EMERGENCY - Political Censorship by Major E-mail Providers


This section includes the final report on the National Audubon Society plus the ad hoc meetings during the sabbatical described in the following e-mail.

From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
To: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com
Bcc: The Approximately 150 Recipients of Our Weekly E-mail
Subject: Another John Karls Sabbatical To Write Another Book
Date: [This Is The Regular Weekly E-mail To Be Sent Pre-Dawn Sat, June 16, 2018]

Dear Friends,

Many of you will probably recall the 4/19/2014 notice 4 years ago that I would be taking a sabbatical to write a book about the materials in the third and fourth sections of http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org entitled “Inner-City Holocaust and America’s Apartheid ‘Justice’ System (In Honor of Jonathan Kozol and In Memory of John Howard Griffin).”

The time has come to write another book (this time on the topic of “The National Audubon Society Executes Great Salt Lake Death Warrant”) and, accordingly, I will be taking another sabbatical.

Ad Hoc Meetings

As was the case 4 years ago, there may be Ad Hoc Meetings such as the 2 that occurred during that 9-month sabbatical.

If anyone would like to propose a topic for an Ad Hoc Meeting, please forward it to me and I will include it in the next Pre-Dawn Saturday E-mail (which may be irregular rather than weekly during the sabbatical if there are not a lot of proposals).

RSVP’s for the Wednesday evening 4-5 weeks after the Pre-Dawn Saturday E-mail containing the Ad Hoc Meeting proposal will be put in touch with the proposer.

If the minimum quorum for our regular meetings of 6 RSVP’s is attained, the group will have authority to issue one of our Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaigns. However, the normal promotional Short Quizzes, Suggested Discussion Outlines, etc., will not be provided.

Short-Fuse Campaigns

As set forth on the face of the first section of http://www.ReadingLiberally-SaltLake.org entitled “General Info and Info Re Next Meeting,” we have a Short Fuse Procedure for situations in which action would be required before the next meeting could be scheduled (for example, a governmental unit is soliciting public comments for a limited period).

In such cases, our Pre-Dawn Saturday E-mail invites all of our approximately 150 members to participate in a Short-Fuse Working Group.

This procedure will also be available during the sabbatical.

Length of the Sabbatical

The 12 participants for our 6/13/2018 meeting were curious how long the sabbatical might last.

It is noted that the 2014 sabbatical 4 years ago lasted 9 months.

However, this time the events of the final chapter of the book to be written have yet to occur.

Your friend,

John K.

PS -- To un-subscribe, please press "reply" and type "deletion requested."

NB: Please do NOT block our e-mail because you are too embarrassed to request a deletion -- 10 of our approximately 150 regular e-mail recipients use Comcast.net which has an algorithm blocking all e-mails from a website for which a certain percentage of recipients have requested blockage AND 3 of our regular meeting attendees who use Comcast.net now can NOT receive our weekly e-mails.

[Posted 6/14/2018]
Posts: 2061
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:43 pm

EMERGENCY - Political Censorship by Major E-mail Providers

Post by johnkarls »

From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com (second copy from john.karls@yahoo.com for reasons explained in the e-mail text)
To: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com
Bcc: The Approximately 150 Recipients of Our Weekly E-mail
Subject: READING LIBERALLY EMERGENCY MEETING – Political Censorship by Major E-mail Providers – Wed Nov 7 or 14 – Proposed “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation” E-mail Campaign
Date: Mon, October 28, 2018 4:22 am MDT

Dear Friends,

[This e-mail is being sent to each of you from two different e-mail addresses for reasons that are explained below.]

As you may recall, we are in the middle of another sabbatical so that I can write a second book, this one on the topic of “The National Audubon Society Executes Great Salt Lake Death Warrant.”

And that when this sabbatical began last July, we explained that just like the first sabbatical 4 years ago, everyone is invited to make Ad Hoc Meeting proposals (1) NONE of which will be promoted by short quizzes, suggested discussion outlines, etc., (2) but EACH of which that achieves our minimum quorum of six, will be authorized to initiate one of our “Six Degrees of Separation E-mail Campaigns” to our nation’s decision makers.


