Suggested Answers to the Second Short Quiz

As explained on the face of this bulletin board for the immediately-preceding section, our April 20 meeting will focus 50% on the second portion of “The Dying Concept of Citizenship & America’s Southern Border” in general and MODERN SLAVERY, in particular.

“America’s Southern Border” is the site of most of our illegal-drug imports BUT IT IS ALSO THE SITE OF MOST OF OUR IMPORTS OF MODERN SLAVES.

When our 9/18/2019 meeting focused on the United Nation’s now-22-year-old “War on MODERN SLAVERY,” many of the things we learned were incorporated into the four “short quizzes” for that meeting which, together with their “suggested answers” are available at viewforum.php?f=554&sid=3933b746105ff3b ... 4524b27455.

The titles of those “short quizzes” were --

(1) The United Nations’ Sex Trafficking Movie


(3) Sex Trafficking INTO the U.S.

(4) Sex Trafficking WITHIN the U.S.

The first “short quiz” for our 4/20/2022 meeting comprises the four 9/18/2019 “short quizzes.”


Respectfully submitted,

HLS Classmate
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HLS Classmate
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Suggested Answers to the Second Short Quiz

Post by HLS Classmate »


Suggested Answers to the Second Short Quiz – “The Dying Citizen” as a de facto “Reply Brief” to the Indictment of TRUE Liberals (vs. LINO’S – Liberals In Name Only)

Question 1

In “The Dying Citizen,” does Victor Davis Hanson present a de facto “Reply Brief” to the indictment of Liberals?

Answer 1

Please read on.

Question 2

Is his “Reply Brief” persuasive for many, if not most, American “citizens”?

Answer 2

Please read on.

Question 3

However, does the validity of his “Reply Brief” depend on the circumstances in which the reader/judge/jury find themselves?

Answer 3

Please read on.

Question 4

For example, didn’t the First Short Quiz focus on the United Nations’ Now-22-Year-Old “War on Modern Slavery” which “modern slavery” is more profitable for organized crime than illegal guns or illegal drugs as a result of which there are at least TWICE AS MANY people CURRENTLY TRAPPED in some form of slavery as were traded throughout the 350 years of the transatlantic slave industry with the retail price of a slave delivered in the U.S. only $5,250 as a result of which the average price of a sex act is only $27.50 which has unleashed incredible demand?

Answer 4


Question 5

In other words, do you think Prof. Hanson’s “Reply Brief” would be persuasive for America’s Modern-Day Slaves?

Answer 5

What do you think? Let’s discuss!

Question 6

Looking at a different segment of American society, have we focused several times over our 16-year existence on America’s PERMANENT 30% UNDER-CASTE that the U.S. Government has continually described for the last half century as illiterate as defined by the ability to read the warning label on a can of rat poison?

Answer 6


Question 7

In doing so, haven’t we always championed the model of the “I Have A Dream”® Foundation of the 1990’s whose 178 programs in 51 American inner-cities provided tutors & mentors and a guarantee of college tuition for an entire third-grade class of an inner-city school or an entire third-grade cohort in a public-housing project?

Answer 7


Question 8

Were these programs able to achieve more-than-90% H.S. graduation/college matriculation rates despite the class just ahead and just behind each “Dreamer” class having SINGLE-DIGIT high school graduation rates?

Answer 8


Question 9

Did Bill and Melinda Gates and their foundation lead the nation away from The Promised Land to worship for 10 years the "false idol" of breaking up inner-city schools into smaller units and, after admitting that failure, of leading the nation to worship the "false idol" of school choice – a “false idol” because comprehensive studies by Stanford University show that charter schools are no better than public schools even though the charter schools typically accept only children of functional parents and then expel anyone who isn't performing?

Answer 9


Question 11

Do Sections 4 and 5 of contain a plethora of legal briefs and documents chronicling John Karls’ litigation against 15 of the world’s largest financial institutions for the $84 billion that they owed him and that had been long-since pledged in legally-binding fashion to provide IHAD or IHAD-style programs for 10 million inner-city children?

