Traditional Short Quiz

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Traditional Short Quiz

Post by johnkarls »

1. Would the American electorate be likely to forgive the Democratic Party if several American cities (say, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Atlanta and Salt Lake City) are destroyed during the next 4 years – with American deaths measured in the millions?

2. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism believe that America is likely to suffer such an attack in the next 4 years?

3. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission think the threat is greater from nuclear terrorism or biological terrorism?

4. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission think the threat of WMD terrorism is growing or receding, and why?

5. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission recommend, if necessary, going to war to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons?

6. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission see as essential the dismantlement of Korea’s nuclear weapons program and its existing nuclear weapons? How does it recommend this be done without creating a nuclear holocaust?

7. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission recommend extending to other countries the existing program with Russia to pay them vast amounts of money to keep better track of their weapons-grade nuclear materials?

8. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission recommend creating a similar program to pay other countries vast amounts of money to keep better track of their biological materials that could be used in WPM?

9. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission recommend a greater emphasis on human intelligence and penetration of terrorist organizations, in order to foil WMD attacks?

10. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission recommend developing and perfecting anti-missile weapons that could destroy missile delivery of nuclear and biological WPM? Especially weapons capable of destroying missiles on take-off, as would be necessary to protect allies in close proximity to threats such as (1) Japan and South Korea who feel threatened by North Korea, (2) Eastern European members of NATO, (2) the “Gulf State Six” oil countries who feel threatened by Iran, and (4) Israel?

11. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission recommend developing detection devices that could detect nuclear and/or biological materials as they are imported into the United States? How effective would this be considering the length of America’s Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coastlines?

12. Does the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission recommend developing detection devices that could detect nuclear and/or biological materials within a radius of several miles, so that deployment of the detection devices around major American cities might be effective?

13. What grade (either pass-fail or A thru F) would you assign to the 2007 Democratic Congress Commission’s report?

14. Did the Gallup Poll of Jan 16-17 2009 show that Americans oppose President Obama’s Jan 22 Executive Order to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba?

15. Was this 2009 Gallup Poll opposing the prison closing in line with the results of the 2007 Gallup Poll on whether to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba?

16. Does the normal Parliamentary system around the world which usually (the U.K. is a notable exception) features many single-issue political parties make more sense (in our case a Universal-Health-Care party, an Al-Gore-Clean-Energy-Electrical-Grid-Within-10-Years party, a Replace-Failing-Inner-City-Schools-With-Federally-Financed-And-Operated-Magnet-Schools party, etc.) because such a party can accomplish its objective the instant it holds the balance of power between two coalitions, rather than see all these dreams go down the drain if the Democratic Party's positions on closing the Guantanamo prison, refusing to employ aggressive interrogation techniques, etc., are followed by disaster?

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