We have become aware that on or about September 1, 2018, major e-mail providers (INCLUDING G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST) suddenly began routing e-mail they deemed to be conservative into their subscribers’ SPAM folders, while continuing to route e-mail they deemed to be liberal into their subscribers' REGULAR in-baskets.

This was done WITHOUT the permission AND WITHOUT the knowledge of the e-mail subscribers.

THIS WAS EVEN DONE to e-mail subscribers who had NEVER requested any type of e-mails to be sent to their SPAM folders so that they were not even aware that some of their e-mails were suddenly being banished to a SPAM folder from which they were being deleted after a brief interval.


Absent a court order, it is A MAJOR-LEAGUE CRIME for your letters to be steamed open by the U.S. Government and read in order to determine whether the U.S. Government thinks your letters are liberal or conservative in order to decide whether to deliver them.


We have always prided ourselves in being a NON-PARTISAN PUBLIC-POLICY STUDY GROUP that takes effective action.

Censorship leads to the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY!!!

Accordingly, it is respectfully suggested that, just like the U.S. Postal Service cannot censor letters, e-mail providers such as G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMOST should NOT be permitted legally to censor e-mail by sending e-mail of which they disapprove politically, to their subscribers’ SPAM folders WITHOUT PERMISSION -- which permission, if solicited by the e-mail providers in terms of criteria for their SPAM determinations, should explicitly state whether the criteria could catch political speech in their dragnet!!!


As many of you may recall, FOUR of our meetings over the past 17.5 months have focused on “Authoritarian Rule By Our Intelligence Services” starting with our 5/10/2017 meeting for which our focus book was George Orwell’s “1984” featuring “Big Brother.”

Just like censorship leads to the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY, the weaponization of our Intelligence Services can also lead to the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY.

Accordingly, we have treated the weaponization of our Intelligence Services as a non-partisan public-policy issue.

However, it would appear that the major e-mail providers such as G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST have interpreted our focus on the weaponization of our Intelligence Services as a partisan anti-liberal exercise since the weaponization was done 2016-2017 by Democrats.

[But query who will prevent Republicans from doing it in the future???]

So since beginning on or about September 1, our e-mails sent from ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com have been put into the SPAM folders of our approximately 150 members (at least so far as can be ascertained at this time) by G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST, it is respectfully suggested that effective action be undertaken to outlaw such behavior.


Since we have reason to believe that the copy of this e-mail being sent to you from ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com will go into your SPAM folder, a second copy is being sent to you from my emergency e-mail address john.karls@yahoo.com.

First requested action –

If you receive both e-mails in your regular in-box, please hit your Reply Button for the ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com copy (no return message will be necessary).

Second requested action –

If only the john.karls@yahoo.com copy appears in your regular in-box, please hit your Reply Button for it, but indicate whether the other copy went to your SPAM folder or disappeared into cyber-space.

Third requested action –

If you are able to attend an EMERGENCY MEETING on either Wed evening Nov 7 and/or Wed evening Nov 14, please examine your SPAM folder to see whether it contains our 10/6/2018 e-mail (with the subject of “Authoritarian Rule By Our Intelligence Services – Part IV") and to see whether your SPAM folder contains other conservative-sounding e-mails (and, if so, to pinpoint insofar as possible when such e-mails began appearing in your SPAM folder).


Please RSVP by tomorrow evening if you can attend our emergency meeting on either Wed evening Nov 7 and/or Wed evening Nov 14 at the Salt Lake Public Library (210 East 400 South) --

indicating, of course, which date(s) you are available.

[As usual, anyone who cannot attend in person is invited to participate by Skype.]

I will e-mail RSVP’s on this coming Wednesday morning which date is convenient for the greatest number of RSVP’s.


And I hope to see each of you on either Nov 7 or Nov 14.

And please rest assured that whatever information you are able to provide IAW the “Your Immediate Action Requested” section above, will be compiled for incorporation into any “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation” E-mail Campaign that we undertake.

Your friend,
John K.

PS -- To unsubscribe, please press “reply” and type “deletion requested.”