Answer 11


Question 12

Do those materials show how 21 U.S. and California officials starting with President Obama and including House Speaker Pelosi, ignored three pleas over several years to file Amicus Curiae briefs in the litigation (which are routine for causes the politicians favor), even though each of the 21 knew that any of them “lifting a single finger” might have been sufficient to enable 10 million inner-city children to avoid a “fate worse than death”?

Answer 12


Question 13

Do those materials also show how 43 of the nation’s news-media superstars ignored three pleas over several years to “shine a light on what was going down” in the litigation, even though each of the 43 knew that any of them “lifting a single finger” might have been sufficient to enable 10 million inner-city children to avoid a “fate worse than death”?

Answer 13


Question 14

Was the “question presented for review” in John’s “certiorari” petition to the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the appeal –

“Can state court judges order their decisions which they know are diametrically-opposed to well-settled law, not to be published or cited (a strategy labeled ‘the segregated toilet’ in correspondence with 51 inner-city clergy who represent the 10 million inner-city children who have been disclosed from the outset as the ‘real parties at interest’ in this law suit) in order to flush away the rights of the 10 million inner-city children without disturbing the rights of first-class American citizens -- without violating the ‘Equal Protection of the Law’ requirement of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?”

Answer 14


Question 15

In other words, would the lawsuits have been a “slam dunk” if, as the Sec. 4 & 5 title suggests, America did not have an “Apartheid ‘Justice’ System”?

Answer 15

Yes, a “slam dunk” --

Even if you are a not an attorney, all you need to know is that NOTHING IN THE “SEGREGATED TOILET” CAN BE PUBLISHED OR CITED!

Question 16

Did John’s final report to each of the 51 inner-city clergy who had been supporting the cause (A) inform them that the US Supreme Court on 10/4/2011 refused to hear our appeal, (B) thank them for their efforts with the solace that each of us would be able to say at The Pearly Gates with St. Paul (II Timothy 4:7): “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” and (C) request them and their congregants to pray for the 43 news-media superstars, the 21 governmental officials, the California judges and the U.S. Supreme Court Justices, that MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON THEIR SOULS!!!

Answer 16


Question 17

BTW, does “Apartheid” in “Apartheid ‘Justice’ System” also come from the title of the focus book for our 6/3/2020 meeting which was Jonathan Kozol’s “The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America”?

Answer 17


Question 18

Did Jonathan Kozol graduate first in his Harvard Class of 1958, following which he attended Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar? Upon his return, did he become a teacher in Boston’s inner-city schools? Was he so appalled at America’s treatment of its “Permanent 30% Under-Caste” that he has devoted the rest of his life to studying first-hand America’s inner-city schools and writing such award-winning books as –

Death at an Early Age (1967)
The Night is Dark and I am Far From Home (1975)
Illiterate America (1986)
Rachel and Her Children: Homeless Families in America (1988)
Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools (1991)
Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation (1995)
Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Years of Hope (2000)
The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America (2005)
Letters to a Young Teacher (2007)
Fire in the Ashes: Twenty-Five Years Among the Poorest Children in America (2012)

Answer 18

Yes – Yes – Yes.

Question 19

Was our 6/3/2020 focus book of Jonathan Kozol’s “The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America” published FIFTEEN years earlier on 9/13/2005? Did it describe the conditions that led to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2007 decision in Parents vs. Seattle School District No 1 TO ABOLISH SCHOOL BUSING AND CONFINE INNER-CITY CHILDREN TO THEIR GHETTO SCHOOLS?

Answer 19

Yes – Yes.

Question 20

Did we mount on 6/3/2020 one of our “Six Degrees of Separation” E-mail Campaigns entitled “Addressing The Cause Of Racism (vs. A Mere Symptom)” to the two Presidential Candidates including The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr. pursuant to which as many as 330 million e-mails implored him as follows --

I am affiliated with a 14.5-year-old 181-member non-partisan public-policy study-action group that has just finished focusing on Kozol’s “The Shame of The Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America” (Crown Publishing 2005) which examined the conditions culminating in the U.S. Supreme Court’s “stamp of approval” on segregated K-12 education in Parents vs. Seattle School Dist. No 1 (2007).

The 181 members include many professors and attorneys from around the country who participate in our meetings on-line.

