My “On The Clock” Solution to “The Dumbest Generation”

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My “On The Clock” Solution to “The Dumbest Generation”

Post by solutions »


---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: My “On The Clock” Solution to “The Dumbest Generation”
From: Solutions
Date: Tue, August 2, 2022 5:48 pm PDT

Dear John,

The weekly e-mail of last Saturday to each of our 207 members follows immediately below and said –

“This month’s short quiz is available at viewtopic.php?f=703&t=2227&sid=dc2f63bd ... ed40b69b6f. Q-23 of the Quiz posits that after lambasting 'The Dumbest Generation' for a zillion different reasons chronicled in 5 chapters & 253 pages, Prof. Bauerlein has no solutions!!! So you are 'on the clock' to come up with solutions!!!”

However, Questio-9 of the Quiz had asked –

“Could the rioters of the Summer of 2020 (aka Prof. Bauerlein’s 'Dumbest Generation') have benefitted from reading our Suggested Answers to the Short Quiz for our meeting on 'The Sword and the Shield' and its analysis of, inter alia, Nelson Mandela, Karl Marx, Harvard Prof. Samuel Huntington and his famous/infamous 'Bloody Borders of Islam,' the history of The Arab, Seljuk Turk and Ottoman Turk Empires, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s analysis of Islam – as well as of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and of Malcolm X?”

Answer-9 had said –

“What do you think??? Let’s discuss!!! [The Suggested Answers to the Short Quiz for our 9/9/2020 meeting on 'The Sword and the Shield' is available at viewforum.php?f=601&sid=08ba282a711ee0b ... fc6fec9663.]”

That link accessed the “Participant Comments” section for the 9/9/2020 meeting which included not only the “Suggested Answers to the Short Quiz” but also –

(1) “The Meaning of ‘Systematic’ in ‘Systematic Racism’”; and
(2) “My Lived Experience With Systematic Racism – Daniel Joseph.” [NB: not to be confused with the author of “The Sword and the Shield” – Prof. PENIEL Joseph.]

As a life-long wannabe over-achiever, I read (1) and (2) as well as the 9/9/2020 Short Quiz Answers.

You probably forgot re (2) that Daniel Joseph’s life-scarring lived experience with systematic racism began with witnessing as a youngster his innocent father being “racially profiled” and beaten to a pulp by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Daniel Joseph was born and raised in Canada) and that you closed that post with –

“Daniel Joseph (pp. 41-43) describes how as a teenager he ‘rebelled against my father’s religion and hated the hypocrisy that I saw in Christianity.’ And how it wasn’t until he was homeless that a white Christian gave him a place to stay on condition that Daniel Joseph come to church on Sundays with his new benefactor and his family. As a result of their kindness and the kindness of the congregants, Daniel Joseph became religious and believes that the solution to society’s racial divide is to ‘love one another as you love yourself’!!!

“If, in the wake of his experiences and bitterness, Daniel Joseph can recommend that to blacks, we should be able to do the same and implore our white friends to do the same!!! Accordingly, I plan to propose one of our Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail campaigns to that effect. But instead of going to one or a few of the nation’s decision makers, with copies to all of our friends asking each of them with only a few keyboard keystrokes to do the same in an unending chain so that, in theory, the decision maker(s) have 330 million e-mails in their inbox(es) in short order -- this campaign will be addressed solely to our friends and their friends in an unending chain, because America’s 330 individuals are the decision makers in this situation who need to be influenced!!!”
-----End of Quotation-----

I see from the Discussion Outline for the 9/9/2020 meeting that its Sec. D called for consideration of this Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail campaign.

As usual, there was no meeting report so there is no record why it was not approved.

Nevertheless, it impresses me as the solution to not only “The Dumbest Generation” BUT THE SOLUTION FOR ALL AMERICANS!

Your friend,


---------------------------- Original Message -----------------------------
Subject: You’re On The Clock – “The Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults” by Prof. Mark Bauerlein – Aug 17 Mtg
From: Reading
Date: Sat, July 30, 2021
To: To Each of Our 207 Members One-By-One

To Each of Our 207 Members One-By-One – for reasons explained in the 4 postings in Sec. 2 of

Dear Friends,

Our next meeting is Wed Aug 17 – 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm MDT via Zoom.


This month’s short quiz is available at viewtopic.php?f=703&t=2227&sid=dc2f63bd ... ed40b69b6f.

Q-23 of the Quiz posits that after lambasting “The Dumbest Generation” for a zillion different reasons chronicled in 5 chapters & 253 pages, Prof. Bauerlein has no solutions!!!

So you are “on the clock” to come up with solutions!!!


“The Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults” by Prof. Mark Bauerlein (Regnery Gateway Publishing 2/1/2022 – 253 pages sans notes and index) – $21.49 + shipping or $14.99 Kindle from

The Salt Lake COUNTY Library has available 0 of 2 print copies with no holds (no audio versions) and the Salt Lake CITY Library has available 0 of 1 print copies with 1 hold (no audio versions).

BOOK DESCRIPTION Per Amazon (from the dust jacket)

Back in 2008, Mark Bauerlein was a voice crying in the wilderness. As experts greeted the new generation of “Digital Natives” with extravagant hopes for their high-tech future, he pegged them as the “Dumbest Generation.”

Today, their future doesn’t look so bright, and their present is pretty grim. The twenty-somethings who spent their childhoods staring into a screen are lonely and purposeless, unfulfilled at work and at home. Many of them are even suicidal. The Dumbest Generation Grows Up is an urgently needed update on the Millennials, explaining their not-so-quiet desperation and, more important, the threat that their ignorance poses to the rest of us.

Lacking skills, knowledge, religion, and a cultural frame of reference, Millennials are anxiously looking for something to fill the void. Their mentors have failed them. Unfortunately, they have turned to politics to plug the hole in their souls.

Knowing nothing about history, they are convinced that it is merely a catalogue of oppression, inequality, and hatred. Why, they wonder, has the human race not ended all this injustice before now? And from the depths of their ignorance rises the answer: Because they are the first ones to care! All that is needed is to tear down our inherited civilization and replace it with their utopian aspirations. For a generation unacquainted with the constraints of human nature, anything seems possible.

Having diagnosed the malady before most people realized the patient was sick, Mark Bauerlein surveys the psychological and social wreckage and warns that we cannot afford to do this to another generation.

AUTHOR BIO Per Amazon (from the dust jacket)

Mark Bauerlein is a professor emeritus of English at Emory University and an editor at First Things, where he hosts a podcast twice a week. He is the author of five books, including The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Don’t Trust Anyone under 30). His commentaries and reviews have appeared in publications including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times.


Wed Aug 17 – 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm MDT via Zoom on “The Dumbest Generation Grows Up: From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults.”

Please RSVP by hitting your Reply Button and typing RSVP.

There is nothing further you need to do such as any special Zoom training. We will send all RSVP’s a few days in advance a URL and meeting name/password.

We look forward to seeing/hearing each of you on Wed Aug 17!!! Please be well!!!

Your friend,

John K.

PS -- To un-subscribe, please press "reply" and type "deletion requested."

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