. to donate to Ukraine, Poland donating the MIG-29’s directly to Ukraine was acceptable.

[NB: Ukraine had only offered to donate them directly if it received F-16’s to replace them.]

Coward Tony Blinken, despite his cowardice, firmly and clear-eyedly, stated on “Meet the Press” that Poland donating the MIG-29’s directly to Ukraine (presumably without any assurance of F-16 replacements) STILL HAD A “GREEN LIGHT” FROM THE U.S.

Now, Super-Coward Biden has OVERRULED Coward Tony Blinken and installed a RED LIGHT on any Polish MIG-29’s going to Ukraine under any circumstances!!!

This accompanied by BIDEN APOLOGISTS falsely claiming that Ukrainian military pilots don’t know how to fly MIG-29’s (despite their having been the “backbone” of the Ukrainian Air Force for decades and zillions of Ukrainian Air Force retired pilots who could return to active duty!!!).

And despite BIDEN APOLOGISTS falsely claiming that since the Ukrainian Air Force is allegedly still largely intact, the additional MIG-29's are NOT needed -- strongly implying that the Ukrainians don't know what they're talking about.

[OF COURSE -- JUST LIKE WINSTON CHURCHILL PROTECTING HIS AIR FORCE DURING THE “BATTLE OF BRITAIN” BOMBING OF LONDON, YOU DON’T SACRIFICE NEEDLESSLY WHAT ASSETS YOU HAVE IF NO REPLACEMENTS ARE AVAILABLE!!! Super-Coward Biden is effectively saying “I won’t CONSIDER letting you have more MIG-29’s from Poland until yours have been shot down” meaning that letting them get shot down in lower-priority “dog fights” now before the crucial battles to come is Super-Coward Biden’s prerequisite for his obviously-forthcoming decision that “Just like you stupid Ukrainians surrendered your 1,900 nuclear missiles in 1994, you stupid Ukrainians have permitted your MIG-29’s to be destroyed in lower-priority “dog fights” thinking I would be “stupid enough” to ever permit Polish MIG-29’s to be given to you”!!!]

BTW, one might wonder where Super-Coward Biden “gets off” barring Poland from giving its MIG-29’s to Ukraine without any assurance of replacements for its own Air Force!!!

It is intuitively obvious that Super-Coward Biden has told Poland that if they give MIG-29’s to Ukraine AND PUTIN ATTACKS POLAND IN THE FUTURE CITING THE MIG-29’s AS A “CASUS BELLI,” the U.S. will NOT honor its NATO Article 5 obligation to come to Poland’s defense!!! I defy you to conjure any other plausible reason why Poland would heed Super-Coward Biden's RED LIGHT!!!

OMG, can Super-Coward Biden get a “spine transplant” at Walter Reed Hospital???

I’m going to sign off now rather than get ulcers!!!

But I notice you have never participated in one of our monthly Zoom meetings.

I would encourage both you and your daughter to participate on March 16!!!

NB: our long-time policy that first-time participants are NOT required to have read our meeting materials in advance.

Your friend,

John K.

PS – May God Have Mercy On Super-Coward Biden’s Soul!!!

Posts: 2091
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:43 pm

Righteous Indignation

Post by johnkarls »


---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Re: Coward Tony Blinken Green-Lighting Polish MIG’s Directly To Ukraine On “Face The Nation” Overruled By Super-Coward Biden
From: [HLS Classmate No. 2]
Date: Fri, March 11, 2022 8:22 am CST


Thanks for your email. I am glad to get your views on President Biden.

[147 words on another topic that would expose the identity of HLS Classmate No. 2 redacted.]

[No closing salutation. Name, title & contact info for HLS Classmate No. 2 redacted.]

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Re: Coward Tony Blinken Green-Lighting Polish MIG’s Directly To Ukraine On “Face The Nation” Overruled By Super-Coward Biden
Date: Fri, March 11, 2022 9:44 am MST
To: [HLS Classmate No. 2]

Dear [Name Redacted],

Thank you for your e-mail.

You didn't mention whether you had forwarded it to your daughter.

I suspect you didn't because it is very emotional and not 100% "lawyer like."

Even before sending it, I had been planning to plead RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!!!

Your friend,

John K.

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