John Edward's Position on Health Care

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Sabotage Restorer
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John Edward's Position on Health Care

Post by Sabotage Restorer »

>45 views before sabotaged on 9/29/2007

Sabotage Restorer
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Original Topic That Was Sabotaged 9/29/2007

Post by Sabotage Restorer »

John Edward's Position on Health Care
(as of July 1, 2007)

Guaranteeing Affordable, Quality Health Care for Every American

The 47 million uninsured Americans often do not get the care they need. Each year, about 18,000 die as a result. Despite the problems of the uninsured and unnecessarily low quality care, our health care system is the most expensive in the world and insurance premiums have grown faster than wages for almost 50 years. John Edwards believes we need to reform our health care system to provide truly universal coverage - not mere access to insurance - and get better care at lower cost. Read More »

The following is what appears from clicking on “Read More” --

John Edwards has a bold plan to transform America's health care system and provide universal health care for every man, woman and child in America.

Under the Edwards Plan:

· Families without insurance will get coverage at an affordable price.

· Families with insurance will pay less and get more security and choices.

· Businesses and other employers will find it cheaper and easier to insure their workers.
The Edwards Plan achieves universal coverage by:

· Requiring businesses and other employers to either cover their employees or help finance their health insurance.

· Making insurance affordable by creating new tax credits, expanding Medicaid and SCHIP, reforming insurance laws, and taking innovative steps to contain health care costs.

· Creating regional "Health Care Markets" to let every American share the bargaining power to purchase an affordable, high-quality health plan, increase choices among insurance plans, and cut costs for businesses offering insurance.

· Once these steps have been taken, requiring all American residents to get insurance.

Securing universal healthcare for every American will require the active involvement of millions of Americans. Click here to show your support for universal health care.

Click here for more details of the Edwards Plan for Universal Health Care (PDF)

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Seven of the Democratic presidential contenders spent all of Saturday morning talking about their health care policies at an union organized forum at UNLV; and while they vowed to provide universal coverage if elected, only John Edwards presented a plan with any significant details.

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The New Republic: Health of Nations

Mar 19, 2007

"When [John Edwards] unveiled his universal coverage scheme earlier this year, he came right out and acknowledged his plan to pay for it with taxes. The benefit more than outweighed the cost, he said without evasion, as if the concept were self- evident--and firmly in the mainstream of U.S. politics. That's certainly where it belongs."

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Mar 2, 2007

"A majority of Americans say the federal government should guarantee health insurance to every American, especially children, and are willing to pay higher taxes to do it, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll."

Tell your health care story

Feb 19, 2007

Why do you support John Edwards’ plan for universal health care? Follow simple steps to write a letter to the editor of your community newspaper.

New York Times: Edwards Gets It Right
Feb 9, 2007

"So this is a smart, serious proposal. It addresses both the problem of the uninsured and the waste and inefficiency of our fragmented insurance system. And every candidate should be pressed to come up with something comparable."

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