Short Quiz – Big Tech’s Attempts To Cancel Reading Liberally

Click here for our Short Quiz entitled “Big Tech’s Attempts to Cancel Reading Liberally.”

In short, Big Tech was upset that we focused 4 times on FISA and Authoritarian Rule By Our Intelligence Services.

By doing so, Big Tech was cancelling indirectly the champions of the non-FISA solution to terrorism --

1. Tim Russert the Moderator of Meet the Press 1991-2008 and the NBC’s Washington Bureau Chief 1990-2008;

2. Tom Brokaw the Anchor and Managing Editor of the NBC Nightly News 1982-2004;

3. Graham Allison the Founding Dean of Harvard U’s Kennedy School of Government 1977-1989 and (after serving as President Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans 1993-1994) the Director of Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs 1995-2017;

4. U.S. Senator Sam Nunn - D-GA and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman 1987-1995;

5. U.S. Senator Richard Lugar - R-IN and Senate Foreign Relations Chairman 2003-2007;

6. Thomas Kean - Chair of The 9/11 Commission; and

7. Lee Hamilton - Co-Chair of The 9/11 Commission.
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Short Quiz – Big Tech’s Attempts To Cancel Reading Liberally

Post by johnkarls »


A. Introduction – Whom Big Tech Was Cancelling Indirectly

1. Was Tim Russert the Moderator of Meet the Press 1991-2008 and the NBC’s Washington Bureau Chief 1990-2008?

2. Was Tom Brokaw the Anchor and Managing Editor of the NBC Nightly News 1982-2004?

3. Was Graham Allison the Founding Dean of Harvard U’s Kennedy School of Government in which capacity he served 1977-1989? After serving as President Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans 1993-1994, did Prof. Allison return to Harvard as Director of Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs 1995-2017?

4. In Big Tech’s continuous attempts to cancel Reading Liberally - Salt Lake, was Big Tech attempting to cancel us because of our four studies (5/10/2017, 12/13/2017, 5/16/2018 and 10/31/2018) of various ramifications of the UNITED FRONT of Tim Russert, Tom Brokaw and Graham Allison with respect to “Authoritarian Rule By Our Intelligence Services”?

5. BTW, was the UNITED FRONT of Russert – Brokaw – Allison CHAMPIONED BY former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman 1987-1995), U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN and Senate Foreign Relations Chairman 2003-2007), and Messrs. Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton (Chair and Co-Chair of The 9/11 Commission)?

B. The Issue Russert/Brokaw/Allison/Nunn/Lugar/Kean/Hamilton Were Addressing

1. Did the first of Osama bin Laden’s five fatwās, this one entitled “Declaration of War Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places” and issued in 1996 say (translation courtesy of the PBS Newshour) – “A martyr’s privileges are guaranteed by Allah: forgiveness with the first gush of his blood, he will be shown his seat in paradise, he will be decorated with the jewels of belief (Imaan), married off to the beautiful ones, protected from the test in the grave, assured security in the day of judgement, crowned with the crown of dignity, a ruby of which is better than this whole world (Duniah) and its entire content, wedded to seventy two of the pure Houries (beautiful ones of Paradise) and his intercession on the behalf of seventy of his relatives will be accepted.”???

2. Has Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said exactly the same thing about Islamic martyrs by-passing a fearsome Judgment Day and going directly to Heaven where each will immediately marry 72 virgins and where each can also enable 70 close relatives to also by-pass the Judgment Day when they pass away???

3. BTW, is the belief that 70 close relatives of Islamic martyrs will by-pass the Judgment Day and go directly to Heaven when they pass away, the reason why news footage usually depicts relatives of martyrs REJOICING RATHER THAN MOURNING???

4. Did another of Osama bin Laden’s five fatwās require each of his followers to nuke 10 million Americans???

5. Is a fatwā the solemn religious duty of every follower of the issuer (in the case of Osama, every member of Al Qaeda, ISIS (formerly Al Qaeda in Iraq), Al Qaeda in the Maghreb (North Africa), al-Shabbaab (Somalia, Kenya and Yemen), etc., etc.???

