First Short Quiz - The Big Sort

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First Short Quiz - The Big Sort

Post by johnkarls »

First Short Quiz - The Big Sort: Why The Clustering Of Like-Minded America Is Tearing Us Apart

1. Is it the fault of American males that their favorite topic of conversation seems to be sports?

2. Have Americans always segregated themselves based on economic status?

3. Why is Sunday morning always called the "most segregated time" in America?

4. Who is Jonathan Kozol?

5. What does Bill Bishop, our author, claim to be the additional criterion by which America now segregates itself?

6. Is Bishop correct, or have large American metropolitan areas always segregated themselves using this additional criterion?

7. If Americans have begun in recent years to discuss politics in normal social settings, is this the "tail wagging the dog" or vice versa?

8. Are "religious lefties" more numerous in American society than the "religious right"?

9. Is Bill Bishop correct that political "independents" have become an endangered species?

10. Would President Obama have been more successful with his domestic legislative agenda if he had engaged Congressional Republicans directly, rather than abandoning the legislative process to the Democratic Committee Chairs who, to acquire the necessary seniority to become Committee Chairs, come from the "safest" states and Congressional Districts - in other words, abandoning the process to the most liberal members in each chamber?

11. Or was, instead, President Obama's fatal error the violation of Saul Alinsky's cardinal rule that you don't attack the Middle Class, thereby rendering yourself the minority party - or did President Obama think that the American electorate was so ignorant that it would never dawn on them that there aren't enough wealthy Americans to pay for President Obama's spending?

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