The Group has concluded that there is NO EXCUSE for a self-respecting nation to continue to tolerate ignoring a Permanent 30% Under-Caste when “Identical Twin Studies” (the Gold Standard for determining what is genetic and what is environmental) --

consistently show when inner-city children are orphaned before their first birthdays where one twin was adopted by a suburban family and the other twin was adopted by another inner-city family -- that by adulthood, the identical twins adopted by suburban families generate Measured IQ’s equal to average suburban Measured IQ’s, while their identical twins adopted by inner-city families generate Measured IQ’s equal to average inner-city Measured IQ’s.

However, the prevailing SINGLE-DIGIT inner-city high-school graduation rates are NOT surprising when our inner-city children KNOW BY AGE 5 that they are NOT eligible for their dreams.

And that their only realistic career objectives are pimp or pusher, or girl friend of a pimp or pusher graduating to whore -- which, of course, do not require much education.

The Group has concluded that the nation faces a SOCIOLOGY problem, NOT an education problem -- one that requires de facto surrogate parents.

And that the best way to solve the challenge of our half-century-plus Permanent 30% Under-Caste is for the U.S. government --

1. To establish “magnet schools” that push the percentage of inner-city children to the maximum that will be tolerated by affluent parents, BUT ARE SO OUTSTANDING IN TERMS OF FACULTY, PROGRAMS, FACILITIES, ETC., ETC., that affluent parents will still want their children to attend.

2. To require that admission of an affluent student, AND THE AFFLUENT STUDENT’S CONTINUED ENROLLMENT, be conditioned on the affluent student and her/his family’s tutoring/mentoring a less-affluent student.

It is noted that the U.S. Supreme Court is unlikely to interfere because nobody is forced to attend Magnet Schools.

More information is contained in The Group’s E-mails that were requested by the New York Times Editorial-Page Editor and that are available at viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1925&p=2637&hilit= ... cf97#p2637.

Racism in America (vs. band aids for symptoms such as police brutality) can NOT be solved until America addresses effectively its Permanent 30% Under-Caste by establishing Federal Magnet Schools in which every child in America’s Permanent 30% Under-Caste is enrolled so that, with the passing generations, the stain of segregation is finally erased.

Answer 20


Question 21

Has The Hon. Joseph R. Biden Jr. done ANYTHING AT ALL since assuming the Presidency to address “The [True] Cause Of Racism (vs. A Mere Symptom)”?

Answer 21

What do you think? Let’s discuss!

Question 22

In other words, did Pres. Biden’s “Infrastructure and Jobs Act of 2021” which he signed into law on 11/16/2021, the bulk of which had nothing to do with traditional “infrastructure,” DO ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO ADDRESS “THE [TRUE] CAUSE OF RACISM”?

Answer 22

What do you think? Let’s discuss!

Question 23

Also in other words, did Pres. Biden’s “Build Back Better Act of 2021” -- which did not pass Congress -- even contain in its original version that had a CBO “price tag” of $3.5 billion, DO ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO ADDRESS “THE [TRUE] CAUSE OF RACISM”?

Answer 23

What do you think? Let’s discuss!

Question 24

In conclusion, isn’t Prof. Hanson correct that the LINO’s (Liberals in Name Only – my term) are hypocrites who are doing little or nothing to solve America’s most fundamental problems? [Even though Prof. Hanson probably would not agree with me on what the most fundamental problems are!]

Answer 24

What do you think? Let’s discuss!

HLS Classmate
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Missing Q&A 10

Post by HLS Classmate »

In the foregoing Suggested Answers to the Second Short Quiz, the website would not accept Q&A 10 which was -

Question 10

Are Sections 4 and 5 of entitled “Legal Briefs, Etc. – Inner-City and America's Apartheid ‘Justice’ System (In Honor of Jonathan Kozol and In Memory of John Howard Griffin)”?

Answer 10


This was true even as the question was pared down on successive tries to nothing!

When I thought Q-10 could be dispensed with, the website would not even let me close the gap and renumber the subsequent questions!

Anyone who read the separate free-standing Second Short Quiz will probably recall Yogi Berra's famous Yogi-ism about "déjà vu all over again."

The same website-software problem with Q-10 occurred in the separate free-standing Second Short Quiz which is a separate posting in this section.

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