Short Quiz - How Should Pres. Obama Reform Health Care

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Short Quiz - How Should Pres. Obama Reform Health Care

Post by johnkarls »


1. Is there another developed country in the world that has not long since enacted “Single-Payer” (i.e., the Government) Universal Health Care?

2. Who was the first U.S. President to propose “Single-Payer” Universal Health Care?

3. Who was the last U.S. President to propose “Single-Payer” Universal Health Care?

4. Did any Democratic-Party Presidential Candidate in this last election cycle propose SINGLE-PAYER Universal Health Care?

5. Was there a Democratic Presidential Candidate in this last election cycle whose health-care proposal was not even “universal”?

6. Did Tim Russert on “Meet the Press” on 12/5/2007 accuse that Democratic Presidential Candidate of a “lack of candor” for claiming that his health-care proposal was universal when, in fact, it was not?

7. What is the difference in how “universal” health INSURANCE is financed depending on whether there is a “mandate” (a requirement to buy the insurance)?

8. How is “Single-Payer” Universal Health Care typically financed in European countries?

9. How do uninsured inner-city residents in the U.S. obtain health care?

10. How are the costs of providing health care to uninsured inner-city residents absorbed?

11. Is there a substantial number of inner-city hospitals in bankruptcy because such a high percentage of their total costs cannot be recovered from uninsured inner-city residents?

12. How does this method of funding health care for uninsured inner-city residents compare to the method of funding public K-12 education for inner-city kids?

13. Could both methods be described as the “Marie Antoinette ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Method”?

14. Taking into account that last week’s vote on the economic-stimulus bill on which Republicans in the House were unanimously opposed and only 3 Republican Senators voted for it, how likely is President Obama to obtain passage of any major domestic program such as universally-available health insurance? In this regard, how many “Blue Dog” Democratic Senators are there? And how many “Blue Dog” Democratic Representatives?

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