French Pres Hollande Arming The Kurds Directly

Please click here for an 8/14/2014 report of French Socialist President François Hollande's direct arms shipments to the Iraqi Kurds and British Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron's 8/17/2014 OpEd in the London Telegraph and the reaction of The Guardian, The Daily Mail and the Telegraph itself.

The Atlantic interview of Hillary Clinton is appended to “Original Ad Hoc Meeting Proposal” which is posted in the second-preceding section of this bulletin board entitled “Original Proposal.”

Appended to “Final Proposal + Short Quiz” which is posted in the second-preceding section of this bulletin board entitled “Original Proposal” are --

(1) Pope Francis’ 8/9/2014 letter to the U.N. Secretary General and the 8/13/2014 statements of the Vatican’s Ambassador to the U.N. declaring that fighting The Islamic State comports with the Just War Doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church; and

(2) Vice President Biden’s 6/4/2007 OpEd (when he was still Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) entitled “CSI: Nukes” responding to Osama bin Laden’s fatwa to nuke 10 million Americans (which can NOT be revoked now that ObL is dead) in which Biden proposed that since fissile material has “DNA” that proves the country of origin, the U.S. should announce a policy of “nuclear annihilation” against any country whose fissile materials are used by terrorists in a nuclear attack on the U.S.
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French Pres Hollande Arming The Kurds Directly

Post by Pat »

Wall Street Journal – 8/14/2014

France's Hollande Informs Iraq President of Imminent Weapon Delivery to Kurds
France Says It Will Also Amplify Humanitarian Aid
By Noémie Bisserbe

PARIS— François Hollande has called Iraq President Fouad Massoum to inform him that France would amplify its humanitarian help, and confirmed the imminent delivery of arms to Kurdish forces, the office of the French President said Thursday.

Securing support from the central government is crucial for the French government before shipping arms directly to the semiautonomous region of Kurdistan.

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters are straining to repel attacks by the Islamic State, which has gained controlled of large swaths of Syria and Iraq in recent months.

Mr. Hollande's statement comes as the U.S. is seeking to secure broad international support for its own military operation against the Islamic State. U.S. officials said Washington is exploring various ways to get ammunition and weapons from other nations to the Kurdish forces, including flying the supplies in itself.

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