Posts: 2061
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:43 pm


Post by johnkarls »

From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
To: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com
Bcc: The Approximately 150 Recipients of Our Weekly E-mail
Subject: Update Re: READING LIBERALLY EMERGENCY MEETING – Political Censorship by Major E-mail Providers – Wed Nov 14 – Proposed “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation” E-mail Campaign
Date: Thu, November 8, 2018 1:47 am MST

Dear Friends,

Our original 10/28/2018 e-mail (a copy of which follows below for your convenience) explained its raison d’être -- that we had become aware that on or about September 1, 2018, major e-mail providers (INCLUDING G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST) suddenly began routing e-mail they deemed to be conservative into their subscribers’ SPAM folders from which the e-mails would soon disappear into cyber-space, while continuing to route e-mail they deemed to be liberal into their subscribers’ REGULAR in-baskets.

It further noted that absent a court order, it is A MAJOR-LEAGUE CRIME for your U.S. Postal Service letters to be steamed open by the U.S. Government and read in order to determine whether the U.S. Government thinks your letters are liberal or conservative in order to decide whether to deliver them.

Accordingly, it noted that such censorship can easily lead to the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY and posited that since e-mail providers are now functioning as an unofficial U.S. Postal Service, our organization should mount one of our “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail” Campaigns -- this one aimed at extending to e-mail providers the same rules and regulations that apply to U.S. Postal Service letters.


There were 13 responses to our 10/28/2018 e-mail, all saying that they had received copies of the e-mail from both ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com and john.karls@yahoo.com.

By way of background, there are currently 154 individuals who receive our e-mails via 128 e-mail addresses, 26 of which are shared by two of our organization’s participants.

So subtracting from the 128 e-mail addresses 11 responses that were received immediately and the 4 that had originally demonstrated the problems with G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMOST, there were 113 e-mail addresses for which we HAD NO WAY OF KNOWING whether they had NOT received our 10/28/2018 e-mails or whether they had merely failed to respond.

Accordingly, on 11/3/2018, an e-mail was sent to each of these 113 e-mail addresses FROM MY SECONDARY EMERGENCY E-MAIL ADDRESS johnspencerkarls@gmail.com with the subject “READING LIBERALLY EMERGENCY -- SECOND REQUEST.”

Its text comprised the original 10/28/2018 e-mail preceded by the following message --

“Re: Political Censorship by Major E-mail Providers such as G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST

“Dear Friends,

“Nothing has been heard from you in response to the following e-mail.

“So that our information is as complete and accurate as possible, could you please –

(1) Hit your Reply Button if you receive this e-mail; AND
(2) Simply type as the return text whether you did receive our original October 28 e-mail from ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com.

“Thank you.

“Your friend,
“John K.”


My johnspencerkarls@gmail.com e-mail account reported that 98 of the 113 Bcc addressees had rejected the 11/3/2018 “SECOND REQUEST” e-mail INCLUDING MY OWN john@johnkarls.com!!!

[I always include my primary personal e-mail address at the end of each batch of Bcc addresses.]

In addition my johnspencerkarls@gmail.com e-mail account reported that MY OWN ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com (the “To” Addressee) had also rejected the 11/3/2018 “SECOND REQUEST” e-mail!!!

EVEN MORE EGREGIOUSLY/MYSTERIOUSLY, the 11/3/2018 e-mail had been sent 7 minutes earlier AS A TEST solely to john@johnkarls.com with no copies, and it had sailed through with no problem!!!

MY INVESTIGATION WITH G-MAIL AND DREAMHOST (the webhost for http://www.johnkarls.com)

As already described in our original 10/28/2018 e-mail to everyone, DREAMHOST was one of the e-mail host providers that had suddenly, on or about 9/1/2018, begun sending to my SPAM folder e-mails that appeared to be conservative while continuing to let liberally-appearing e-mails sail through to my In-Basket -- EVEN THOUGH I HAD NEVER AUTHORIZED ANYTHING TO BE SENT TO MY SPAM FOLDER AND EVEN THOUGH NOTHING HAD EVER BEEN RELEGATED TO MY SPAM FOLDER PRIOR TO APPROXIMATELY 9/1/2018.

So I filed a formal inquiry with Dreamhost -- (1) why they had suddenly begun sending e-mail to my SPAM folder without authorization, (2) what their criteria were for sending e-mail to my SPAM folder, (3) why those criteria were satisfied by the Bcc copy of the 11/3/2018 e-mail BUT NOT satisfied by the TEST COPY of the same e-mail that was sent 7 minutes earlier directly to my e-mail address with no copies, and (4) what there was about the 11/3/2018 Bcc copy that caused Dreamhost to reject the Bcc copy 7 minutes later.

