Utah Owl's Reaction

Please click here for "Meeting Cancellation Rationale" and "Utah Owl's Reaction."

"Meeting Cancellation Rationale" explains in greater detail that this was the second time in our 7.5-year history that we failed to muster our minimum quorum of six, in which case our long-standing policy is to cancel. [We were one short of our quorum.]

"Utah Owl's Reaction" registers her extreme disappointment in reaction to which John Karls offered to treat each of our five members who had RSVP'd to attend the meeting to dinner at Cannella's for an unofficial meeting at which The New Digital Age would be discussed.

If anyone happens to read this before 7:00 pm Wed June 12th and would like to join us, s/he would be welcome!!! [Cannella's is half a block south of the SLC Public Library and occupies the southeast corner of 200 East and 500 South.]


In order to guarantee our members who read the book for one of our monthly meetings that the meeting will take place as scheduled, our new policy is to ask our recent attendees for commitments to read the book and attend the meeting.

For July 10th, we have four such "sponsors" as of 6/14/2013.

However, as in the past, we will not recommend a "Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign" following a meeting in which fewer than our old minimum quorum of six participated. [Please see the first section of this Bulletin Board for more information about our E-mail campaigns.]
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Utah Owl's Reaction

Post by UtahOwl »

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: Meeting Cancellation
From: June Taylor
Date: Mon, June 10, 2013 6:53 am
To: readingliberally-saltlake@johnkarls.com
Cc: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com

Well, I'm disappointed - I was looking forward to the discussion, because
I'm on my way back from my Cornell U Reunion, where I also attended a
Pre-Reunion CAU Course on.... "
Social Media: What We Don't Know and Should". It was led by Jeffrey
Hancock, a Cornell prof who also consults with the Government, because his
specialty is "deception in online media"!

Here's Hancock's TED talk: http://on.ted.com/Hancock

and here are the links to a playlist of TED talks we were given. IMHO, the
best of them are the ones by Eli Pariser, and Clay Shirky and Stefana

Also, there was a good editorial in the June 9 NYT Sunday Review by Jaron
Lanier (Microsoft computer scientist), who has a VERY different take than
the authors of this book - who were way too into the "amazing"
"revolutionary-wonderful" stuff the Brave New Internet World is bringing
us. IMHO, of course.


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Posts: 82
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Unofficial Meeting At Cannella's

Post by UtahOwl »

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: My Treat - Cannellas - Tomorrow Evening
From: readingliberally-saltlake@johnkarls.com
Date: Tue, June 11, 2013 4:50 pm
June Taylor (aka Utah Owl)
Nancy Kemp
Ted Gurney

Dear June, Nancy and Ted,

Even though as a matter of principle cancelling the meeting seemed to me
to be the proper thing to do, I still feel very badly that you read the
book and don't have a chance to discuss it.

And your e-mail that follows, June, made me feel especially bad!!!

Accordingly, if any of you would still like to discuss the book, I would
be delighted to treat any and all of you to dinner at Cannellas in order
to do so at our normal formal-discussion starting time (7:00 pm).

[Conference Room C was cancelled pre-dawn Monday at the same time the
cancellation notice was sent.]

Please let me know if you are available.

Your friend,

John K.

P.S. - I happened to be talking with Keith Cupples an hour or so ago about
other matters and he said he already has plans for Wednesday evening.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: My Treat - Cannellas - Tomorrow Evening
From: Ted Gurney
Date: Tue, June 11, 2013 8:00 pm
To: readingliberally-saltlake@johnkarls.com

Thank you, John! I will be there. Ted

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: My Treat - Cannellas - Tomorrow Evening
From: Nancy Kemp
Date: Tue, June 11, 2013 10:11 pm
To: readingliberally-saltlake@johnkarls.com

Thanks, John--I appreciate the invitation, and I thought the discussion
would be particularly lively in light of current political developments,
but when the meeting was canceled, I made other plans. I hope this doesn't
mark the end of R.L. Will hope to see you at the July meeting.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: My Treat - Cannellas - Tomorrow Evening
From: June Taylor
Date: Wed, June 12, 2013 12:03 pm
To: readingliberally-saltlake@johnkarls.com

Hi All,
I would LOVE to meet at Canella's this evening to discuss the Brave New
Internet world. It's so timely, given the latest revelations about Big
Brother NSA watching us all.
BTW, here's a nice comparison of the two surveillance programs Big Brother
Barack has approved:
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013 ... d=fb-share

See you tonight!

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