Globalists – “Citizens of the World” Who Export American Jobs and Import What the U.N. Recognizes As Modern-Day Slaves

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HLS Classmate
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Globalists – “Citizens of the World” Who Export American Jobs and Import What the U.N. Recognizes As Modern-Day Slaves

Post by HLS Classmate »

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Globalists – “Citizens of the World” Who Export American Jobs and Import What the U.N. Recognizes As Modern-Day Slaves
From: John Karls
Date: Sun, April 10, 2022 7:03 pm MST
To: HLS Classmate

Dear HLS Classmate,

Thank you very much for preparing the meeting materials this month – such a vacation to re-charge batteries is much appreciated!!!

But I have a question about the Suggested Discussion Outline that you posted this morning.

Victor Davis Hanson’s final chapter “Globalists” deals with our American elites who like to pose as “Citizens of the World” rather than “Citizens of the United States.”

As we have studied many times over the years, they use their self-proclaimed higher morality --

(1) to export American jobs, and

(2) to import what the U.N. calls modern-day slaves whom you correctly note are twice as numerous as were traded throughout the 350 years of the trans-Atlantic slave industry, are more profitable for organized crime than illegal drugs or illegal arms, and cost only an average $5,250 delivered in the U.S.

Without mincing words, “Citizens of the World” are betraying the U.S. which is the definition of “treason” which, when I was a U.S. Naval Officer 1967-1970, meant a court martial for which one could be sentenced to death.

I trust that these matters will be given more prominence in our April 20 discussion than they received in the Suggested Discussion Outline.

Sorry to have sounded a bit harsh – I really did enjoy the vacation!!!

Your friend,

John K.

---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: Re: Globalists – “Citizens of the World” Who Export American Jobs and Import What the U.N. Recognizes As Modern-Day Slaves
From: HLS Classmate
Date: Mon, April 11, 2022 8:41 pm EST
To: John Karls

Dear John:

Thank you for your e-mail.

Your comments about Globalists, aka Citizens of the World, are well taken.

However, it seemed more important to me to highlight Victor Davis Hanson’s over-arching thesis as stated on p. 218 – “The over-arching theory of social scientists and historians is the shift from ‘equality-of-opportunity’ to an ‘equality-of-outcome’ society” – and examine whether VDH’s over-arching thesis is not merely logical (i.e., sound if its premises are true) but whether the premise is true that vast segments of American society are not, in fact, denied an “equality-of-opportunity.”

What Globalists, aka Citizens of the World, are doing to betray America pales IMHO in contrast.

Nevertheless, there should be sufficient time to discuss your points during the 15 minutes allotted to Chapter 6: Globalists.

Also, you may have an entire month and the May 18 meeting to focus on Globalists, aka Citizens of the World, if the April 20 meeting participants vote for your proposal to focus for the May 18 meeting on Peter Schweizer’s “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.”

I was happy to give you a month’s “vacation” and admire your ability at our age to undertake such strain on a continuous basis! [I did not hold up as well as anticipated.]

Yours truly,

HLS Classmate

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