Dreamhost refused to answer Questions 1 and 2, and denied any knowledge of any rejections.

Dreamhost said further that any explanation for the rejections would have to come from G-MAIL which, if there had really been a rejection, would have received Dreamhost’s explanation which Dreamhost no longer had (if, indeed, there had been any rejections)!!!

Meanwhile, G-MAIL would only provide half-a-dozen generic reasons why e-mails are commonly rejected (such as “no such e-mail address”) BUT WOULD NOT PROVIDE ANY REASON WHY DREAMHOST HAD ALLEGEDLY REJECTED THE BCC E-MAIL!!!


Each of you is requested to see whether you received our 11/3/2018 e-mail that had the subject of ““READING LIBERALLY EMERGENCY -- SECOND REQUEST.”

[This should be all of us except the 11 who responded immediately to our original 10/28/2018 e-mail -- FYI, the 2 who responded after 11/3/2018 were sent the 11/3/2018 “SECOND REQUEST” e-mail and G-MAIL reported that both rejected the 11/3/2018 e-mail.]

(1) If you received the 11/3/2018 e-mail, please hit your Reply Button (no reply message is necessary).

(2) If you did NOT receive the 11/3/2018 e-mail (and did NOT respond to our original 10/28/2018 e-mail), then please contact your e-mail provider to see whether you can pry out of them why your Bcc copy of the 11/3/2018 e-mail was allegedly rejected by your e-mail provider.

And report back whatever you discover.


We do not yet have our minimum quorum of 6 for adopting an official “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation” E-mail Campaign.

Please RSVP by this coming Sunday evening so that a decision can be made whether to proceed with the meeting Wed Nov 14 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the Salt Lake Public Library (210 East 400 South).

All RSVP’s will be notified Monday morning whether the meeting is on.

Thank you all for your efforts with regard to this imbroglio.

We hope to see all of you this coming Wednesday evening.

Your friend,
John K.

From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com (second copy from john.karls@yahoo.com for reasons explained in the e-mail text)
To: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com
Bcc: The Approximately 150 Recipients of Our Weekly E-mail
Subject: READING LIBERALLY EMERGENCY MEETING – Political Censorship by Major E-mail Providers – Wed Nov 7 or 14 – Proposed “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation” E-mail Campaign
Date: Mon, October 28, 2018 4:22 am MDT

Dear Friends,

[This e-mail is being sent to each of you from two different e-mail addresses for reasons that are explained below.]

As you may recall, we are in the middle of another sabbatical so that I can write a second book, this one on the topic of “The National Audubon Society Executes Great Salt Lake Death Warrant.”

And that when this sabbatical began last July, we explained that just like the first sabbatical 4 years ago, everyone is invited to make Ad Hoc Meeting proposals (1) NONE of which will be promoted by short quizzes, suggested discussion outlines, etc., (2) but EACH of which that achieves our minimum quorum of six, will be authorized to initiate one of our “Six Degrees of Separation E-mail Campaigns” to our nation’s decision makers.


We have become aware that on or about September 1, 2018, major e-mail providers (INCLUDING G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST) suddenly began routing e-mail they deemed to be conservative into their subscribers’ SPAM folders, while continuing to route e-mail they deemed to be liberal into their subscribers REGULAR in-baskets.

This was done WITHOUT the permission AND WITHOUT the knowledge of the e-mail subscribers.

THIS WAS EVEN DONE to e-mail subscribers who had NEVER requested any type of e-mails to be sent to their SPAM folders so that they were not even aware that some of their e-mails were suddenly being banished to a SPAM folder from which they were being deleted after a brief interval.


Absent a court order, it is A MAJOR-LEAGUE CRIME for your letters to be steamed open by the U.S. Government and read in order to determine whether the U.S. Government thinks your letters are liberal or conservative in order to decide whether to deliver them.


We have always prided ourselves in being a NON-PARTISAN PUBLIC-POLICY STUDY GROUP that takes effective action.

Censorship leads to the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY!!!