6. Is it IMPOSSIBLE TO REVOKE OSAMA BIN LADEN’S FATWĀ TO NUKE 10 MILLION AMERICANS now that Osama is dead (a principle the Brits learned in 1989 when trying to re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran following the death of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini during the course of which The Brits requested the revocation of Khomeini’s fatwā to assassinate Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses)???

C. The Russert/Brokaw/Allison/Nunn/Lugar/Kean/Hamilton Solution vs. Congress’ Defiance

1. Was the Russert/Brokaw/Allison/Nunn/Lugar/Kean/Hamilton solution contained in Dean Graham Allison’s “Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe” (Times Books 8/9/2004)???

2. Was their opinion that the only way to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists while preserving democracy would be to control fissile material the way we used to control gold at Fort Knox???

3. And instead, didn’t the US Government (WITH THE COMPLICITY OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA) decide to deal with Osama’s fatwā to nuke 10 million Americans by VASTLY INCREASING THE POWERS UNDER THE FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT (“FISA”) to spy on everyone, INCLUDING AMERICANS WITHOUT any warrant from a FISA Court provided that either the Attorney General or the Director of National Intelligence declared an “emergency” pursuant to FISA Sec. 702(c)???

D. Our Four Studies of Various Ramifications of Congress’ Defiance of the Russert/Brokaw/Allison/Nunn/Lugar/Kean/Hamilton Solution

1. Did our 5/10/2017 meeting focus on FISA and “Authoritarian Rule by Our Intelligence Services”? Was our focus book George Orwell’s classic “1984”???

2. Did our 12/13/2017 meeting focus on the Congressional renewal of FISA which would have expired in toto if not extended??? Was our focus book Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s “Heretic: Why Islam Needs A Reformation Now”???

3(a). Did our 5/16/2018 meeting focus on, inter alia, the zillions of FISA abuses that had occurred (such as unmaskings of American citizens who had been surveilled without warrants) –- more than 100 American citizens even unmasked by Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations who obviously did NOT have a need to know such information???

3(b). BTW, did such FISA abuses comprise POLITICAL WARFARE and demonstrate the FAUSTIAN BARGAIN pursuant to which CONGRESS SOLD AMERICA’S SOUL (democracy and freedom from Orwellian-Style Authoritarian Rule) in exchange for protection (which is NOT absolute and may NOT EVEN be as good as the protection from controlling fissile material the way we used to control gold at Fort Knox) from having 10 million Americans nuked???

4(a). Did our 10/31/2018 meeting focus on the FISA abuses employed by our Intelligence Services against President Trump during the Russia Hoax??? Was the Russia Hoax definitively debunked by the Mueller investigation???

4(b). Was our focus book for 10/31/2018 “Gregg Jarrett’s “The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme To Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump” (Broadside Books 7/24/2018) which had been a NY Times Bestseller since its issuance???

4(c). BTW, does the 2/28/2021 resignation as U.S. Attorney by John Durham (who was appointed to investigate and prosecute FISA abuses by individuals at the top of our Intelligence Services) mean that the AMERICAN TRADITION OF REFUSING TO PROSECUTE THE HIGHEST POLS & GOVERMENTAL OFFICIALS FOR THEIR NUMEROUS FELONIES will continue???

E. The Attempts By Big Tech To CANCEL Reading Liberally

1. Did the nation’s largest e-mail providers refuse on numerous occasions to deliver our weekly e-mails???

2. How did we first discover that Big Tech was censoring/cancelling us???

3. How did we know that the reason Big Tech was censoring/cancelling us was our non-partisan public-policy interest in Authoritarian Rule By Our Intelligence Services???

4. Did we create a stink on the basis that e-mail has effectively supplanted the US Postal Service and it is a MAJOR-LEAGUE FELONY for US postal workers to steam open and read letters in order to decide whether they want to deliver them???

5. Why did that “stink” fail to solve the problem???

6. What “one in a million” feature of our organization enabled us to survive Big Tech’s censorship/cancellation???

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