Accordingly, it is respectfully suggested that, just like the U.S. Postal Service cannot censor letters, e-mail providers such as G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMOST should NOT be permitted legally to censor e-mail by sending e-mail of which they disapprove politically, to their subscribers’ SPAM folders WITHOUT PERMISSION -- which permission, if solicited by the e-mail providers in terms of criteria for their SPAM determinations, should explicitly state whether the criteria could catch political speech in their dragnet!!!


As many of you may recall, FOUR of our meetings over the past 17.5 months have focused on “Authoritarian Rule By Our Intelligence Services” starting with our 5/10/2017 meeting for which our focus book was George Orwell’s “1984” featuring “Big Brother.”

Just like censorship leads to the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY, the weaponization of our Intelligence Services can also lead to the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY.

Accordingly, we have treated the weaponization of our Intelligence Services as a non-partisan public-policy issue.

However, it would appear that the major e-mail providers such as G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST have interpreted our focus on the weaponization of our Intelligence Services as a partisan anti-liberal exercise since the weaponization was done 2016-2017 by Democrats.

[But query who will prevent Republicans from doing it in the future???]

So since beginning on or about September 1, our e-mails sent from ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com have been put into the SPAM folders of our approximately 150 members (at least so far as can be ascertained at this time) by G-MAIL, YAHOO, COMCAST, VERIZON AND DREAMHOST, it is respectfully suggested that effective action be undertaken to outlaw such behavior.


Since we have reason to believe that the copy of this e-mail being sent to you from ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com will go into your SPAM folder, a second copy is being sent to you from my emergency e-mail address john.karls@yahoo.com.

First requested action –

If you receive both e-mails in your regular in-box, please hit your Reply Button for the ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com copy (no return message will be necessary).

Second requested action –

If only the john.karls@yahoo.com copy appears in your regular in-box, please hit your Reply Button for it, but indicate whether the other copy went to your SPAM folder or disappeared into cyber-space.

Third requested action –

If you are able to attend an EMERGENCY MEETING on either Wed evening Nov 7 and/or Wed evening Nov 14, please examine your SPAM folder to see whether it contains our 10/6/2018 e-mail (with the subject of “Authoritarian Rule By Our Intelligence Services – Part IV) and to see whether your SPAM folder contains other conservative-sounding e-mails (and, if so, to pinpoint insofar as possible when such e-mails began appearing in your SPAM folder).


Please RSVP by tomorrow evening if you can attend our emergency meeting on either Wed evening Nov 7 and/or Wed evening Nov 14 at the Salt Lake Public Library (210 East 400 South) --

indicating, of course, which date(s) you are available.

[As usual, anyone who cannot attend in person is invited to participate by Skype.]

I will e-mail RSVP’s on this coming Wednesday morning which date is convenient for the greatest number of RSVP’s.


And I hope to see each of you on either Nov 7 or Nov 14.

And please rest assured that whatever information you are able to provide IAW the “Your Immediate Action Requested” section above, will be compiled for incorporation into any “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation” E-mail Campaign that we undertake.

Your friend,
John K.

PS -- To unsubscribe, please press “reply” and type “deletion requested.”

Posts: 2061
Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:43 pm

Meeting Cancellation

Post by johnkarls »

From: ReadingLiberally-SaltLake@johnkarls.com
To: ReadingLiberallyEmailList@johnkarls.com
Bcc: The RSVP’s for Our Wed Nov 14 Meeting
Subject: Meeting Cancellation
Date: Mon, November 12, 2018 5:01 am MST

Dear Friends,

My 11/8/2018 e-mail entitled “Update Re: READING LIBERALLY EMERGENCY MEETING – Political Censorship by Major E-mail Providers – Wed Nov 14 – Proposed ‘Six-Degrees-Of-Separation’ E-mail Campaign” had mentioned, inter alia, that we were short of our minimum quorum of six for launching a “Six-Degrees-Of-Separation” E-mail Campaign to our nation’s decision makers requesting them to take effective action to counter the political censorship by major e-mail providers as a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.

Quite a bit more information about the problem was obtained as a result of the 11/8/2018 e-mail.

However, as of last evening’s deadline for RSVP’s, we were still one short of our minimum quorum of six for approving a Six-Degrees-Of-Separation E-mail Campaign.

In my opinion, this is tragic.

But so be it.

The meeting is cancelled.

Your friend,

John K.


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